

The Research and Exploitation of the Wood Compressing Machine Based on PLC Control System

【作者】 李胜永

【导师】 梅玉春;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展,人们对生活品质的要求逐步提高,对自己生活空间中不可缺少的木制品的要求也出现了新的趋向。常常需要在木制产品的造型设计上添加曲线和曲面以满足木制品的审美要求和使用功能要求。传统的木材弯曲和制作技术不仅浪费严重,还不能达到理想的曲率半径。国内外对木材弯曲技术的研究越来越多,其中实木顺纹压缩弯曲技术是丹麦20世纪90年代推出的最新技术。该技术与传统的压缩木和弯曲木不同,在强化木材软化机理的研究,增大木材的塑性的基础上;研究木材软化处理后的顺纹压缩机理和压缩技术,使木材在顺纹压力的作用下,细胞壁中微纤丝之间产生滑移,导致木材细胞壁的壁层纵向产生褶皱。木材在弯曲力矩的作用下,弯曲时的受压面形成褶皱,受拉面形成展皱,在允许的形变范围内获得较小的弯曲曲率半径。这种特性极大地促进了家具、装饰、工艺等产品的创新发展。可是该技术的关键环节——压缩木弯曲机械对树种和工艺参数的要求近似苛刻,自动化程度也不高。而且目前还没有适合我国压缩弯曲木生产的完善的生产设备和控制系统。针对上述情况,本课题在引进和吸收国外先进技术的基础上,旨在对丹麦Compwood公司的CW-011型压缩木生产设备进行基于PLC的自动化改造,设计自动控制系统,提高该领域国内的生产自动化程度。本自动控制系统研究、设计和开发是基于现场信号的采集,PLC控制,触摸屏监控,实时调节。自动控制系统把现场位置信号、蒸煮温度信号、压力信号作为控制系统控制依据,各种信号传感器是现场在线的检测系统,检测系统对蒸煮装卸载环节、蒸煮环节和纵向压缩环节中现场参数进行快速、准确的检测,并把采集信号传给系统核心PLC,经PLC分析处理,输出控制信号,控制现场设备的运行。本自动控制系统具有实时监测、数据处理、触摸屏在线显示、系统自检功能。在系统研制过程中,通过模拟系统的离线模拟测试,获得了理想的数据结果,预计在课题项目投入实践后能获得理想的压缩效果,提高国内压缩木生产的自动化程度。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic, people desire higher living quality. Their desire for wood products around of their living space appears a new trend. They generally append curve and bended surface on the design of wood products for satisfying their taste and function. The traditional wood bending technologies not only seriously waste wood material, but also can not obtain small bending semi diameter.There are more and more studies of inland and overseas on the technique of bending wood. The neoteric technique of longitudinal compressing and bending is brought forward by Denmark on 1990s.This technique is different form the traditional technique of compressing and bending wood. To obtain small bending semi diameter the plastic of wood will be increased with strengthening the theory of softening. Then study the theory of longitudinal compressing and the technique of compressing. Cellular wall arises longitudinal crease when micro fibre slides with the effect of compressive stress. Smaller bending radius will be gained with limited transmutation when the compressing surface is formed to drape and drawing face is on the contrary with the action of bending moment. This characteristic of wood and the technique fiercely accelerate the innovative development on the product of furniture、decoration and arts and crafts. But the key tache of the compressing machine in this technique is difficultly fit for many types of trees of our country. Synchronously, this compressing machine is not complete automatization.In view of above situation, this topic, which is based on the introduction and absorption of overseas advanced technology, is to rebuild more roboticized based on PLC, improve automatization of this area in our country by designing auto control system.The research and design for auto control system based on gathering signal from fieldwork、PLC controlling、touch panel watching and controlling、adjusting by real instance. This system work based on signal of position、steam temperature and press from fieldwork. Types of signal transducer make up of check-up system of fieldwork. It fleetly and inerrably measure parameter of load and unload、steam、compressing, then transmit the signal to PLC. PLC send out controlling signal to control executant by analyzing and dealing with signal. This system has the function of fieldwork check-up、dealing with data、restraining yawp and auto check itself.This system obtain wanted data outcome by testing with removed simulation in the process of researching.So, we consider that this system will achieve intending compressing effect and elevate the degree of automatization of this area in our country after practicing.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】256

