

"Guai Behavior" and Preliminary Study for Guai Child

【作者】 丁浙英

【导师】 江光荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,部分父母用“乖”或“不乖”来评价儿童的一切行为表现,“乖孩子”就是“好孩子”的标准。但近年来,“乖孩子”有严重的心理问题,甚至是自杀的报道屡有见诸报端。部分教育工作者更是旗帜鲜明地提出“教育的目的不是培养乖孩子”。国内针对“乖孩子”的专题研究才刚刚起步,无论是理论研究还是实践研究都很欠缺,目前的研究现状是经验总结多,量化研究少,没有适合的有针对性的测量工具,缺少成熟系统的理论指导。因此,本研究拟通过探索“乖孩子”在家庭中的表现来探寻中国式“乖孩子”的具体形象,并进一步编制儿童家庭表现量表,探讨“乖孩子”家庭表现的总体状况以及它们与家庭教养方式及儿童成年后人格之间的关系。期望本研究可填补这方面的空白,为建立健康的家庭教育模式提供理论参考。本研究采用文献法、访谈法、问卷调查法,使用自编儿童家庭表现量表、卡特尔十六种个性因素测验(16PF)、父母养育方式评价量表(EMBU)。以在校大学生及其父母为被试,使用邮政投递、集中填答两种方式进行施测。首先,采用文献法、访谈法、问卷调查法发现父母眼中“乖孩子”的家庭表现项目,籍此编制了儿童家庭表现量表,其次采用t检验和相关分析探讨了“乖孩子”家庭表现的总体状况以及它们与儿童成年后人格及父母养育方式之间的关系。研究结果表明:1.在父母眼里,“乖孩子”的童年家庭表现主要表现在四个方面:学习表现、孝顺表现、勤劳表现、懂事表现。2.儿童期被父母评价为“乖”或“不乖”的孩子,成年后在人格的乐群性、聪慧性、稳定性(情绪)、持强性、敢为性、实验性、独立性、自律性8个维度上没有显著差异。3.父亲过分干涉与儿童期的孝顺表现、勤劳表现呈负相关。

【Abstract】 In China,some parents valuate children with the only standard of guai,which is a unique concept in Chinese culture.Guai means obeying,smartness,honesty,and diligence.A guai child never bothers his or her parents,so some parents hold the opinion that a good child is a guai child.Recently,some educational experts proposed that,the aim of education is not to cultivate guai children.The study of guai children just starts, consequently either theoretical or experimental research is lacking.In spite of many experience summaries in this field,there are few quantitative research,suitable measurement tools,and mature theories.In this thesis,this phenomenon was studied by exploring the behaviors of guai children in families.A rating scale of children behaviors in families was made up to study the guai children behaviors in families,and discover the relation between these behaviors and their personalities in adult period.This study may provide theoretical guide to build up healthy home education model.This study follows the reference method,interview method,and questionnaire method,and the home-built children family behavior rating scale,Catteii the Sixteen Personality Pactor Text or Questionnaire,Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppfost are used. The college students and their parents were measured with these rating scales.Firstly,the family behavior items of guai children are found through the reference method,interview method,and questionnaire method,and the home-built children family behavior rating scale was made up based on these items.Secondly,the whole status of guai children in families and the relation between the adult personality and the education approach were studied with T-test and correlating analysis.The research result contains the following two sections.1.In the parents’ view,the family behaviors of guai children are expressed as four aspects:study,fealty,diligence,and intelligence.2.There are not remarkable difference between guai and nonguai children in the following eight dimensions after they grew up,prosocial,intelligent,stability, ambition,courage,creativity,independence,self-discipline.3.There is negative correlation between the over intervene of father and the fealty and diligence of child.

  • 【分类号】G78
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】306

