

On the Speciality Evaluation in Chinese Higher Education Institutions under the Project of Quality Ensurance

【作者】 汪文琪

【导师】 陈彬;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 专业评估是保障高等教育质量的必要手段。专业是高校开展人才培养、科学研究以及社会服务的基本组成单元,其结构、办学水平以及规模效益等直接影响着高校的各个方面。建立系统的高校专业评估理论、方法、指标体系对于保障高等教育的整体质量将起到非常重要的基础作用。我国的高等教育专业评估起步较晚,专业评估制度的建设至今还处于探索阶段。相比之下,国外发达国家的高等教育专业评估有着悠久的历史,积累了丰富的经验,有完整的评估方案、明确的评估程序和周期以及奖惩办法等,制度发展得比较完善。论文首先在对高校专业评估进行理论分析的基础上,比较分析了美英高校专业评估在认证体系、标准与内容、认证程序以及评估机构与高等院校的关系等方面的特点。然后,讨论了美英高校专业评估体制给我们的启示:应当鼓励和扶持中介性质的专业认证机构,保持评估机构的专业性、独立性,重视元评估制度,信息的公开以及制度的完善等。接着,对我国高等学校专业评估的现状进行了研究,与美国高等教育专业认证相比,我国由于传统政治文化的束缚、理论研究的薄弱、制度创新的滞后以及“重学校轻专业”的倾向等因素的影响,高等教育专业评估存在着评估机构单一,评估人员缺乏专业性,指标体系不够科学,专业评估缺乏制度基础等问题。最后,提出了改进我国高校专业评估的对策建议:克服轻视专业评估的价值取向,构建专业评估的组织体系,科学制定专业评估的规范体系,加强专业评估的资源保障。

【Abstract】 Speciality evaluation is a necessary means to protect the quality of higher educaton. The speciality is the basic composition unit that the university launches personnel training, scientific research and community service, its structure, standard for running a school and scale merit, etc. are influencing all respects of the university directly. So, setting up systematic university’s speciality evaluation theory, methods, index system for assuring university’s quality play very important function and it is the foundation that the university implements reform policy and management. But, as we know, the construction of our higher education speciality evaluation is still under the exploration. Comparatively, higher education speciality evaluation system of foreign developed countries has a long history, accumulating abundant expriences, forms complete evaluation schemes, explicit evaluation procedures period and punishment ways, etc. It develops rather perfect.First, this article makes a comparative analysis of the speciality evaluation of colleges and universities in the United States and Britain, compare their characteristics in certification system, standards and content, certification procedures and the relationship between the evaluation agencies and universities, such as the characteristics based on the theoretical analysis of the speciality evaluation of the University. Then, discuss the enlightenment that the speciality evaluation of United States and Bntain given to us. Next, this article analyse the speciality evaluation of our country. Compared to the United States, our speciality evaluation has many problems, such as evaluation carried out by a single agency; non-professional evaluators; the index system is not scientific, and etc. Finally, this article proposed suggestions on improves the speciality evaluation of our country. The suggestions include: Overcome the value orientation which neglect the speciality evaluation; build organizational system; enhance the resource ensurance.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】847

