

Environmental Conflict and Its Practical Approaches on the Vision of Environmental Ethics

【作者】 汪茜

【导师】 王国聘;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 伦理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 进入二十世纪以来,随着生产力、科学技术和经济高速发展、人口迅速膨胀、城市化和工业化加速,人类开发利用生态资源的能力、规模、程度大大提高,人类活动对生态环境的冲击已逼近生态环境的最大承载能力。其带来的后果将是生态系统失衡,并危及到人的生存状况与发展,人的幸福与利益。有学者说道:“人类力量所创造的文明背叛了人类自己,也正被这种文明送进坟墓。”因环境污染和生态破坏所造成的人类文明与自然的对立、冲突日益明显和尖锐,它已不仅是自然问题,同时也是经济、社会、政治、技术和文化观念问题。环境冲突及其产生的危害已成为一大社会问题。它反映的是人与人、人与自然的矛盾、冲突,本质上是一种价值观的冲突。本文从环境伦理学的视角出发,对环境冲突这一现象进行了探析。除前言和结语外,本文主要分为三个部分:第一部分:介绍冲突及环境冲突的概念,各种环境冲突现象以及这些冲突对自然、人类和社会的危害。第二部分:从价值观冲突、利益冲突以及滥用科技所造成的冲突三个角度对造成环境冲突的原因进行分析。第三部分:通过分析环境冲突的基本理论,探讨了解决环境冲突的四种价值原则,即生态安全原则、环境公正原则、利益协调原则、公众参与原则。最终,确定了解决环境冲突的具体实践途径,包括:完善环境仲裁机制,鼓励多方参与;建立持续有效的生态补偿机制;通过教育、引导,使公众形成“可持续发展”的环境价值观。

【Abstract】 With the rapid developing of productive forces, technology and economy, the fast expanding of human population, the acceleration of urbanization and industrialization since 20th century, the ability, scale and extent of human to exploit natural resource have been developed greatly, impacts that human activities imposed on ecological system are getting approach to the maxim environmental capacity. The obvious result is the unbalance of ecological system which would endanger people’s living situation, self development, happiness and benefits. A scholar said: the civilization that made by man power defected human, eventually being sent to the grave by this civilization.The exacerbate conflicts between human civilization and nature which caused by environmental pollution and ecological degradation are not only natural issues, but also problems of economy, society, politics, technology and culture values. Environmental conflict and its derivate negative impacts have been a major social issue. This issue reflects the conflicts between people themselves and nature, in essence these are value conflicts. This paper based on the standpoint of environmental ethics, analyzed the phenomenon of environmental conflict. Except preface and conclusion, this paper includes three sections:First section: Introduced the concepts of conflict and environmental conflict, different environmental conflict phenomenon and the impacts those conflicts posed on nature, human and society. Second section: Analyzed the reason of environmental conflict via three viewpoints of value conflict, benefit conflict and technology abuse.Third section: Through the analysis of basic environmental conflict theory, discussed four value principles which addressed to solve environmental conflict, these principles are ecological security principle, environmental justice principle, coordination principle and public participation principle. In the end of this thesis proposed the concrete and practical approaches for solving environmental conflict, which comprised by: improving the arbitrational mechanism of environment and encouraging the multi-participation, building up the continued and effective ecological compensation, through education and guidance, making the public form the environmental value of sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】296

