

【作者】 何彬

【导师】 杜葵;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市从诞生到现在,经历了上千年的演变,它改变着人们的生活方式和社会的组织结构。最初的城市发展缓慢,规模小,城市化水平低;又由于受经济水平的制约,城市对自然环境的影响极为有限。工业革命之后,城市成为工业生产中心,城市规模迅速扩大,城市化水平迅速提高。工业化的发展扩大了人们利用自然资源的深度和广度,促使工业和人口在地域上的集中,拉开了全球化的城市化进程。中国作为发展中国家,正处于城市化高速发展期,城市化高速的发展,一方面促使人口向城市转移;以城市为中心的经济、文化、科技得到了极大的发展,城市基础设施得到了完善,人们的生活条件也大大地改善。另一方面,随着科学技术的进步,新型高强材料的出现,为高层、超高层以及一些特殊结构提供了材料基础,一时间,高层、超高层、大跨度建构筑物拔地而起,玻璃幕墙、帐篷结构、膜结构等新型建筑纷纷崭露头角;冷媒、热泵的发明,以及电子自控技术的发展,使得人们越来越热衷于构筑人工环境;过度地城市开发使昔日城郊的农村荡然无存,农民的村舍被城市所包围,所掩埋,形成了阻碍城市发展的“城中村”;巨大的人流和物流使交通道路网不堪重负,同时还带来了燃油紧张和空气污染;大规模地建设,粘土砖烧掉了一亩亩良田和丘地,吞噬了人类的食物基地,使生态资源遭到了破坏,对人类生存构成了威胁;国家保护耕地的“限粘”、“禁粘”政策的实施,使水泥制品迅速成为了粘土砖的替代品,而该制品的声桥热桥缺陷又增加了建筑的能耗;全球经济一体化的形成,实现了技术、资金和资源的跨区、跨国界的流动,为高速城市开发建设提供了动力;财富的增加,科技实力的增强,使得人类成了以自己为中心的拓荒者,人们沉浸在征服自然的胜利中,乐此不彼地享受着用高额能源来维持的人工环境;人们一边向自然界无节制地嗜取着,一边又大肆地将废弃物扔给大自然,自然界在人们的大肆挥霍中变得重负难堪,于是出现了土地、矿产资源、煤、电、水、能源等的紧缺,生物、植被的破坏;生态环境的衰退使得灾害频发,城市环境恶化,城市问题日显突出。围绕上述的背景,本文以2001年的“911”恐怖事件,以及“卡特利娜”飓风袭击新奥尔良等一连串的灾害事件为线索,引出了人类应重新审视自己征服自然改造自然的计划的观点,特别是在城市建设上,应力求通过实施防灾减灾管理来消除人为隐患,降低城市易损性,提高城市的抗灾能力。文中运用系统工程的理论和方法,融合了灾害学原理的理论,对城市全生命周期中的城市规划、城市建设和运营展开了城市建设减灾防灾管理的研究,通过借鉴、总结、归纳分析,提出“基于城市减灾防灾理论下的城市建设管理”模式和方法。并就目前城市的城市垃圾处理、城市中村改造、建筑节能以及建筑材料的安全等热点问题阐明了自己的观点;在本研究中提出了能源权、排污权、城市容灾能力等新概念,并主张城市开发建设应以城市容灾能力为限,通过能源权、排污权的实施,利用市场经济的手段来控制城市适度规模。由于时间有性,对城市建设减灾防灾管理更深层次的研究将留待以后继续进行。

【Abstract】 City has been undergoing thousands-year evolution since it came into being,and it has changed people’s living style and the social organization structure.Initially,city,when small-sized and low at urbanization level,evolved slowly,coupled by the limit of economy,and it generated limited effect on the natural environment.Since the industry revolution,city has developed into industry manufacturing center and expanded rapidly,achieving the rise in urbanization.The extent of people making use of natural resources has been tremendously improved as a result of industrial development, enhanced centralization of industry and population,and the process of urbanization across the world started.China,a developing country,is currently experiencing the stage of rapidly-increasing urbanization.On the one hand,a growing number of people migrate to the city,with city-based economy,culture and technology being significantly improved,while the urban infrastructure has been more sophisticated and people living situations also greatly improved.On the other hand,the advance of science and technology has given birth to high strength materials,offering material foundation for high-level and high-rise buildings,which can be universally seen.New buildings with glass curtain walls,tent structure and membrane structure come into people’ seyes.The invention of refrigerant and heat pump,and the progress of automatic technology fill people with great passion about artificial environment.Excessive urbanization results in the disappearance of countryside surrounding the city,with countryside houses encircled by the cities,dubbed as "Village in the City" Huge flow of people and logistics have exerted unbearable pressure on the transportation network and led to the short of gasoline supply and air pollution.fireclay bricks production for large-scale construction have reduced the size of rice paddy and hills,breaking the ecological balance and posing threat to the survival of human being.Despite cement products taking the place of fireclay bricks by national farming land protection policy of Fireclay Bricks Limit and Fireclay Bricks Ban,the sound and thermal bridges have increased the energy consumption.Economic globalization has realized the trans-region and cross-border exchange of technology,fund and resources,generating enormous incentives for the fast urban development and construction.The increasing wealth and growing power of science and technology have changed people into self-centered pioneer and people indulge into building artificial environment on the basis of high consumption of energy.Taking the necessary endlessly from the nature and returning the wastes carelessly to the nature,man is faced with the short supply of land,mineral resources,coal,electricity,water and energy,and the deterioration of ecological balance and vegetation.Natural disasters,worsening urban environment,more urban problems have become more apparent.Against the above-mentioned backdrop,this paper,based upon such disaster evidences as September 11,Hurricane Katrina in New Orieans and so on,introduces the viewpoint that man should review the plan of conquering and changing the nature,stressing the hidden dangers should be eliminated by employing the disaster prevention and reduction management,and the vulnerability of city should be altered,and the disaster resistance capability be advanced.Employing the system engineering theory and methods,integrating catastrophology theory,based on the research on the management of disaster prevention and reduction in urban construction during the whole process of life cycle of the city involving city planning,city construction and management,this paper introduces the model and methods of "disaster-prevention-and-reduction-based urban construction management" through lesson-learning,summarizing and induction. Personal viewpoints on such heatedly-debated issues as urban waste processing,rebuilding of village in the city,saving energy in construction,and safety of construction material are presented.New conceptions like energy right,emission right,and urban disaster recovery capability are initially used in this research and it is proposed that city development and construction should be limited by the city disaster recovery capability,and urban appropriate scale should be controlled by energy right,emission right and other market-oriented economic means.Deeper research on disaster prevention and reduction management in the urban construction will be carried out in the future due to limited time.

  • 【分类号】TU984.116
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】607

