

【作者】 沈军

【导师】 薛晓鸥;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中西医结合妇科, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 月经不调是指妇女月经的周期、经量、经色、经质等改变。临床上常见月经先期、月经后期、经行先后无定期、月经量多或量少,即月经不调的现象。月经不调是女性的常见病、多发病,育龄期女性大多有过月经不调史。其主要见于西医的排卵性功能失调性子宫出血。国内各地在1980年前后进行的女性月经生理常数表明,月经不调的发病率大体在10%左右。月经周期异常,以月经后期多于月经先期,青春期、绝经期发病率高于生育期。月经过多发病率在10%左右,因标准不一,各家报道差异较大,以宫内置放节育器者发病率更高一些。月经过少者1%-2%,月经先期1.6%-4.1%,月经后期7%-13.8%,经期延长不足3.3%-4.3%。月经不调因其高发病率,已成为妇科常见病,给妇女身心健康带来巨大伤害,引起国内外学者的普遍关注。四物汤从宋代起就广泛应用于妇产科临床,以治疗经带胎产杂病诸疾。经元、明代的医家进一步引申发展,至今更加广泛运用于临床,甚至被称为妇科之圣方,是治疗妇科疾病的基础方。基本所有的月经不调都可以通过四物汤加减变化来实现治疗的目的。本研究采用文献综述分析的方法,进行了四物汤治疗月经不调的分类和归纳,回顾了四物汤的源流、临床的置方原理,四物汤古代的应用以及在妇科月经不调方面的发挥,从古及今,进一步从临床上阐述了现代医家在月经不调方面对四物汤的应用和发展,对四物汤原理的重新认识和理解,同时在四物汤的功能主治上、四物汤的配伍上进一步阐述,对四物汤治疗月经不调进行系统归纳总结;就四物汤治疗月经不调相关性认识及研究进展上,探讨现代科学研究四物汤治疗月经不调的可行性做出全面综述,并对进一步揭示四物汤调经的原理以及四物汤治疗月经病的研究做出展望。

【Abstract】 Irregular Menstruation is the women’s menstrual cycle, the amount of the color, such as the qualitative change. All menstruation should be held but no action called "amenorrhea," such as the multi-volume to-called "collapsing", and under the bit called the "leakage" to the confusion of the time called "the chaos", a common clinical early menstruation, late menstruation, The line has no regular, Irregular Menstruation is the phenomenon more or less menstrual flow. Irregular Menstruation women entering their childbearing period of common diseases, multiple, mostly women of childbearing age had Irregular Menstruation history. The main view of Western ovulation dysfunctional uterine bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease can also be found in chronic pelvic bleeding disease, or even diseases such as uterine fibroids. Elsewhere in the country in 1980 after the female menstrual physical constants indicate that the incidence of Irregular Menstruation generally at about 10%. Abnormal menstrual cycle, menstrual late than early menstruation, puberty, menopause higher incidence of reproductive age. After multiple rate of around 10 per cent, due to different standards, each reported large differences in the incidence of intrauterine who IUD insertion rate higher. After less on 1% -2%, the earlier menstrual 1.6% -4.1%, the late menstrual 7% -13.8%, the menstrual extended less than 3.3% -4.3%. Irregular Menstruation because of the high incidence rate, has become a gynecologic common diseases, to bring great harm to the physical and mental health of women, the scholars at home and abroad caused widespread concern.Siwutang starting from the Song Dynasty on a wide range of clinical obstetrics and gynecology applied to the treatment of births with various miscellaneous disease. The yuan, the Ming Dynasty doctor further extended, so far more widely used clinical, and even called the St. gynecology, the treatment of gynecological diseases, the foundation. All the basic Irregular Menstruation can be modified through Siwutang changes to achieve the purpose of treatment.This study used the analysis of the literature review, conducted Siwutang the classification and treatment of Irregular Menstruation summarized, recalling the origins of Siwutang, the home of the principle of Siwutang ancient applications, as well as areas in gynecologic Irregular Menstruation play, ancient and modern, from the clinical further elaborated in a modern doctor Irregular Menstruation Siwutang regard to the use and development of the Siwutang tenets of a new awareness and understanding, while the functions of Siwutang Indications , Siwutang compatibility further exposition on the treatment of Irregular Menstruation Siwutang systematically summarized; on Siwutang Irregular Menstruation related to the treatment of awareness and research progress, the study of modern scientific research Siwutang treatment of menstrual not the tone for the feasibility of a comprehensive summary, and further revealed Siwutang Tiaojing the principle and treatment Emmeniopathy Siwutang Looking to the study.

【关键词】 四物汤月经不调综述
  • 【分类号】R271.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1366

