

A Study on Interactive Teaching Pattern Dominated by Both Students and Teachers in Vocational School

【作者】 史宪美

【导师】 陈佑清;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展和产业的升级,现代企业对员工的要求也越来越高,这就需要大力发展职业教育来支撑,因此,职业教育也得到国家前所未有的重视。在大力发展职业教育的今天,中职学校肩负着为国家培养数以万计高素质劳动者的重任。而传统的教学模式培养出的学生已不能满足现代企业的需求,甚至与生产实际严重脱节,只有根据企业要求和学生实际,改革教学模式,才能提高教学质量。为此,我们对职中师生的现状进行了深入调查和分析,经过反复讨论和根据学校实际,提出了“双主体互动教学模式”的理念。在这个理念的引领下,各专业部和科组根据自身学科特点,经过多年的实践和研究,构建了各学科的双主体互动式教学模式,经过老师们在教学实践中创新性地应用,取得较好教学效果,教师也得到了自我发展。本文首先阐述了双主体互动式教学模式的有关概念,然后根据职业中学的课程实际,构建起具有职业中学特色的两大类双主体互动式教学模式结构,即文化课、专业理论课模式结构和专业技能训练课模式结构,接着以语文课堂教学和计算机专业技能课中双主体互动式教学模式的应用作为案例,并分别对两种教学模式的具体操作和应用进行了描述和分析。同时提出了双主体互动教学模式促进教师自我发展的观点,并介绍了几种教师自我发展的有效途径和教师自我发展成效。最后在实践和分析的基础上提出了双主体互动式教学模式的研究结论、建议及反思。多年的实践证明:双主体互动式教学模式通过教学中师生、生生、生媒之间的互动,充分发挥了学生在学习中的主体作用,充分调动了学生学习的主动性和积极性,让学生在课堂中主动参与,使课堂成为积极互动的、高效的课堂,使学生和教师一起成为课堂的主人,进而提高学校的办学质量和办学水平。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy and the upgrade of indutry, morden enterprises are presenting new demands on their new employees. In order to meet all the needs from these enterprises,we need to make great effort to promote the occupational education. For this our government has alreadly paid much more attention to the occupational education than ever. And it goes without saying that our vocational schools take on the most responsibility to help our country cultivate thousands of qualified workers, on the other hand,the traditional teaching pattern in vocational school can no longer meet the needs from the enterprises at present time, or even break away from the reality. To settle this problem, we need to revamp our traditional teaching pattern. Thus,we have made a thorough investigation and analysis of the status quo of teachers and students, and then after some discussions about it with the consideration of our school’s current conditions, we determine to put forward interactive teaching pattern dominated by both students and teachers in vocational school. In the light of this teaching pattern, all specialized departments and departments of general knowledge course have developed their own teaching method based on the teaching pattern after years of study and prectice on it.This article first gives a detailed explaination about the teaching pattern, and then the framework of it compatible with vocational school conditions. The pattern is divided into two cetagories, one is aimed at general knowledge course, the other is for specialized training course. Then it gives a detailed describtion and analysis about the appliance of the pattern to Chinese course and computer course. Meanwhile, the article suggests that the pattern mey promote the self-development of teachers, and it continues to introduce several ways benaficial for the teachers’ self -development.To the end, some suggestion, conclusion and reflection on it is to be brought up.Through years of practice, it proves that the teaching pattern brings the students’ initiative into full play, and at the same time greatly improve the learning effectiveness in class. All of these contribute a lot to our school teaching quality and the ooverall efficiency of school.

  • 【分类号】G712.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】323

