

On Incentive and Restraint of MBO for University

【作者】 李任

【导师】 董泽芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自80年代以来,我国很多高校开始尝试运用目标管理。高校目标管理实质上就是目标管理思想理论在高等学校管理中的实际运用,是领域化了的德鲁克管理实践。在高校中推行目标管理,实际上就是针对特殊的管理对象实施有效激励与约束的活动。激励与约束是两种具有有机联系的活动,它通常以一种完整、统一的形式存在于高校目标管理实践之中。由于激励与约束始终贯穿于高校目标管理活动的各个环节,因而高校目标管理中的激励与约束问题是多目标、多内容、多形式、多因素、多方法、多阶段的复杂问题,可见,对此问题专门、系统和深入的研究必将为高校目标管理实践奠定坚实的基础。本文主要是通过激励理论来归纳分析激励与约束存在的基础思想,从而具体地整理出激励与约束的特点及其之间的相互关系和存在形式,并通过访谈调查法对当前高校目标管理中激励与约束的实际状况进行了研究,最后探讨高校目标管理中激励与约束的有效路径。论文除导论与结语之外,主体内容共包含四个部分:第一部分介绍了高校目标管理中激励与约束的理论基础。此部分主要是通过对马斯洛的需求层次论、麦格雷戈的人性理论或称X·Y理论、斯金纳的行为矫正论、亚当斯的社会比较论等四种激励理论的全面阐释来解读高校目标管理中激励与约束的相关问题。第二部分对高校目标管理中激励与约束的关系、特点及其形式进行了探讨,旨在找出其中与一般管理激励与约束的异同之处。第三部分通过实证调查分析,对高校目标管理中的激励与约束相关问题进行实践举隅,从而找出主要存在的问题及其分析其原因。第四部分主要是围绕研究的问题有针对性地提出优化高校目标管理中激励与约束作用的三条路径:围绕本质特点实现激励与约束的有的放矢、把握关键尺度构建激励与约束的和谐关系、运用多种形式追求激励与约束的内外并重。本论文虽然在研究方法上依然沿袭传统的文献研究、比较研究、调查研究,但本文对高校目标管理中激励与约束问题的探讨却是站在一个新的角度,即深入到高校目标管理的每一个环节中对问题进行分析。

【Abstract】 Since the 1980s, many Universities in our country have been attempting to utilize management by objectives (MBO). The practice is, materially, the actual utilization of MBO thought theory in the College and University management and the practice of Drucker Management in some field. The Carry-out of MBO in the university, in fact, implement effective activity of driving and the restraining over the special management object. The incentive and the restraint are two kinds of movements which have the organic connections usually existing in the MBO practice by the complete and unified form. Because the incentive and the restraint lie in the links of MBO activity, thus the drive and restraint in MBO for university is a complex problem which belongs to multi-objective, multi-content, the multi-form, the multi-factor, the multi-method, the multi-stage. Obviously, the special, systematic and overall study on it, will certainly lay the solid foundation for the practice of the university management by objectives.The article focuses on Motive Theory and firstly explores fundamental thoughts of the incentive and restraint, secondly introduces their characteristics, relationship and existing form, thirdly gives the measures of optimizing effect. The main body of the paper involves into three parts (not including the introductory remarks and the conclusion): The basis of theory the incentive and restraint in MBO for university is introduced in the first part which mainly includes Hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow, X&Y Theory by McGregor, Skinner’s Behavior Correction Theory, and Adams’s Society Comparison. The relation, the characteristic and the form between and of the incentive and restraint are discussed in the second part with the purpose of discovering the differences from the general drive and restraining in management and improving the mechanism of incentive and restraining of MBO for university. In the third part, the above mentioned aspects are reflected from the practice. In the final part, the optimizing measures of the drive and restraining function are expressed.Although still applying the traditional research means such as the literature research, the comparison research, it concentrates upon the implementation systematic characteristic and the overall coordination of the incentive and restraining in each link.

  • 【分类号】G647.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】709

