

The Development of the Embedded GIS Engine Basic on the LBS

【作者】 蒋贱

【导师】 佘光辉;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着微电子技术、光电子技术的发展,信息技术发展己经进入移动时代,以掌上电脑(PDA)为代表的移动式计算系统日益普及。嵌入式GIS作为一个新兴的应用领域,是GIS与嵌入式硬件结合的一个产物,是原有GIS领域的分支与延伸、补充与发展。嵌入式GIS与PDA结合在林业领域中有很好的应用前景。本论文的研究目的是利用正在迅速发展的嵌入式GIS技术,结合PDA产品,研究开发嵌入式地理信息系统引擎,开发引擎的空间显示、查询、简单的分析等功能,同时,利用该引擎开发了一个示例的森林资源二类调查嵌入式地理信息系统,该系统除了传统的地理信息常用功能外,更重要的是,它是一个移动的系统,能够使用户随时随地享受基于位置的服务。本论文研究主要涉及计算机科学领域的嵌入式软件开发,组件开发、网络服务、数据库设计等技术和地理信息系统原理与数据组织方法、地图可视化、GPS定位等。论文首先分析了基于LBS的嵌入式地理信息系统的国内外研究现状、以及相关核心技术的特点,为嵌入式GIS引擎的开发提供了技术的指导,其次设计和开发了一个嵌入式GIS引擎和具体的功能实现,并利用本嵌入式引擎设计了一个森林资源二类调查的软件实例。最后分析了嵌入式引擎开发所面临的问题和对嵌入式引擎技术进行了总结和展望。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of microelectronics and photoelectron technologies, the development of computer has come into the mobile age. Mobile computing system represented by personal digital assistant (PDA) products has been used widely. Embedded GIS is a kind of newly developing application field. It’s a production of the combination of GIS and newly developing embedded hardware. It is the extension, supplement and development of intrinsic GIS field. The combination of the Embedded GIS and PDA to the field of forestry will have a good future.The purpose of the study in this article is to develop an Engine for GIS, called PocketGISEngine, based on PDA .The Engine integrates the Embedded GIS technology and Location based services and has satisfied the visualization, query and simple analysis of spatial information. At the same time, to develop an Embedded GIS demonstration System for Forest Resources Management Survey by the PocketGISEngine. It is more important that the system is in mobile environment and enables users to enjoy Location-based Service anytime and anywhere.The research topic of the article involves computer science, such as embedded software developing, web services, database developing, location-based services, and the science of the surveying and mapping, such as the principle and data organization methods of geographic information system (GIS), the visualization of digital maps, location and navigation based on global positioning system (GPS).At the beginning of the article, it analyzed the research progress, technology background, characteristic of the related core technology of the Embedded GIS based LBS. Then it brings forward the complete logical framework design and the principle of function realization for the PocketGISEngine; it also presents a software example for the Forest Resources Management Survey with PocketGISEngine. At last it summarized the factors of developing Embedded GIS and prospects the future with PocketGISEngine and development instance.

【关键词】 PDA嵌入式地理信息系统基于位置的服务网络服务引擎
【Key words】 PDAEmbedded-GISLBSWeb-ServicesEngine
  • 【分类号】TP311.52;P208
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】286

