

Research on Australian Flexible Learning Framework

【作者】 郝理想

【导师】 王建梁;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 E-1earning是一种新型的学习形式,与传统课堂教学相比,具有独特的优越性。澳大利亚的灵活学习体系是目前世界上E-learning发展最为成功的案例之一。我国的E-learning发展正处在培育期向发展期过渡的关键阶段,勇于借鉴国外E-learning实践的有益经验,积极探索其在我国的有效发展模式是值得深入探讨的焦点问题。本文从澳大利亚灵活学习体系的政策演进历程开始,以灵活学习体系的五大行动领域为纲,深入探究这一体系实施的成功经验,提出对我国E-learning发展的建议。本论文的总体框架为:第一部分:澳大利亚灵活学习体系政策制定的背景分析。包括国际信息技术教育发展的大环境和澳大利亚国内的教育环境。第二部分:主要叙述澳大利亚以E-learning为主要内容的灵活学习体系政策发展历程。其政策发展分为三个阶段,第一阶段主要是制定E-learning发展的先导性政策,出台了一系列相关规定与标准;第二阶段是制定具体实施政策的阶段,颁布了一系列的详细实施计划;第三阶段是未来展望阶段,对将来的澳大利亚E-learning发展做出远景规划。第三部分:主要阐释澳大利亚灵活学习体系的具体内容及分析其实施的具体环节。在内容方面,主要从人力资源开发、技术基础设施建设、内容开发应用服务、政策支持和建立健全法规等五个方面叙述;在实施方面,从决策管理层、具体实践层、辅助咨询层三个层次来分析。第四部分:这部分是对澳大利亚灵活学习体系实施效果的具体评估,包括所取得的积极成效以及目前仍存在的问题;吸取澳大利亚实施灵活学习体系的成功经验,进而提出在我国发展E-learning的合理性建议。

【Abstract】 E-learning is a new style of learning. It has a special advantage compare with the traditional class structuring move. Since 1990s, most of countries in the world to focus on multimedia computer technology and network communications technology as the core for an upsurge of education reform, and the development of E-learning in Australian flexible learning system is one of the most successful case. E-learning development in China is transforming from the training period to a critical stage of the developing period, in this situation, we need the full courage to learn from foreign countries’ E-learning practice , and focus on its in-depth study or explore effective development model in China. This paper will discuss from Australian policy development of the flexible learning system, and display the top five areas of the flexible learning system as the key link, and then, thoroughly explore the implementation of the system’s successful experience, propose a solution to Chinese E-learning development.In this paper, the general framework for:Part I: The formulation background of Australian flexible learning system policies, including international information technology education and the development of Australia’s education environment.Part II: This part described Australian major vocational education E-learning policy development process. Its policy development is divided into three phases, the first major stage of development of E-learning is the precursor for the development of policy, promulgated a series of relevant regulations and standards; second stage is the concrete implementation of the policy formulation stage, the promulgation of a series of detailed implementation Plans; third stage is the prospect stage, the future of the Australian E-learning development of long-term planning.Part III: The main narrative Australian flexible learning systems and analysis of the specific content of the specific aspects of its implementation. In content, mainly from human resources development, technical infrastructure, content development and application services, policy support and establish and improve laws and regulations, and other five areas described in the implementation, management decision-making, the concrete practice of, support of the three advisory Level of analysis. Part IV: This part of the Australian flexible learning system to assess the implementation of the specific effects, including the positive results achieved at present. There are still some problems about its implementation and flexible learning lessons. Using its successful experience and reasonable recommendations, we will improve the development of the E-learning in China.

  • 【分类号】G719.611
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】84

