

The Training Research of Mathematics Applicative Awareness for High School Students

【作者】 郭春艳

【导师】 陈志云;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 数学课程教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代社会中,数学应用越来越广泛,几乎渗透到生活的各个领域。国外许多发达国家都把中小学数学教学改革的重点放在应用意识的培养上,我国也加大了培养学生数学应用意识的力度。目前最直接的一个体现是2003年颁布的《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》,把“发展学生的数学应用意识”作为基本理念之一,新增了“数学建模”版块,并提出“应力求使学生体验数学在解决实际问题中的作用,数学与日常生活及其它学科的联系,促进学生逐步形成和发展数学应用意识,提高实践能力。”相应地,在现行新教材的编写中,也突出了要培养学生的数学应用意识。而作为基础教育中的高中数学教育,应该反映一定的时代需求,同时高中生的思维已从抽象经验型思维向抽象理论型转化,已经能够用理论作指导分析、综合各种事实材料,并且他们的学习活动更具有自觉性、主动性和目的性。这一阶段的学生一旦充分认识到数学应用的价值,就会激发起他们对数学的兴趣,激发起他们用数学知识解决实际问题的意识,从而提高数学应用能力。因此,在高中阶段培养学生的数学应用意识是必要的,也是重要的。全文共分为五部分:第一部分阐述了研究培养数学应用意识的背景与意义。第二部分界定了数学应用意识的概念及与其有关的概念;对数学应用与应用数学、数学应用意以与数学应用能力进行了辨析;结合自己已有的理论和认识,提出了培养数学应用意识的理论依据。第三部分是实践部分,作者对武汉市洪山高中学生的数学应用意识进行了抽样调查,分析了该校高中生目前的数学应用意识现状和产生原因。第四部分针对前面抽样调查的结果,提出了高中数学教学中培养学生数学应用意识的几点措施。第五部分给出了两个培养学生数学应用意识的教学案例。本选题的研究目的:通过实践探索,力求找到培养高中生数学应用意识的有效策略,使他们成为能适应现代社会生活的人。

【Abstract】 In modern society, the application of mathematics is more and more extensive, almost penetrated into all areas of life. For many developed countries, the reform of mathematics teaching in primary and secondary schools has been focusing on the cultivation of mathematics applicative consciousness. China is also growing the intensity in training students’ consciousness of mathematics application. At present, a 2003 promulgated "ordinary high school’ math curriculum standards (Experimental) " is the most direct expression. It looks the development of mathematics applicative consciousness as one of the basic concept, and added the "mathematical modeling" section. At the same time, it thinks we should seek to chance to enable students experience the role of mathematics in solving practical problems, the contact of Mathematics and other subjects and daily life. So that we can gradually promote students to form and develop the awareness to improve the ability to practice. .Accordingly, in the preparation of present new materials, also highlighted the need to cultivate awareness of mathematics application.As a basic education, high school mathematics education should reflect the needs of a certain age. At the same time, the thinking of high school students has transformed from the experience of abstract thinking to the theory of abstract. They have been able to use theory to analysis as the guidance, and integrate of material facts. And their learning activities are more consciousness, initiative and purpose. Once the students of this stage understand fully the value of Mathematics application, will stimulate their interest in mathematics and explore the awareness with mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems and enhance the ability of mathematical application. Therefore, training students’ math application awareness in high school is necessary and important.The full text is divided into five parts: The first part of the test tell the background and significance of researching on cultivating mathematical application awareness. The second part defines the concept of mathematical application awareness and discriminates mathematical application and applied mathematics, Mathematics application awareness and mathematics application capacity. I combine theory and own understanding to seek the theoretical basis of cultivating mathematics application awareness .The third part is part of practice, the author make a sample survey for high school students’ mathematical application awareness in Wuhan Hongshan .And analyses the current status and causes of mathematics application awareness in high school students. The forth part, for the results of the survey, the author gives the few measures for training high school students’ math application awareness in mathematics teaching. The last part gives two training math application awareness’ case in mathematics teaching. The purpose of this theme: through practice and exploration, so that we can find effective strategies for training mathematical application awareness of high school students and make them can adapt to social life.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】137

