

Research & Development of Online Re-screening System of the G.D Cigarette Box Packing Machine

【作者】 任炜

【导师】 冯丽辉;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 G.D型卷烟小盒包装机是G.D型卷烟机组中的一部分,原产地为意大利G.D公司。复选系统是安装在卷烟小盒包装机上的机电一体化设备。本论文研究的卷烟小盒包装机完成将20支香烟按7、6、7三排包成一包并贴上封签,该机在包装之前,须对每组20支烟进行检测,只要其中存在一支不合格烟,整组20支都被将视为废烟而剔除。绝大部分情况下,每组中只有1、2支不合格烟,因此,每次剔除造成很大程度的浪费,复选系统的功能是对包装机剔除的每组烟收集起来,进行单支检测,剔除不合格的烟支,最后将合格烟整理在烟盘里,送回卷烟包装机流水线上。本文主要工作是完成复选系统的电气设计、整机调试和结果分析。电气部分设计分为检测和控制两部分。检测部分完成烟支点火端空松检测传感器的设计、制作与调试以及其他传感器的选型;控制部分内容有控制流程设计、PLC程序设计及调试、空头检测传感器参数优化。整机调试包括各传感器安装位置调整、机械电气联动及模拟现场。最后,对模拟现场的检测结果进行分析,确定系统的精度及改进方法。复选系统电气设计的重点是检测,检测结果将决定复选系统的性能指标。烟支在复选系统中需要进行缺嘴、放反和空头三项检测,缺嘴和放反的检测都非常容易,难点是空头检测,即对烟支点火端烟丝填充是否饱满的检测。本设计使用LC谐振选频回路带电容探头的方法(即电容式)对烟支点火端进行的非接触式检测,传感器自制,输出信号为直流模拟信号,须接模拟量模块进行A/D转换后送入S7-200进行处理。由于传感器对湿度尤为敏感,故程序处理方法将影响传感器的最终检测结果。复选系统性能指标为剔除率和误剔率。剔除率指不合格烟的剔除情况,误剔率为合格烟被剔除的情况。本论文所完成的系统在烟支湿度不稳定的情况下,剔除率为95%,误剔率为1.1%。由于烟厂是一个严格恒温恒湿的环境,故该系统今后在烟厂应用时性能指标将大幅度提高。

【Abstract】 G.D Cigarette Box Packing Machine is a component of G.D Cigarette Packing Machines, G.D is the name of a Italian company. The Re-screening System (RS) is a electromechanical equipment which is made for the cigarette box packing machine. The cigarette box packing machine researching in this thesis packs every 20 cigarettes (7, 6, 7 three row inside) in a box, and pastes label. There is a measurement to every 20 cigarettes before packing them, if one of the 20 cigarettes is not qualified, they all will be eliminated from the production line. Obviously, much wasting exists in every eliminating The RS collects cigarettes, eliminated from the production line of cigarette box packing machine, and measures every cigarette, eliminates unqualified cigarette, at last, collects all the qualified cigarette into the cigarette disk for bringing them to the production line of cigarette box packing machine.In my thesis, I have finished that electrical design of the RS, whole equipment debugging and analysis statistics of examination. Electrical design consists of measure and control.In the part of measurement I had finished design, production, debugging of the Cigarette Handing Measurement Sensor and other sensors’ selection. In the part of control, I had finished design of controlling process, design and debugging of PLC program, optimization of the parameters of the Cigarette Handing Measurement Sensor. Whole equipment debugging includes adjustment locations of sensors, machinery and electrics joint running, and simulation real situation. In the end, analysis statistics of simulating real situation, decided the accuracy and upgrade way of the RS.The importance of electrical design is measurement, which decides the performance of the RS. Cigarettes in the RS are tested for three features: 1. Cigarette is without filter; 2. Opposite collection; 3. Cigarette handing is empty. Number 1 and 2 are easy to measurement, Cigarette handing measurement is difficult. In my design, I used a un-touch measurement basic of LC resonance return circuit choosing frequency principle, connecting a capacity probe, to measure cigarette handing. It is a self-make sensor, it outputs a DC signal, and uses the simulation parameter module changing the simulating signal into digital signal, which gets to S7-200 and is processed. For sensor is sensitive to the humidity, the PLC program will effect the final result of the Cigarette Handing Measurement Sensor.The performance of the RS are described as elimination rate and wrong elimination rate, elimination rate means the situation of elimination unqualified cigarettes, wrong elimination rate means the situation of elimination qualified cigarettes. The RS of the thesis get 95% and 1.1% of the two rates in an environment that the temperature and humidity are unstable. Because the cigarettes production factories are environments that the temperature and humidity are strictly stable, the performance of RS will be obviously better in the cigarettes production factories.

  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】122

