

Studies on Technique of Tissue Culture and Cuttage Propagation of Cerasus Subhirtella Var. Ascendens

【作者】 荣冬青

【导师】 王贤荣;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 植物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 野生早樱(Cerasus subhirtella var. ascendens)隶属蔷薇科(Rosaceae)樱属(Cerasus),为高大落叶乔木,花淡粉红色,具有观赏价值高、适应性强、抗性强的优点,是极具开发价值的野生樱属资源。本论文开展了野生早樱组织培养和扦插繁殖技术研究,以期摸索出提高野生早樱繁殖数量和质量的有效途径,为苗木产业化生产、优良种质保存提供理论和技术支撑。采用嫩枝扦插法,研究了不同生长调节物质、不同扦插基质等对嫩枝插穗生根的促进效应。研究结果如下:以NAA1000mg/L+IBA500mg/L+BA100mg/L等比例组合处理插穗基部1/2h,扦插于蛭石上,平均生根率最高为78.2%,平均根数为7.5条,平均根长为5.6cm,综合以上技术组合,野生早樱嫩枝扦插生根率可达78.2%,移栽成活率达50%,本研究成果进一步完善了野生早樱扦插繁殖技术体系,在生产中具有较高的实用价值。采用组培技术手段,探讨了从无菌体系的建立、启动培养、增殖培养、壮苗培养到试管苗生根移栽的整个过程,主要结论如下:1以带腋芽茎段为外植体,最佳消毒方式为:70%酒精浸泡30s,2.5%NaClO消毒15min,0.1%HgCl2消毒6min,污染率和死亡率最低,分别为16.5%和10.4%。最佳的取材时间为4月中旬。2启动培养采用L934正交试验设计,培养基类型对启动培养影响最大,其次是BA,NAA的影响作用最小,最佳启动培养基为:MS+BA1.2mg/L+NAA0.3mg/L,启动率高达84.5%。3增殖培养阶段的最佳培养基为MS+BA0.5mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L+35g/L蔗糖,增殖系数为4.5。适宜浓度(1mg/L)多效唑具有促进增殖和抑制增高的效应。为了保持一定的增殖系数,继代次数以6次为宜。4壮苗培养采用L934正交试验设计,大量元素对壮苗培养的影响最大,其次为NAA,BA的影响作用最小,最佳壮苗培养基为:3/4MS+BA0.2mg/L+NAA 0.01mg/L,大量元素适当降低及低水平的细胞分裂素和生长素配比,有利于壮苗培养。5生根培养阶段,最适培养基为:1/2MS+NAA0.1mg/L+IBA1.0mg/L,生根率达92.5%,根条数达8条,根长6.3cm。黑暗处理14d,有利于试管苗生根。6选择健壮的组培苗,先闭瓶炼苗3d,然后开瓶炼苗5d,移栽到蛭石+河沙(1:1)基质中,移栽成活率高达90%。试验中各项指标已达到快速繁育苗木的要求,其技术措施可以满足苗木组培生产的需要。

【Abstract】 Cerasus subhirtella var. ascendens subordinates the genus of Cerasus, Rosaceae. The color of flower is pale pink as a tall deciduous tree.Cerasus subhirtella var. ascendens has advantages of high ornamental value, flexibility, strong resistance. It is one of wild cerasus resources with extremely high value. The thesis launched cuttage and tissue culture technique of Cerasus subh- irtella var. ascendens , so as to find the effective way of improving the quantity and quality of Cerasus subhirtella var. ascendens and providing theorical and technical support for production and germplasm conservation.Used soft cuttage method, the thesis studied the promotion of different cutting substrates, plant growth regulators etc in cutting rooting of soft wood. The main conculusions were drawn as follows:Rooting rate was 78.2% for solf cutting of half wooded stem treated with 1000mg/L NAA, 500mg/L IBA and 100mg/L BA for 30 minute on the substrate with vermiculite. The average number of root could reach 7, and the average length of root was 5.6 centimeter. Based on the above technology, the rooting rate of Cerasus subhirtella var. ascendens could reach 78.2%, Survival rate of transplating reached 50%.The research results further improved cuttage reproduction technical system, and had high practical value in the production.Used tissue culture technology, this thesis studied the whole protocol of tissue culture from the establishment of germfree system, initiation culture, proliferation and strengthening seedling culture to the radication and transplantation. The conculusion was made as follows:1 Taking the stem with axillary bud as explant, the best way of sterilization was 70% alcohol(30s)+ 2.5% NaClO(15min)+0.1% HgC12(6min), the contaminated rate and death rate were lowest, which were 16.5% and 10.4% respectively after inoculatation. The best time of extraction is the middle ten-day of April.2 Used the L934 orthogonal experiment design on the initiation culture, the greatest effect was medium type, secondly it was cytokinin concentraton, the smallest effect was NAA. The optimum medium was MS+BA1.2mg/L+NAA0.3mg/L for initiation induction.The initiation rate was 84.5%.3 On the proliferative growth stage, the optimun medium for bud proliferation was MS+BA0.5mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L+sucrose35g/L. Proliferation coefficient was 4.5. Paclobutrazol of Suitable concentration(1mg/L) played promoting proliferation and inhibiting height roles. For the sake of keeping proliferation coefficient,subculture to six times was suitable.4 Used the L934 orthogonal experiment design on strengthening seedling culture, the greatest effect was mass element of propotion, secondly it was NAA, the smallest effect was BA. The optimum medium for strengthening seedling culture was 3/4MS+BA0.2mg/L + NAA0.01mg/L. Both adequate mass element and the low level of cytokinin and auxin proportion were in favor of strengthening seedling culture.5 The optimum medium was 1/2MS+NAA0.1mg/L+IBA 1.0mg/L for rooting,the rooting rate could reach 92.5%, the root number could reach 8, the root length could reach 6.3 cm. Fourteen days dark treatment promoted rooting of vitro seedling.6 Selected heathy vitro seedlings, closing the culture bottle for 3 days, then opening the culture bottle for 5days during seedling training. Substrate with vermiculite and sand by 1 to 1 was the optimum. The suvival rate of transplants reached 90%.Experimental indexes have reached the requirement of rapid propagation seedling, the technical measures could meet production needs.

  • 【分类号】S792.99
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】369

