

【作者】 凡艳芳

【导师】 胥留德;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 科学技术是第一生产力,发展高新技术是迎接知识经济挑战的时代要求,随着知识经济的到来,改变了过去以自然资源为主驱动经济发展的模式,转向了以知识作为驱动经济的主导力量。它依赖于知识或有效信息的积累,高新技术是其第一支柱这已经为世界经济发展所证明。在欠发达地区生产力水平较低经济增长方式比较粗放,经济的资源导向性特征比较明显,通过高新技术引进去开发欠发达地区经济,已日益成为人们的共识。发展高新技术就可以,扩大欠发达地区与其他地区的科技经济的交流与合作,加快产业技术进步,发展高新技术是欠发达地区实现跨越式发展的必由之路。欠发达地区要实现跨越式发展更应该把发展高新技术放在更加突出的位置。如果再沿用传统的发展模式,显然行不通了。必须注重与发达地区的产业结构相接轨,以地区优势调整产业结构,以资源为依托,大力发展高新技术,培育新的经济增长点,才能解决经济发展中许多深层次矛盾和问题。并且通过高新技术的发展,为欠发达地区提供有效的支撑,通过加强技术创新加快科技成果转化,实现产业化加快实现资源优势向经济优势的转化。欠发达地区由于历史发展的不平衡,科技、经济、产业等严重滞后,只有立足本地的资源,发挥比较优势,借助技术转移的时机,与当地实际相结合发展特色产业,走高起点之路,跨越式发展。但是,引进的高新技术能否在欠发达地区扎根,并健康成长,原因除了经济、政治、教育和技术本身的因素外,文化的影响越来越突出,是一个不可忽视的深层原因。任何具体的科学技术都根植于具体的文化之上,将外部先进的科技移植于某一民族时,不光是学习的问题,更为重要的是让其在该文化中存活的问题。高新技术作为前沿技术和尖端技术,除了具有技术的特点以外,还具有自己的特殊性,高新技术长入欠发达地区也面临技术转移的许多问题,甚至更加复杂化,这是由于高新技术的特点和欠发达地区的特殊性所决定的,并且高新技术要跨越式地长入欠发达地区,不仅仅是“硬件”器物层次的转移,更是技术制度和技术观念等“软环境”的转移。来自于高经济梯度的高新技术,所带来的是高梯度的文化,这样势必对欠发达地区的传统文化造成冲击,与之产生各种矛盾或摩擦,甚至会导致技术引进的失败。所以高新技术长入欠发达地区,并要在这一文化中存活,需要相应的文化环境支撑。云南是一个多民族聚居区,现有73个国家重点贫困扶持县,大多地处我省边陲,属山区或半山区,很多都在深山区、石山区、高寒山区。自然条件差,缺水少土,山高坡陡,人多地少,坡地利用率极低,单位面积产出少。自然灾害频繁,生存环境恶劣,缺乏居住、生产和生活的基本条件。有些地方的经济、社会发展在解放前还处于自然经济或原始经济状态。解放后,虽然被强拽着跨越了几个社会形态,但是社会文化的基本结构未能从根本上得到改变。由于生产力的发展因受其自身规律的支配,并不能随着生产关系的改变而实现同步跨越,从原始社会脱胎出来的思维方式、生产方式、生活方式和自然经济的经济基础,不可能在短期内就能得到根本的改变。或者说,制度文化的嵌入曾也对其他文化要素发生过影响,但尚未触动着其他文化的深层的内核,文化要素还是严重滞后。由旧的社会意识形态、文化传统等沉淀下来,并体现在劳动者身上的旧传统观念,对落后地区生产力的发展起到了潜移默化的、顽强的抗拒作用。本文立足于云南的实际,以云南省为例,从高新技术与文化环境的互动关系,从高新技术的特点和发展的非平衡性入手,分析了高新技术长入欠发达地区产生文化摩擦的原因和具体表现,探讨了欠发达地区应该以资源为依托,积极营造有利于高新技术长入的文化环境,使高新技术与欠发达地区的文化相融合,并且能够在创新中,持续互动和谐发展,真正长入欠发达地区,为欠发达地区的经济社会发展做出最大的贡献。

【Abstract】 Science and technology are the primary productive forces, the development of high-tech knowledge-based economy is to meet the challenges of the requirements of the time, with the advent of the knowledge economy, changes in the past to drive the economic development of natural resources-based model to a knowledge-driven economy. dominant force. It relies on the knowledge of information or the accumulation of effective, high-tech is the first pillar This has already been proven by the development of the world economy. In less developed regions relatively low level of productivity compared the extensive mode of economic growth, economic resources-oriented features of the more obvious through the introduction of high technology to economic development in underdeveloped regions, has become the consensus. Development of high-tech can expand in underdeveloped areas and other areas of science and technology exchanges and cooperation in economy, the pace of industrial technological progress, the development of new and high technology is underdeveloped region, the only way to leapfrog development.Underdeveloped areas to achieve leapfrog development should be more high-tech development in a more prominent position. If we follow the traditional model of development is no longer possible. We must pay attention to the industrial structure and the developed areas of the convergence of regional advantages to readjust the industrial structure, relying on resources, vigorously develop hi-tech, and foster new economic growth points in order to solve the economic development of many deep-seated contradictions and problems. And through high-tech development, and less developed areas to provide effective support, through the strengthening of technological innovation accelerated transformation of scientific and technological achievements, to accelerate the realization of the industry to the resource advantages into economic advantages. Underdeveloped areas due to historical imbalance in the development of science and technology, economy, industry and other serious lag, only based on local resources, give play to the comparative advantages, with the timing of technology transfer, and the local reality of the development of a specialty industry, and take the road of a high starting point, the leap development. However, the introduction of high-tech can take root in less developed regions, and healthy growth, the reasons for addition to the economic, political, educational and technology itself factors, the impact of an increasingly prominent culture is a deep-seated reasons not to be ignored. Any specific science and technology are rooted in specific cultural above, the external advanced technology will be transplanted to a national, not just learning, so what is more important is the culture of survival issues. As a high-tech cutting-edge technology and sophisticated technology, in addition to the technical features, also has its own unique, high-tech long into underdeveloped areas of technology transfer is also facing many problems, and even more complicated, as the high-tech features and less developed areas due to the special nature of the decision, and the high-tech long to leapfrog into the less developed regions, not just the "hardware" of the transfer of artifacts level, technical systems and technical concepts such as "soft environment" transfer. High gradient from the high-tech economy, has resulted in high gradient culture, this will be bound to less developed areas the impact of traditional culture, with a variety of contradictions or conflicts, and even lead to the failure of the introduction of technology. So long into the high-tech underdeveloped areas, and to survive in this culture, and the corresponding need to support the cultural environment.Yunnan is a multi-ethnic group, the existing 73 state key poverty-stricken counties to support mostly located in border province, a mountain or the Mid-Levels area, many of them in the mountains, Stone Mountain, alpine mountain. Poor natural conditions, and less dry soil, a high mountain, fewer people and more, the low slope efficiency, less output per unit area. Frequent natural disasters, poor living environment, the lack of housing, the basic production and living conditions. Some local economic and social development in the economic liberation is still in its natural or original economic status. After the liberation, although forced into across several social forms, but the basic structure of social and cultural failure has been fundamentally changed. As a result of the development of productive forces of its own rules of, and can not be changed with the relations of production and synchronized across from the primitive society returned by way of thinking, production, lifestyles and the economic foundation of natural economy, it is impossible in the short term, will be fundamentally changed. In other words, the system has also embedded in the culture of other cultural elements occurred, but have not yet touched a deep culture of the other core elements of culture or seriously lagging behind. From the old social ideology, and cultural tradition precipitation down, and are reflected in the workers on the old traditional concepts of the development of productive forces backward areas has played a subtle and tenacious resistance role.In this paper, based on the actual Yunnan Province, Yunnan Province, as an example, from high-tech and cultural interaction between the environment, high and new technology and the characteristics of the development of non-equilibrium of the start of a high-tech long into the underdeveloped regions have cultural reasons for friction and the specific performance of the less developed areas should be based on resources, and actively create a conducive to a culture of high-tech environment in which high-tech and less developed areas of cultural integration, and to innovation, sustained interaction harmonious development really long to underdeveloped regions, for the underdeveloped areas of economic and social development made the greatest contribution.

【关键词】 高新技术欠发达地区文化摩擦途径
【Key words】 high-techunderdeveloped areasCultural Frictionmeans
  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【下载频次】94

