

Study on Populus Deltoides Hybridization and Genetic Variations of Seedling Important Traits of Hybrids

【作者】 罗敬

【导师】 潘惠新;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究开展了美洲黑杨种内杂交及美洲黑杨与小叶杨的派间远缘杂交,通过立木授粉的方法获得杂种子代,建立了育种群体。从生长量、光合作用、抗螨性、抗叶锈病等方面对杂种子代进行了变异分析。同时还开展了杨树未成熟胚培养试验研究,主要结果如下:1、以美洲黑杨T120和1—52为母本,与19个美洲黑杨父本杂交。杂交的38个组合中,有25个获得种子,共获得杂种苗1 090株。对杂种数量超过30株的11个组合进行重要性状遗传变异分析,结果表明各组合的生长量、苗期光合作用、抗螨性、抗叶锈病等性状均存在显著差异。抗锈病分析还表明,T120很可能具有抗叶锈病的优良基因,可作为选育抗锈病杨树无性系的亲本材料。2、通过估算,地径和苗高的家系遗传力分别为0.8771和0.8825,表明地径、苗高均受到较强的遗传控制,可进行生长量苗期初选。3、利用主成份分析、聚类分析和综合评分法,选出了T120×S3412、T120×S3702和T120×S3244三个生长量大、抗螨性和抗叶锈病均较强的优良组合,从中选出20个优良单株,地径增益42%~114%,苗高增益24%~64.39%。4、开展美洲黑杨与小叶杨的派间远缘杂交,获得130株杂种。派间杂种在叶片形态、叶基形状、叶片大小、单位高度分枝数量等方面与亲本具有明显差异,表现出特异性。抗螨性分析表明派间杂种不受螨害,小叶杨很可能是选育抗螨杨树品种的良好材料。5、美洲黑杨杂种苗期生长性状配合力分析表明:无论是地径还是苗高,均只有组合的特殊配合力效应达到极显著水平,父母本的一般配合力不显著。6、开展了杨树未成熟胚培养试验,结果表明在授粉后28天采种组培才能获得成功;接种方式上,发育早期带皮接种较好,授粉40天后期宜用种胚接种,能有效的减少幼胚的玻璃化。

【Abstract】 Through artificial control-pollination, hybrid populations of Populus deltoides×Populus deltoides and Populus deltoides×Populus simonii were established. And also studied the genetic variation of important traits included the growth character, the photosynthesis, and the resistance to Tetra lobulifera (Keifer) and Melampsora larici-populina Kleb and so on. At the same time, immature zygotic embryo culture experiment also has been holed. The major research conclusions were as follows:1, Selected Populus deltoides T120 and 1—52 and other nineteen male poplar as parents, 25 of 38 cross combinations obtained seeds, gained 1 090 hybrid seedling in total. Analysis of the growth traits, the photosynthesis, the resistance to acarid and rust showed that, there are significant difference among cross combinations whose number of seedling are more than 30.2, Estimation of heritability showed that the family heritability of ground diameter character and seedling height character is 0.8771 and 0.8825 respectively, which means initial selection can obtain certain genetic gains.3, Selected 3 excellent cross combinations in both growth and resistance from the hybrid population, through the analysis of principal components, classify and point system. And 20 superior seedlings individual also selected, the genetic gains of ground diameter are 42%~114% and the seedling height genetic gains rang from 24% to 64.39%.4, The cross experiment of Populus deltoides×Populus simonii obtained 130 hybrids, the intersectional hybrids have significant difference with parents in leaf morphological and branch number. Furthermore intersectional hybrids have very strongly resistance to Tetra lobulifera (Keifer), which may means Populus simonii is good material for anti-acarid breeding.5, The analysis of combining ability shows that general combining ability (GCA) of both male and female is not significant difference, the special combining ability (SCA) of cross combination is the main source of variation of basal diameter and seedling height.6, Experiment shows that, immature zygotic embryo culture can obtain success in 28 days only after pollinated; it is suggested to culture the immature zygotic embryo within seed vessel during the nonage, while inoculated without rind is better if pollinated after 40 days, which can avoid embryo vitrification.

  • 【分类号】S792.11
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】155

