

The Curriculum Designing and Development of the Beijing Network Administrator Teachers of Middle and Primary Schools Network Training

【作者】 李正水

【导师】 黄荣怀;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的飞速发展,在网络远程教育和学校教育中,利用网络进行教育教学的理论研究不断取得进步和成果,其实践领域也不断成熟。随之而来的网上培训应运而生,然而作为网上培训的主要内容——网络培训课程的研究还正处于探索阶段。因此,如何设计开发网上培训课程已成为当前一个研究热点。本文针对当前我国网络课程的现状、存在的问题和网管教师的特征和需求,进行了详细调研。就如何设计与开发北京市网管教师网络培训课程《计算机与网络基础设施导论》作了系统的阐述。并在相关理论的指导下,试着从网络课程的五大构成要素的角度对该课程进行了设计与开发。在网络培训课程实施后,笔者又进行了跟踪研究,通过学员在网络培训课程实施中的表现、反应,并结合对学员的访谈和问卷调查,总结了网络培训课程的实施效果以及存在的问题,提出了进一步改进建议。本研究为下一次北京市中小学网管教师培训提供了改进建议,也为其他网络培训课程的设计与开发提供了借鉴和参考,在探索如何开发网络培训课程方面,具有一定的实践意义。同时也为设计与开发网络培训课程的理论研究提供了现实依据。

【Abstract】 With IT development at full speed, in the network distance learning and school education, the studied of theory making use of a network to carry out education and teaching is getting progress and achievement, the field of practice unceasingly is also unceasingly mature. Be that up to, train on the net arising at the historic moment, but the content of training on network, as main part training on the net, the network course research is in the net probing a stage. Therefore, how to design and develop the course of network training has already been becoming a hot spot at the present.The article has been in progress surveying detailed on current situation of our country network courses, exiting problems and the characteristics and needs of network administrator teachers. The article about how, to design and develop the Beijing network administrator teacher train’s course, "computer and network infrastructural facilities introduction" has been assumed systematic expounding. Guided by relevance theory together, it tries to design and develop that course from five the angle composing of the key elements of a network course. The author has carried out follow-up studies, the interview and questionnaire which investigated the fact that the trainees’behavior and reaction to the course of training in being put into effect in the network after the course of network trains to be put into effect, has summed up the effect and problem of the course of network training putting into practice, and has suggested that improving suggestion further.The studying on curriculum designing and development has provided improvement suggestion to the next time of middle and primary network administrator teachers training in Beijing, and has also provided drawing lessons and has consulted for the other courses of network trains. In the respect of probing how to develop the course of network training, it has certain practice significance. At the same time it also has provided the real basis to theory studying on designing and developing the courses of network training.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【下载频次】502

