

Research on Plant Community Structure and Ecological Benefits of Gulf Forest Park in Shanghai City

【作者】 孙营道

【导师】 万福绪;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对上海市海湾森林公园植物群落结构和生态效益进行了分析研究,并对海湾森林公园后续建设提出了建议。研究结果如下:1.海湾森林公园乔木径阶主要集中在4-10cm,呈现出一致性,生长均匀。2.不同植物群落物种多样性有一定的差别,其中榉树+朴树-海桐-婆婆群落的物种多样性最高。3.就海湾森林公园植物总体平均而言,物种丰富度S、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wienner指数和Pielou指数的趋势是草本层>乔木层>灌木层。4.海湾森林公园植物群落结构简单、空间异质性较差;群落优势种重要值偏重。5.海湾森林公园环境清洁程度高,空气负离子浓度及空气清洁度在一天当中任何时段都高于城区。海湾森林公园中乔灌草搭配适宜的植物群落和接近流水处的植物群落空气负离子含量高于其它植物群落。6.海湾森林公园10种主要树种叶片中的重金属含量明显低于城区公园中8种常见树种叶片中重金属的含量。7.海湾森林公园日平均气温比城区公园低1℃左右,日最高气温比城区公园低2℃左右。海湾森林公园中各点的日平均相对湿度为62.94%,较之城区公园日平均值高9%。

【Abstract】 The plant community structure and the ecological benefits of the Gulf Forest Park were studied in the paper. According to the results,some proposals were put forward for the further construction of the Gulf Forest Park. The primary conclusion as following:1.The plant diameters of arbors in the Park ranked from 4 cm to 10 cm, which indicates that the forest grew equably.2.There is a difference in some extent in the diversity among plant communities. And the diversity of the community of Zilkova schneideriana+Celtis sinensis-Pittosporum tobiia-Veronica didyma Tenore is the highest in all the communities.3. As to all the plant in the Gulf Forest Park, the sequence is herbage layer>arbor layer>shrub layer on such ingredients as the abundance percent of species S, Simpson index, Shannon-Wienner index and Pielou index.4.There also have some problems as simple structure and poor heterogeneity in space of the Gulf Forest Park; less species in per plant community, the higher value of importance of superior species etc.5. The Gulf Forest Park environmental cleanliness is high.The aero-anion percent and pureness degree of atmosphere in the Gulf Forest Park is higher than city zone all the day. The study shows the aero-anion level is higher in arbor+shrub+grass typical forest collocation model or submarginal water area.6.The content of heavy metal of leaves in 10 kinds of primary trees in the Gulf Forest Park is lower than that in 8 kinds of primary trees in city zone significantly.7.The average temperature of day in the Gulf Forest Park is 10C lower than that in the park at city zone, and that number of the highest temperature of day is about 20C. The average relative humidity of day of different parts in the Gulf Forest Park is 62.94%, the number is 9% higher than the one in the others at the city zone.

  • 【分类号】S718.5
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】380

