

Research on the Design of Geography Inquiry Teaching

【作者】 熊国权

【导师】 李家清;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 地理探究式教学设计,在探究教学理论与地理教学实践之间起着桥梁和纽带的作用。研究地理探究式教学设计,对于加速探究式教学从理论向实践的转化,推动我国地理新课程改革向前发展,以及促进学生地理素养的全面提高,具有十分重要的意义。本文主要分为三大部分。第一部分(包括引言、第一、二章)是概述部分,主要阐述了本课题的研究背景、现状、理论基础等,界定了探究式教学的基本概念。第二部分(包括第三、四章)是基础研究部分。紧扣地理探究式教学设计这一主题,分析了探究式教学基本特征,总结了探究教学的一般过程模式及其变化,为开展地理探究式教学设计提供基本的依据。第三部分(包括第五、六章)是设计和实践部分,较为系统地对地理探究式教学的优化设计进行了论述。论述的主要方面包括探究教学选题、目标、问题、过程设计以及评价等。理论必须与实践相结合,本文在最后(第六章)设计了三个具有不同特征的探究式教学实例,作为前面论述的例证。本文认为,地理探究式教学设计,必须体现探究式教学的基本特征:要注意选择适宜的探究课题;要设计多目的的教学目标,不仅要包括地理学科知识、探究技能和能力,还要包括对科学探究本质的感受和体验等;根据教学需要灵活选择探究教学的过程模式;要在评价、反思中不断修改和完善等。以上观点,并非空中楼阁,而是建立在一定的文献研究、案例分析和设计实践基础之上的。

【Abstract】 Geography inquiry teaching design plays a role of a bridge and link between the teaching theory and practice of teaching geography. To study geography inquiry teaching design, which may speed up the inquiry teaching from theory to practice, may promote the development of the Geographic New Curriculum Reform in China, and may promote geographic literacy of students overall, is of great significance.This paper is divided into three parts. The first part (including the introduction, the first and second chapters) is to provide an overview of the background on this main topic’s research, the status quo, theoretical basis, and is to define the basic concepts of inquiry teaching.The second part (including the third, four chapters) is the basic research part. For the subject of geography inquiry teaching design, it has analyzed the basic characteristics of inquiry teaching, summed up the general process of Inquiry Teaching and model changes in order to provide basic basis for geography inquiry teaching design.The third part (including the fifth, VI) is the design and practice part, some more systematic exposition of the optimal inquiry teaching design, including selecting topics, objectives, problems, process design and evaluation and so on, is discussed. The theory must unify with the practice, the paper in the final (Chapter 6) points out three inquiry teaching examples designed with three different characteristics, as discussed earlier ones.This article believes that, geography inquiry teaching design must reflect the characteristics of inquiry teaching; pay attention to selecting appropriate explore issues; design multi-purpose teaching objectives which include not only geographical subject knowledge, skills and ability to explore, but also feelings and experience for scientific exploration; under the teaching needs, choose Inquiry Teaching mode flexibly; evaluate, reflect on constantly, revise and make perfect, and so on. The above point of view, not castles in the air, but is on certain literature research, case studies and design based on the practice.

【关键词】 地理探究式教学设计
【Key words】 geographyinquiry teachingdesign
  • 【分类号】G633.55
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1155

