

The Study on Situated Instruction of Biology in Middle School

【作者】 胡轶群

【导师】 罗红艺;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 生物课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 创设教学情境,是目前课程改革的核心话题,也是广大教师在教学实践中不断尝试探索的课题。教师逐渐认识到教学情境创设在中学生物教学中的重要性,良好的教学情境能引起学生的情感体验,促使学生主动的建构知识。中学生物教学只有关注学习者成长的真实历程与切身感受,以真实、复杂的社会和生活情境为支撑,创设以学习者为中心的学习环境,才能更好的促进学生学习和成长。本文首先分析情境教学的含义、研究现状,并基于建构主义学习理论、情境认知与情境学习理论的情境教学理论进行学习的基础上,分析中学生物实施情境教学的意义、可行性、及需注意的问题,最后结合新课程理念,结合中学生物教学实践,研究情境创设的素材,探索情境创设的策略。全文共分成四个部分:第一部分:从情境、情境教学的含义入手,分析情境教学的历史渊源,研究现状;接着依据建构主义理论、情境认知与情境学习理论、马克思主义哲学理论来探讨情境教学借鉴的理论依据。第二部分:结合中学生物教学实践、分析新课程理念,提出中学生物实施情境教学的意义,分析中学生物教学实施情境教学的可行性和实施过程中需注意的问题。第三部分:通过分析生物教材,结合中学生认知特点,研究情境素材的搜集、分析和整理,在此基础上,进一步研究创设情境的策略,并结合具体的案例,分析其实施方法。第四部分:归纳实践过程中所遇到的问题,反思有关全面展开情境教学和提高教学效果需继续探讨和研究的问题。

【Abstract】 The concern about the teaching situation is a key topic of the course reform at present. It is the subject that teachers are trying to be explored in teaching practice constantly. The important of creating teaching situation have gradually be cognizance of by teachers, and appropriate teaching situation can arouse emotional experience and spur learning. The teaching in the middle schools should focus on the real developing process and a learner-centered study environment supported by true and complicated social situations or provided authentic activities. That will inevitably lead to learning become more effectual.In the article, I analyze the meaning of situational teaching and its research history firstly, and I study the situational teaching theory based on the constructivism theory and the situated cognition and learning theory, what is more, I summarize the meaning of situational teaching and its feasibility in the middle school, finally I analyze the new teaching materials in order to find the materials and the tactics of teaching situation under the idea of new curriculum and the teaching practice in the middle school.The dissertation is divided into four parts.The first part depicts the meaning of situated teaching, and its research history、the status of it in China. I study relevant theoretical support theory based on the constructivism theory、the situated cognition and learning theory and Marxist theory.The second part put forward the meaning of situated teaching and its feasibility; proposed four requests of situated teaching under the idea of new curriculum and the teaching practice in the middle school.The third part analyses the teaching material and children cognize characteristic, then summarize collection, arrangement and sorting out of the situational material while founding of biology teaching situation. And on this basis, I contact the teaching case to further study the tactics of founding of the biology teaching situation.The last part through reviewing, I have put forward the problem that the biology teaching situation needs to go on studying.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】671

