

【作者】 谭程

【导师】 李晓君;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 妇科疾病种类繁多,包括经、带、胎、产、乳、杂诸病。中医认识和研究妇科疾病有着悠久的历史,在病因、病机、诊断、治疗和预防各方面都积累了丰富的经验,形成了比较系统的理论体系。“女子以肝为先天”理论是这个理论体系不可或缺的一部分,对妇科疾病的诊断和治疗有着非常现实的意义,因妇女之生理特性及其经、带、胎、产、乳等生理功能均与肝气、肝血有着密不可分的关系,而妇人之病理征象,从肝论治亦常十有八九可一矢中的,由此从妇女之生理、病理、治疗为“女子以肝为先天”理论提供了佐证。1目的深入整理和发掘“女子以肝为先天”理论的学术思想。通过对不同历史时期医家辨治妇科疾病的理法方药等各方面的分析,明确“女子以肝为先天”理论产生的必然性。2方法采用传统文献学研究方法,以溯本求源的方法,探讨“女子以肝为先天”理论产生的源流,同时论述了“女子以肝为先天”理论不断扩充的内涵以及对现代临床的指导意义。3结果3.1通过理论溯源,梳理了“女子以肝为先天”理论形成的脉络。3.2男女之间在生理病理上确有差异,因此治疗有原则的区别,“男子以肾为先天,女子以肝为先天”。3.3“女子以肝为先天”强调妇科疾病从肝论治,此“先天”非“肾为先天之本”中之“先天”,两者之间并不相矛盾。3.4“女子以肝为先天”有时限性,是在妇女生理变化最明显的阶段,即二七至七七之间。3.5以气血为中介,女子与肝之间建立了极为密切的联系。肝藏血主疏泄而调畅气血,气血平和则诸病不生,因此肝郁为基本病机,情志的变化是妇科疾病发生、发展、变化过程中最重要的一环。4结论本文探讨了“女子以肝为先天”理论从萌芽到内涵的逐渐充实、完善的过程,对这一理论思想在不同时代不同医家都注入了新鲜的血液,使其羽翼渐丰,由此确定了以肝为中心的妇科疾病的治疗大法。

【Abstract】 Varieties of gynecological diseases badly perplex modern women and affect their normal life of work. Traditional Chinese medicine awareness of gynecological diseases and research has a long history in the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all and has accumulated rich experience, and established a relatively systematic theoretical system. The theory on woman with congenital liver is integral part of this system and has a practical significance on the diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic disease. For women’s physiological characteristics and their physiological function like are closely related to Ganqi and hepatic blood.1 ObjectiveThoroughly sort out and excavate“female take liver as congenital”academic thought. Through the analysis of doctors treating gynecological diseases of the theory, syndrome differentiation, treatment and herbal prescription, clearly explicit“female take liver as congenital”inevitability.2 MethodsUsing the traditional method of study of literature, base on the source to explore the theory’s origin, simultaneously elaborated the theory’s expanding connotation and modern clinical guidance significance.3 Results3.1 In physiological and pathological between men and women really are differences, therefore the treatment is the principle of distinction, "the man with a congenital kidney, liver for women with congenital."3.2 The theory stressed to treat the gynecological diseases from the liver3.3 The theory’s establishment has time-bound.3.4 Qi and blood as intermediary, Women will be closely linked with liver. For the liver can maintain the smooth flow of Qi and store blood so as to ensure that women-oriented blood, Qi and blood filling, smooth, not sick.4 ConclusionsThis article elaborate the theory from infancy to its theoretical gradually enrich the content, different times have different doctor injected fresh blood its fledging.


