

The Research on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Based on AHP in the Quality Management for Equipment Maintenance

【作者】 李鹏宇

【导师】 韦尧兵; 刘军;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 质量综合评判作为质量管理的重要技术之一,存在于包括机电产品维修行业在内的社会生产、经济、管理等各个领域之中,如民用航空器维修、装甲装备维修、汽车维修、医疗装备维修、武器系统维修等,但尚处于初级阶段。目前对设备维修质量综合评判研究较少,因此,对质量综合评判的方法和应用进行系统的,有针对性的研究有助于各企事业单位质量管理水平的提高,有重要的学术价值和实践意义。本论文综合应用系统工程学、管理科学、设备维修工程学、运筹学、模糊数学、行为科学、心理学、计算机信息科学等学科的相关知识,对设备维修质量综合评判进行了系统的研究,结合实际情况对研究确定的评判方法进行了有针对性的应用,对评判中信息技术的应用问题提出见解,并初步开展了计算机辅助质量综合评判信息系统(科研版)的开发工作等。具体研究内容如下:(1)以系统工程学中的相关思想为指导,结合质量管理理念,分析并确定了设备维修行业质量综合评判的评判体系;(2)结合维修质量评判的特点、内容、原则,融合AHP、模糊数学等学科和方法,研究并确定了应用于设备维修质量综合评判的系统评判方法,综合确定了适应设备维修质量评判的算法;(3)根据评判过程,运用PowerBuilder9.0软件,初步探讨了计算机辅助质量综合评判信息系统的相关问题,并对网络技术和智能技术在评判中的应用提出了相应的见解,分析了其发展趋势;(4)到郑州铁路局洛阳电务段综合检修中心进行实地调研,结合该中心转辙机检修的实际情况,有针对性的建立了评判模型,并进行了评判运算,运用并检验了所研究的方法,得到了较满意的结果。这些研究成果为机电设备维修质量评判提供了一种较实用理论依据以及实用的方法手段,也为维修质量管理的进一步完善提供了重要保证。

【Abstract】 Quality Comprehensive Evaluation is a technique of Quality Management . There are many comprehensive evaluation problems in the fields of manufacturing , economy and management , of course maintenance , such as civil air craft’s maintenance , armored equipment maintenance , auto maintenance , medical equipment maintenance , weapon system maintenance,and so on . There is so little study about quality comprehensive evaluation for maintenance . So it has great significanca in theory and in practice to make systematic study on the theories and methods as well as their applications .In this thesis , many kinds of knowledge are used . They are System Engineering , Management Science , Maintenance Engineering , Operations Research , Fuzzy Mathimat Behavior Sciences , Psychology , Computer and Information Sciences , and so on . The research work of the thesis consists of these parts,the study and application of quality comprehensive evaluation , study computer’s effection and present some development trend , presented the evaluation system soft . The main content of this research includes four aspects as follow:(1) Quality Comprehensive Evaluation is analyzed though system engineering and quality management for the maintenance .(2) After deeply analyzing some theories and methods, such as, the maintain theory of maintenance and systems engineering and quality comprehensive , AHP , Fuzzy Mathimat and so on, it has gotten a single model that is used to evaluate the maintenance .(3) Applying the visual programming language , PowerBuilder 9.0 , presented a evaluation system soft . Analyses the techniques of web and intelligence’s influence to evaluation and presents some development trend of the system .(4) Surveyed the center of comprehensive maintenance , Luoyang section of electronic equipment, Zhengzhou bureau of railway. Offered a theory foundation for point machine and caculated it.These research achievements not only have important practical significance for evaluation for maintenance,but also present a theory foundation and method for quality management.

【关键词】 维修评判系统层次分析模糊质量
【Key words】 MaintenanceEvaluationSystemAHPFuzzyQuality
  • 【分类号】F224;F273.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】466

