
桂花(Osmanthus fragrans Lour.)无土栽培技术研究

Soilless Culture Techniques of Osmanthus Fragrans Lour.

【作者】 董立格

【导师】 王贤荣;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 植物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以桂花丹桂品种群(Auranticus Group)中的‘堰虹桂’(O. fragrans‘Yanhong’)为材料,对桂花的固体基质扦插、水培扦插、无土栽培基质与营养液配方进行了研究。为桂花无土栽培技术走向成熟及其工厂化生产提供了实践和理论依据。(1)扦插试验表明:桂花插穗生根类型为皮部生根型;IBA1.00g/L处理插穗生根效果最好;霍格兰和阿农(1938)营养液液体培养条件下,桂花生长情况较好。固体基质扦插生根率高于水培扦插;水培扦插生根时间比固体基质扦插早,不定根条数及长度高于固体基质扦插。(2)基质筛选试验表明:T2基质(泥炭:蛭石:珍珠岩=2:1:1)容重和孔隙度适宜,分别为0.160g/cm3、71.71%;pH值为5.801,为桂花无土栽培的最佳基质,其次为T3泥炭:珍珠岩:蛭石=1:1:1。(3)营养液筛选及优化试验表明:A2配方(法国农业研究所普及营养膜之用(1977)通用于好中性作物)最适合桂花的生长。对A2配方进行优化所建立的不同营养液处理对桂花株高、叶绿素含量的回归数学模型是正确的,即回归模型内的相依关系是密切的,可用来决策和预报;而建立的不同营养液处理对桂花分枝数的回归数学模型拟合的不好,不宜用来决策和预报。通过营养液回归旋转设计试验,获得的桂花株高最优值21.67cm的营养液中氮(N),钾(K),磷(P)的浓度分别为:201.515mg/L,146.576mg/L,8.067mg/L;最优叶绿素含量2.1230mg/g的N, K, P浓度分别是:145.167mg/L,149.706mg/L,55.105mg/L。(4)叶片营养分析表明:桂花叶片中元素P,K,Ca,Mg,Fe,Na,Zn,B含量的排序是K>Ca>Mg>P>Fe≈Na>Zn>B。在营养生长期至开花期,叶片中K、B、P含量呈先升后降趋势;花芽分化期消耗大量Fe,花后随花谢又有Fe的流失,故在花芽分化期以及花后注意增加营养液中K、B、P、Fe的比例。叶片中Ca的含量在花苞展开时最高,Mg在花苞凋谢时含量最高。Zn含量自花芽分化至开花结束,含量持续下降;Na含量在盛花期迅速增加机理有待进一步研究。

【Abstract】 O. fragrans‘Yanhong’has been studied on aspects of soilless cutting techniques、formula of mediums and nutrient solutions in soilless culture, provide practical and theoretical basis for mature of O. fragrans soilless culture.(1)The cutting experiments results show:Cuttings being of bark rooting type;Cuttings treated by 1.00mg/L IBA has the best effect;Water culture of O. fragrans‘Yanhong’by nutrient solution formula of Hogaglands and Arnon grew better.The rooting rate of cuttings cultured on solid mediums is higher than cuttings water cultured;but water culture cutting has earlier rooting period and better quality adventitious root.(2)In medium experiment, bulk density of medium T2 (peat:vermiculite:perlite=2:l:1)is 0.160g/cm3, and porosity is 71.71%,pH value is 5.801, T2 is the best medium in soilless culture for O.fragrans‘Yanhong’, the second one that was T3 (peat : vermiculite : perlite =1:l:1).(3)In selecting experiment of different nutrient solutions, five formulas of nutrient solutions were adopted. Treatment A2 (formula of France Institute of Agriculture) is the most suitable for O. fragrans‘Yanhong’growth. In the best nutrient solution experiment, the growing data of the plants were analyzed by the computer software. The regression equation of plant height and the chlorophyll content were established.Through the method of orthogonal gyration design on nutrient solution, the results suggested that the best value of plant height of O. fragrans‘Yanhong’is 21.67cm, and the concentration of N, K, P in nutrient solutions is 201.515mg/L,146.576 mg/L,8.067mg/L respectively. The best chlorophyll content is 2.1230mg/g, and the concentration of N,K, P in nutrient solutions is 145.167mg/L,149.706 mg/L,55.105 mg/L respectively.(4)The main mineral elements content in leaf of O. fragrans‘Yanhong’ranked in the order of: K>Ca>Mg>P>Fe≈Na>Zn>B. The content of elements K、P、B showed an increasing tendency before initial flowering,and then decreased the lowest;The element Fe was cost much in the period of flower bud differentiation, and with the blossom fell, it lost; So in these two periods, should increase the content of elements K、B、P、Fe of nutrient solution. In the period of flowering,the content of element Ca is highest,and Mg is in the period of flower withering. The content of element Zn decreased continually between flower bud differentiation to flower withering; the content variation of element Na needs research deeply.

  • 【分类号】S685.13
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】531

