

Building and Application of Land Use Database on County Scale Based on MAPGIS

【作者】 廖名良

【导师】 喻光明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 土地资源是人类赖以生存的最基本的自然资源。随着我国经济的迅速发展、人口的剧增、城市化进程的加快和居民生活水平的提高,建设用地增长较快,农业结构不断变化,土地利用现状变化加快。对土地资源利用情况的准确掌握和快速的动态更新,利于提高土地资源合理开发利用的科学性,为土地资源的可持续发展提供准确的决策信息。因此,全面及时地掌握土地资源环境的基本状况对全国各省乃至各县市都至关重要。尤其在县级土地资源管理过程中,每年都需要进行以县区为单位的土地利用变更调查,要求能够快速获取土地利用的数量、质量、权属、土地利用各地类的空间分布和利用状况,以及土地动态变化的信息和趋势。而传统的土地利用现状管理采用手工模式,在实际应用中表现出效率低,图件更新不及时、不到位,土地利用现状资料现势性差等问题。在此情况下,采用先进的空间信息技术和数据库技术及时准确地掌握土地利用的动态变化趋势,实现数据的快速更新和有效管理,为土地利用总量动态平衡的宏观调控提供高效的辅助手段已迫在眉睫。湖北省荆门市东宝区土地利用数据库是国家重点投资项目。本论文基于土地管理部门的要求,以项目区为研究区域,以荆门市东宝区土地利用数据库建库的资料为数据源,依据国家和湖北省的相关技术规范、标准,应用MAPGIS和MAPGIS土地利用数据库管理系统建设荆门市东宝区土地利用数据库,并进行部分应用研究。本研究旨在研究县级土地利用数据库的建设方法,期望对土地利用数据库建设进行整体的、长远的、科学的指导,达到提高建库的速度和质量。通过对数据库应用的研究,期望将数据库成果应用于日常管理工作中,更好的为国土资源管理工作服务,为国民经济建设服务,充分发挥数据库的最大效益。本论文简要阐述了GIS数据库的理论与方法。在荆门市东宝区土地利用数据库需求分析的基础上,结合项目的实际条件和建库依据对数据库进行合理的设计,采用了切实可行的技术路线,并设计了行之有效的数据采集流程。在图形数据采集完成后进行了校正和投影转换、图幅拼接,再将输入FoxPro的属性数据链接到图形数据。这样,一方面图形数据和属性数据可以同时采集,另一方面只需检查图形数据的接边情况,在图形数据正确的情况下不需要检查属性数据的拼接,不仅加快了建库的速度而且提高了数据库的质量。在数据入库前和入库后都要进行严格的检查和检测以保证数据库的质量。数据入库后要经过检索查询、统计分析、报表生成、属性和地图输出部分功能的检测。研究表明,将县级土地利用数据库应用到土地开发整理规划中,从现有的数据库中提出所需属性数据和图形数据,对项目区的土地利用结构、新增耕地潜力等因素进行分析并输出土地利用现状图,大大节省了项目的工作量。除此之外,县级土地利用数据库在其他方面也有广泛的用途,如地藉管理、基本农田保护区的划定和调整、建立决策支持系统、建立网络地理数据库等。

【Abstract】 Land resource is the most basic natural resource in human lives. With the development of our country’s economy, the increase of population, and the improvement of people’s living condition, the construct land increases more quickly, the structure of agriculture changes day by day, the speed of present land use becomes faster. It is useful for improving the scientific of reasonable exploitation to master the status of land resources use exactly and the status of update and it can provide exact decision information for land resources sustainable use. So, it is crucial for all the provinces, even countys to master the environment of land resources roundly and currently. Especially in land resources management on county scale, we have to survey land use change every year in order to get the quantity, quality, property, and spatial distribution. But traditional land use adopt manual model, it is inefficient in practice and unseasonably in data updating , and land use profiles are not sure, etc. It is urgent for us to adopt advanced spatial information technology and database technology, to master dynamic change trend of land use exactly, to realize data update rapidly and land use management.The land use database in Dongbao district of the Jingmen city, Hubei province is key project of national investment. The paper bases on the request of land management institution, its research the item area, the database resources come from land use database, rely on technology standard of nation and Hubei province, build database by MAPGIS, and do some research in application. The paper search methods of building database, looking forward to guiding database build and improving building speed and quality. Through the research of database building, we expect to apply the result to daily life, make good service for land resource management and national economic construction, and make full use of database to benefit our society.The paper analyses the theory and method of GIS database. After analyzing the land use data of Dongbao district of the Jingmen city, it designs a right data collecting plan, applies a right technology route. After finishing the vector data which I correct, convert, rejoin, and then we link it to property data. Vector data and property data may collect at the same time, the error just display in edge of the vector, if the vector data is correct; it is unnecessary to check the property data. Then increase the speed of the work and quality. There are rigidly checking need to be performed on data before input and after input in order to guarantee the data quality. After data input there have to searching, inquiring, statistic analyzing and checking report generation, property and map output.The research show that applying the land use database to the land exploitation and consolidation planning, extracting property data and vector data from database, analyzing the factors of land use construction and potential of newly added arable land, outputting map of precedent land use, save a lot of work time. Added to this, land use database on county scale can be widely used in other ways, for instance, cadastre management, adjustment of basic farmland protected area, building decision support system, establish geographical data bank net and so on.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】898

