

Chinese Social Historiography Summarization of Xisheng Tao

【作者】 李晓靖

【导师】 田彤;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 上个世纪的二十年代到四十年代,中国社会史研究掀起了一个小的高潮,出现了在当时及现在都有一定影响的人物,如顾颉刚、郭沫若、吕振羽、翦伯赞、周谷城等,这些人因其对史学研究的贡献长时间受到学人的敬仰。陶希圣作为当时社会史研究中的一员,因为政治上的原因,其史学研究一直被学人有意无意地回避或忽视。随着学术氛围的日益宽松,如今陶希圣的史学研究渐渐受到学人的关注。本文所要关注的就是陶希圣的中国社会史研究。文章共分三个部分。第一章介绍了陶希圣的教育背景和相关著述,以及其创办的学术刊物《食货》。陶希圣先后接受家庭教育与学校正规教育,对中西方文化都有涉猎。这为其之后的史学研究奠定了基础。第二章主要说明陶希圣研究中国社会史的理念、方法和分析框架。陶希圣在中国社会史研究过程中,既从历史中寻找解决当时社会问题的答案,同时也重视对史料的搜集整理,从史料出发重读历史,并提出了“魏晋封建说”。在陶希圣看来,研究社会史除了运用一般的科学方法,如概括的记述法、抽象法、统计法、归纳法、演绎法等外,社会史研究还应该根据自己的特点,应用历史的观点、社会的观点、唯物的观点来考察。此外,还介绍了陶希圣分析中国社会史的框架,即从政治制度、经济基础、社会构造、社会关系、民族意识与阶级意识、宗法理论与实际等方面对社会史展开研究。第三章概括总结了陶希圣社会史的特点。首先,他在史学研究的过程中重视唯物史观的方法论。其次,他重视史料在史学研究中的作用,但他对史料与理论方法的关系又有清醒、辩证的认识。再次,对陶希圣所主张的“魏晋封建说”进行了简要的梳理。最后,介绍了陶希圣对民间社会的研究。本文采用分析、归纳、比较的方法,通过对陶希圣相关著述的解读及与当时学人的史学研究相对照,从横的方面对陶希圣的社会史研究进行考察,以求对其社会史研究有一个整体的、系统的把握。

【Abstract】 From twenty to forty of last century,with the new development of Chinese social historiography study,many people make deep influence on social historiography,such as J.G.Gu,M.R.Guo,Z.L.Lv,B.Z.Jian,G.C.Zhou,and so on.All of them win great honor in a long time because of contribution in historiography research.X.S.Tao is an important participant at that time.But,his research in historiography research is avoided or neglect always,because of his political problem.With the more and more freedom of academic environment,people attend to Tao’ study results over again.The aim of the paper is to review the achievement of X.S.Tao in the study of social historiography.In the first part,education background and monograph of Tao’s is introduced. Profiting from family education and school education in youth,X.S.Tao knows well in Chinese culture and West culture,which establish a good context for Tao’s later study in social historiography.In the second part,the idea,method and analysis outline of Tao’s study in Chinese social historiography is presented.In the one hand,he likes to find the answers of social problem from history;in the other hand,he pays much attention to arrange historical resource and puts forward "Wei-Jin Feudal Doctrine".In his viewpoint,the way of social historiography study not only includes record and narration,abstract method,statistics method,induction,deductive method,but also includes historical,social materialistic method.In the third part,the characters of X.S.Tao social historiography are summarized. X.S.Tao also spreads civilian society from political system,economic foundation,social fabric(such as penny,paladin,scholar-bureaucrat,bureaucrat,abbes and army),social relation(such as marriage,family),national consciousness,class consciousness and patriarchal clan system.For a general and systemic mastery of social historiography study,the paper gives a new review roundly of Tao’s research in social historiography by a transverse way through unscrambling X.S.Tao’s treatise and collating between Tao’s viewpoint and other study results in that age.

  • 【分类号】K092
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】187

