

Studies on the Differences in Biological Characters of Seeds, Seedlings and Salt-tolerance of Melia Azedarach L. from Different Provenances

【作者】 郭杰

【导师】 喻方圆;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以不同物候区的10个种源苦楝(Melia azedarach L.)种子和当年生苦楝苗木为研究对象,对苦楝种子形态特征、生理品质、营养物质含量和苗木生长节律、抗寒性等种苗生物学特性的差异及其中6个代表性种源的耐盐能力进行了研究,以期筛选出耐盐能力强、生长迅速的苦楝种源在江苏和毗邻沿海地区、盐碱地进行推广。主要研究结果如下:1、不同种源苦楝种子纵径、横径、纵横径比、千粒重、含水量、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、呼吸速率、营养物质含量差异均达0.01极显著水平;苦楝种子呼吸速率与活力指数之间具有较强相关性,一定程度上可作为衡量种子活力水平的指标;综合评价得出,福建平潭、广西南宁、陕西杨凌等种源种子品质较好,湖北黄冈、湖南长沙、浙江杭州等种源种子品质较差。2、不同种源苦楝苗高、地径生长均呈“S”形生长曲线,低纬度地区种源苗高、地径生长速率要高于高纬度地区种源。综合苗高和地径的生长状况,一年生苦楝苗生长量较大的为福建平潭、广西南宁、湖南长沙等种源,较小的为湖北黄冈、陕西杨凌、河南中牟等种源;苦楝不耐低温,冻害严重,高纬度地区苦楝种源一般比低纬度地区苦楝种源具有较强的抗寒性,各种源内冻害程度均与地径存在较强的线性负相关,即地径越大,冻害程度越轻。3、盐胁迫对苦楝形态、生理生化、光合荧光等指标均具有显著影响且种源间耐盐能力差异显著。利用隶属函数法对供试的6个种源苦楝苗木的耐盐能力进行综合评价,耐盐能力从强到弱依次为:福建平潭>河南中牟>浙江杭州>陕西杨凌>广西南宁>湖南长沙。

【Abstract】 The biological characters of seeds, growth rhythm and cold-resistance of one-year seedlings of chinaberry (Melia azedarach L.) which originated from 10 different phenological areas were studied. And the seedlings of 6 typical provenances were tested to select provenances with strong salt-tolerance and fast growing rate for reforestation in coast areas of Jiangsu province and other saline-alkali areas nearby. The results were shown as follows:1. There were significant differences in the length, width, length-width ratio and 1000-seed weight of chinaberry seeds with and without endocarps, which were from 10 different provenances. And germination percentage, germination index, vigor index , respiration rate and moisture content had also significant differences among different provenances. There were strong relationships between respiration rate and vigor index, showing that respiration rate could be an index for substituting other vigor indices to some extent. The nutrient contents were also significantly different among different provenances. The seed qualities of Yangling Shaanxi, Pingtan Fujian and Nanning Guangxi were better than those of Huanggang Hubei, Changsha Hunan and Hangzhou Zhejiang.2. The one-year seedling height growth and caliper growth in different provenances was significantly different and the growth rhythm of both height and caliper appeared to be a“S”curve. The seedlings originated from low latitude grew faster than those originated from high latitude. The provenances with relatively high biomass of one-year seedlings were Pingtan Fujian, Nanning Guangxi and Changsha Hunan. And those with relatively low biomass were Huanggang Hubei, Yangling Shaanxi and Zhongmou Henan. The cold-resistance of chinaberry seedlings was weak and they could be injured seriously by low temperature. The seedlings of different provenances had different degrees of freezing damage and there was a strong negative linear relationship between degrees of damage and seedling caliper in the same provenance. The seedlings from high latitude generally had stronger cold-resistance than those from low latitude.3.The morphological, physiological, photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence indices of chinaberry were affected significantly under salt stress.The seedling from different provenances had different salt-tolerance caused by genetic variation. The synthetic evaluation by using the subjection functions combined with morphological, physiological and chlorophyll fluorescence indices showed that the salt-tolerance could be arranged from strong to weak as Pingtan Fujian>Zhongmou Henan>Hangzhou Zhejiang>Yangling Shaanxi>Nanning Guangxi> Changsha Hunan.

  • 【分类号】S792.33
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】176

