

Wuhan City Career Women Sports Consumer Behavior Analysis

【作者】 杜娟

【导师】 侯斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 体育消费是用货币购买体育效用的经济活动,即人们为满足多样化的体育需求,采用不同的方式消耗体育物资产品和服务产品的过程。它是在职业女性的物质生活需要得到满足的前提下产生的一种发展、享受的消费类型,是在体育达到一定程度的社会化和普及化的情况下所出现的一种新型的消费方式。体育消费已经成为职业女性生活消费的一个重要的组成部分。职业女性体育消费行为是职业女性在认识了体育消费价值的基础上,根据自身需要和条件,寻求、购买和使用体育用品、劳务或服务的过程。职业女性在经济上有一定的实力投入体育消费,她们的健康状况直接关系到社会财富的创造、社会家庭的稳定幸福,而只有更好的了解职业女性体育消费行为,才能制定切实可行的对策,从而促进武汉市体育事业的发展,体育市场的健康繁荣。本文除引言外,主体共分三个部分。第一部分是体育消费行为的概述。通过引入行动者——系统动态学理论和卢因行为模型,分析了体育消费行为的三个环节:心理反映模式、体育消费的实施和体育消费评价以及包含的具体内容。同时对体育消费的进程、购买行为模式和类型进行了说明。这为后面分析武汉市职业女性体育的消费行为提供了理论依据。第二部分是武汉市职业女性体育消费行为的分析。本文采用文献资料研究法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法和逻辑分析方法,以行动者——系统动态学为理论指导对武汉市职业女性体育消费行为作了较为全面的分析,从武汉市职业女性体育消费的需要得产生到消费动机及消费信息的搜集与选择,完成了一系列的心理反映的过程;再从武汉市职业女性体育消费水平与消费结构、体育消费的环境和体育消费方式四方面具体的分析了武汉市职业女性体育消费行为的实施过程;最后对武汉市职业女性体育消费的满意度进行了评价。同时,引入了卢因行为模型着重对影响武汉市职业女性体育消费的内、外因素进行了研究。第三部分是武汉市职业女性体育消费行为研究后得出的结论,并从从管理者(政府)、经营者(体育企业)和消费者(职业女性)三个层面提出了相应的建议,为进一步提高武汉市职业女性身体素质和体育消费水平,从而提高武汉市体育产业的水平,繁荣武汉体育市场起到了一定的参考作用。对武汉市职业女性体育消费行为的研究有利于全民健身运动的进一步开展,对提高武汉市体育产业的经济效益提供充分的实证依据。文章的创新之处在于选取职业女性这一特殊的主体,着力从社会学理论入手进行研究,阐明了体育消费行为是一个受多因素影响和制约的动态的开放系统。围绕着这个系统对武汉市职业女性体育消费行为进行了全方位、多角度的分析。采用问卷调查法和座谈法,深入了解了武汉市职业女性体育消费行为的现状及存在的问题,为切实提高她们的体育消费水平提供了实证的依据,具有较强的现实意义。文章立论建立在社会学的科学理论基础上,运用数理统计和逻辑分析的方法进行研究,以期加强理论研究的科学性。

【Abstract】 Sports consumption is the currency used to buy sports effectiveness of the economic activity, that is, people to meet the diversified needs in sports, a different approach consumption of sports products supplies products and services process. It is the professional women’s material needs have been met under the premise of a development, and enjoyment of the consumer type, in sports reached a certain degree of social and popularization of the circumstances in a new type of consumption patterns. Sports consumption has become career women living consumption of a key component.Career women sports consumer behavior is the understanding of women in the professional sports consumption on the basis of value, in accordance with their own needs and conditions, to seek, the purchase and use of sporting goods, services or service process. Career women in the economy and have a certain degree of strength in consumption in sports, and their health status directly related to the creation of social wealth, and social and family stability happiness, and only a better understanding of consumer behavior sports career women will develop practical measures, Wuhan City, thus promoting the development of sports, sports market healthy and prosperous. In addition to this introduction, the main body is divided into three parts.The first part is a summary of sports consumer behavior. By introducing actors - the system dynamics theory and Lewin behavior model, analysis of the sports consumer behavior of the three areas: psychological reflection mode, sports consumption and the implementation of sports consumption evaluation and includes the specific content. At the same time the process of the sports consumer buying behavior patterns and the type of a note. This analysis behind Wuhan City career women in sports consumer behavior provide a theoretical basis.The second part of Wuhan City career women sports consumer behavior analysis. In this paper, using literature research, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics and logical analysis to action - for the system dynamics theory to guide the Wuhan City career women sports consumer behavior made more comprehensive analysis, from Wuhan Urban career women in the sports consumer needs to produce consumer motivation and the collection of consumer information and choice, has completed a series of psychological reflected in the process from the Wuhan City career women sports consumption level and consumption structure, the environment and sports consumption Sports Consumption four specific ways of Wuhan City sports career women in the implementation of consumer behavior; Finally, the Wuhan City career women sports consumer satisfaction were evaluated. At the same time, the introduction of the Lewin model focused on the impact of Wuhan City career women’s sports consumption inside and outside factors.The third part is Wuhan City career women sports consumer behavior study concluded, and managers from the (government), the operators (Sports enterprise) and consumer (career women) three levels of the corresponding recommendations for further Wuhan City career women improve physical fitness and sports consumption levels, thereby raising Wuhan City sports industries, and sports market prosperity Wuhan played a certain references. Wuhan City career women on sports consumption behavior of the people to exercise the further development of the sports industry in Wuhan City improve the economic benefits of the provision of adequate empirical basis.The innovation lies in the article career women choose this particular subject, and focus on sociological theory from start to study, elaborated on consumer behavior is a sports by multiple factors affect the dynamics and constraints of the open system. This system around Wuhan City career women on sports consumption conduct all-round, multi-angle analysis. A questionnaire survey and informal discussions, in-depth understanding of the Wuhan City career women sports consumer behavior and the status of the existing problems, and truly raise the level of their sports consumption provided the empirical basis, with strong practical significance. Sociological arguments in the article established on the basis of a scientific theory, the use of mathematical statistics and logical analysis method to study with a view to strengthening the scientific nature of the theoretical research.

【关键词】 职业女性体育消费行为分析建议
【Key words】 Career WomenSports ConsumptionAnalysisProposal
  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】576

