

Developing a Model of Teaching Culture in the English Classroom for High School Learners

【作者】 汤春梅

【导师】 高晓芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 语言和文化的关系十分密切。一方面,语言是文化的载体和映射,离开了语言,人类文化不可想象;另一方面,文化是语言的底座,离开了文化,语言也就失去了内容和意义。然而,一直以来,在中学英语教学中,文化学习是被忽视的一部分。新颁布的英语课程标准把文化意识列为课程目标之一,但如何系统地,有效地在中学英语教学中进行中西文化知识的渗透还没有明确的答案。本文以具体的教学实验为基础,在分析实验过程中所收集的数据后,详细地讨论了中学英语教学中培养学生文化意识的方法;系统地阐述了如何在中学英语教学中构建文化知识与语言知识相结合的教学模式。分析结果表明:用文化知识与语言知识相结合的教学方法能有效促进高中学生文化知识的习得,可避免跨文化交际中的语用错误,能全面促进学生语言能力的形成和发展。同时能加深学生对本族文化的理解,培养他们的世界意识和人文精神。在一定程度上,论文为进一步的研究高中文化教学提供了参考价值和研究基础。

【Abstract】 Language and culture are deeply related to each other. On one hand ,language is the matrix and reflection of culture. Without language, no one could kow what human’s culture would become. On the other hand,culture is the base of language. Without culture, language could make no sense. However, culture teaching has been neglected in English teaching in Senior Middle Schools in China. The newly- issued Criterious for English Courses regard the culture awareness as one of their goals. But how we can have the Western Culture seep into our language teaching is still under solution.This thesis,based on a series of teaching experiments,discusses analyzes the datas collected during the experiments, discusses the ways to foster students’culture awareness in detail,and explains how to develop the teaching models which can well combine the language studies and culture teaching. After that, it comes to the conclusion that the teaching method which combines the language studies and culture teaching together will help students to acquire culture easily. Besides, in this way,students can reduce some pragmatic mistakes during the cross-culture communication,which can help.students to fully develop their language abilities. Meanwhile, to understand a new culture can help students understand our native culture better, which in turn can cultivate their global awareness and humanism spirits.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】387

