

【作者】 周驰

【导师】 常章富; 张启伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 临床中药学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 紫花地丁为临床治疗疔肿疮毒的常用中药,其药用历史悠久,且品种繁杂难辨,长期以来人们对正品紫花地丁莫衷一是。加之近些年来随着中药质量标准化的推广,对其化学成分研究和质量标准的建立十分必要。鉴于此,本文特对其作专题研究,希冀通过考证研究,正本清源,论述品种,并系统的对其化学成分进行研究,分析有效成分进行含量测定,为建立质量标准提供依据。本课题包括紫花地丁的近现代文献综述、本草考证及品种论述,化学成分研究和有效成分含量测定四大部分。在第一章的文献综述中对紫花地丁近现代的相关研究分别进行了综述,这些内容包括:1.紫花地丁本草考证研究进展;2.关于堇菜科堇菜属植物紫花地丁、早开堇菜及在其它地区仍作为紫花地丁使用的豆科米口袋属植物米口袋(甜地丁)和罂粟科紫堇属植物布氏紫堇的化学成分的研究概况;3.紫花地丁的现代药理学研究进展;4.传统和现代的临床应用研究;5.有效成分含量测定的研究;在第二章的紫花地丁本草考证及品种论述中主要进行了以下研究:1.以本草历史年代为线索,结合各类方书及相关文献,从紫花地丁归属的堇菜属植物“堇”入手。在考证“堇”的发展变化脉络中,我们发现其使用历史始于周代,入药记载始于秦汉时期,并由此逐步引出作为同属植物紫花地丁从出现到品种复杂的发展过程。2.通过古今文献记载,对当今临床充当紫花地丁使用的其它科属植物进行简要论述,为进一步研究其复杂品种打下基础。在第三章的化学成分研究中我们利用薄层色谱、正相硅胶柱层析、C18反相硅胶柱层析,葡聚糖凝胶等方法对其进行有效成分的分离。结果表明:紫花地丁中主要成分为有机酸及黄酮苷类化合物。其中分离得到了14个化合物,鉴定了其中12个,分别为:竹节参皂苷Ⅵa(Chikusetsusaponin-Ⅵa)(1);芹菜素-6,8-二-C-β-D-葡萄糖苷(Vicenin-2)(2);芹菜素-6-C-β-D-吡喃葡糖基-8-C-α-L-吡喃阿拉伯糖苷(Apigenin-6-C-β-D-glucopyranosyl-8-C-α-L-arabinopyranoside)(3);芹菜素-6,8-二-C-α-L-阿拉伯糖苷(Apigenin-6,8-di-C-α-L-arabinopyrano-syl)(4);棕榈酸(Hexadecanoic acid)(6);十一烷酸(Hendecanoic acid)(7);月桂酸(Dodecanoic acid)(8);癸酸(Decanoic acid)(11);二十六烷酸(Ceratinic acid)(12);β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol)(9);D-葡萄糖(D-Glucose)(13);蔗糖(Sucrose)(14)。其中,化合物1,7,8,9,11,12,13,14为首次从该属植物中分得。在第四章的有效成分含量测定研究中,采用高效液相色谱法,对其中黄酮碳苷类化合物,芹菜素-6,8-二-C-β-D-葡萄糖苷、芹菜素-6,8-二-C-α-L-阿拉伯糖苷进行含量测定。结果为:芹菜素-6,8-二-C-β-D-葡萄糖苷的标准曲线(y=655.18x+4.2992)在0.040~1.550μg范围内质量与峰面积成良好线形关系。经测定紫花地丁中芹菜素-6,8-二-C-β-D-葡萄糖苷的含量为0.41mg/g,加样回收率为98.21%,RSD%为1.7%。芹菜素-6,8-二-C-α-L-阿拉伯糖的标准曲线(y=904.56x+10.786)在0.055~2.150μg范围内质量与峰面积成良好线形关系。经测定紫花地丁中芹菜素-6,8-二-C-β-D-葡萄糖苷的含量为0.71mg/g,加样回收率为99.09%,RSD%为1.87%。第五章:总结与讨论

【Abstract】 The Chinese herb Viola yedoensis Makino is used common treat furunculosis on the clinic, it have longtime officinal history and have complex variety. People unable to decide which is quality goods for a long time. Along with quality standardization of Chinese herbs continue to extend, it is necessary to study the chemical composition and establish quality standard. Therefore researching and exploring the true meaning, discussing the variety, studying the chemical composition and quantitative analysis of the effective composition,as a whole providing the gist for based quality standard.This article include neoteric literature summarize, literature review and variety dissertation, study of the chemical composition and quantitative analysisof the effective composition. Chapter 1 In this chapter, we made an overview of the Viola yedoensis Makino. Including: 1. Study of Viola yedoensis Makino from the literature review of herbs. 2. Chemical composition general reserch contains that Viola yedoensisMakino and Viola prionantha Bge of the Viola, as well as substitute Gueldenstaedtia Multiflora Bge and Corydalis bungeana Turcz for Viola yedoensis Makinoin different areas. 3. The current pharmacology study of Viola yedoensis Makino. 4. Traditional and current clinical application study on Viola yedoensis Makino. 5. Study of the quantitative analysis of the effective composition.Chapter 2 In this chapter we study Viola yedoensis Makino on the literature review of herbs and variety dissertation.1. Base the literature review age of the herbs on the clue, combine the variousbooks and related literature, the“Jin”originated from the plant of Viola. Studying its rule of the development and change, we found that the plant of Viola’s application ascend to the Zhou period, however as normal official plant,it has been appeared in the《fifty-two bing fang》of the Han period. Thereout we educed as the same category plants Viola yedoensis Makino’s history that from appearance to variety complex.2. Through the archaic and nowadays literature recordation, we brief discussed other category which is used on the clinic in common, made a good foundation for the next step to study on its complex variety.Chapter 3 Study on Viola yedoensis Makino’s chemical composition. Various chromatographic, spectral and chemical methods are used to isolate the effective composition. It shows that the Viola yedoensis Makino is composed of the organic acid and flavonoid glycoside. As a result,14 compounds were isolated from the Viola yedoensis Makino. 12 of them were evaluated. They are chikusetsusaponin-Ⅵa(1),vicenin-2(2),apigenin-6-C-β-D-glucopyranosyl-8-C-α-L-arabinopyranoside(3),apigenin-6,8-di-C-α-L-arabinopyranosyl(4),Hexadecanoic acid(6),Hendecanoic acid(7),Dodecanoic acid(8),Decanoic acid(11),Ceratinic acid(12),β-sitosterol(9),D-Glucose(13) and Sucrose(14).Thereinto,compounds 1,7,8,9,11,12,13,14 are isolated from this plant for the first time.Chapter 4 Study on the Viola yedoensis Makino’s quantitative analysis of the effective composition. The contents of index compounds including vicenin-2 and apigenin-6,8-di-C-α-L-arabinopyranosyl are determined by HPLC. As a result, the calibration curves(y=655.18x+4.2992)are linear at ranges of 0.040~1.550μg(for vicenin-2, R2=0.9991). And the content was 0.41mg/g, the average recoveries were 98.21%(RSD=1.7%, n=6).The calibration curves (y=904.56x+10.786)are linear at ranges of 0.055~2.150μg(for apigenin-6,8-di-C-α-L-arabinopyranosyl R2=0.9997). And the content was 0.71mg/g,the average recoveries were 99.09%(RSD=1.87%, n=6).Chapter 5 Analysis and Summary


