

【作者】 罗秋良

【导师】 高建国;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着找矿难度的加大,地质学科的发展,新理论、新技术的应用,成矿预测由单一信息预测转变为多元信息预测,定性预测转变为定性与定量结合,乃至定量预测。综合地质、物探、化探、遥感等多元信息,实现多元信息的定性分析、定量分析及综合是现代成矿预测的一个主流手段。本论文以科研项目《云南勐兴铅锌矿床深部与外围立体定位预测与增储研究》为依托,以地理信息系统为平台,对地、物、化、遥等多元地学空间信息进行采集、存储、检索和分析,应用综合信息成矿预测理论,在矿区深部和外围探求新增资源储量,缓解矿山危机。云南勐兴铅锌矿建矿于1958年6月,是滇西南发现的规模较大的多金属硫化物矿床。经数十年的开采,矿山资源日趋枯竭。本次论文工作以综合信息成矿预测理论为指导,提取地、物、化、遥找矿信息,建立综合信息找矿模型,获得以下认识和成果:1、勐兴铅锌矿为沉积—改造型矿床,其赋存明显受—定的层位控制,并在一定的构造部位富集成矿,矿液活化运移可能受到SN向断裂构造的控制;2、建立多元地学信息数据库,实现了空间数据与属性数据的一体化管理,集地、物、化、遥为一体,快速提取和筛选找矿信息;3、运用数字图像处理方法对ETM+遥感数据进行处理,并采用MORPAS软件系统对线性构造进行线性构造等密度、平均方位、条数、优益度、中心对称度定量化处理,提取矿化遥感信息。认为SN与EW交叉复合部位有利富矿体的形成的;4、应用地球化学方法,在矿区西部发现Pb、Zn化探次生晕异常,该化探异常可能为含矿溶液沿构造裂隙扩散所致,具有一定的找矿空间;5、通过对已知区进行地球物理特征研究后,开展未知区分析,在矿区共发现八个EH-4异常带,反映深部具有较好的矿化现象;6、在总结成矿规律的基础上,综合地、物、化、遥找矿信息,建立矿区综合信息找矿模型,圈定两个Ⅰ类靶区,两个Ⅱ类靶区和四个Ⅲ类靶区。并对Ⅰ1和Ⅰ2号靶区实施工程验证,共获取333类矿石量876312吨。

【Abstract】 With the increasing difficulties of ore-prospecting, development of Geology and application of new theories and new technologies, forecast of ore-formation is changing from single geology information to multi-geology information. Fixed in quality transform into the combination of the fixed-quality and fixed-quantity, even the full form of fixed-quantity. Utilizing the information of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Remote-Sensing synthetically, it is a main research method of the current forecast of ore-formation to realize the analysis and comprehension of the fixed-quality and fixed-quantity currently.This paper is sponsored by the project,Localization-prognosis and Research on the Deep and Surroundings of MengXing Lead-Zinc mine,YunNan Province. With the support of the software platform of GIS, collect,store,retrieve,analyse the spatial information of Geology,Geophysics,Geochemistry and remote sensing. Utilizing the comprehensive information ore-formation prognosis,investigate new resources at the deep and surroundings of this mine and relieve the crisis.MengXing lead-zinc mine was established in June 1958,it’s a large deposit of poly-metal sulfide.But the resource is drying up by the mining since 1958.This paper obtain some cognition and achievements,as follows:1. MengXing lead-zinc mine is a reworked sedimentary deposit.Geologic strata controls the orebody apparently. SN-trending fracture may control the movement of hydrothermal fluid.2.Building the multi-source geo-information database,accomplish the management of spatial data and attribute data, extract and filter ore-prospecting information quickly.3.Process the ETM+ image by utilizing the digital image processing’s methods,extract remote sensing mineralization and alteration information,interpret the line structure and ring structure. Acquisition a great deal of fixed-quantity information by means of MORPAS just as equi-density, average direction, item quantity, outstanding degrees,symmetry degree of centre.Summarize the prospecting model of remote sensing. We consider that the crossing of SN trending and EW trending is benefit to the formation of oreshoot.4.Discover the abnormity of geochemical secondary halo in the western of MengXing syncline. Hydrothermal fluid diffuse through the structural flaw.And the abnormity may be related to the hydrothermal fluid. .There may be some places to find the ore-body.5. Through the research on Geophysical characteristics in the known area, develop the analysis in the unknown area.There are eight abnormal belts in the mine field.They declare that there may be some ore-bodys under the ground. 6.Summarize the mineralization regularity by analyzing the ore controlling factors and ore-prospecting marks.Synthesize the ore-prospecting information of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Remote-Sensing,create the ore-prospecting model of comprehensive information minerogenic prognosis. Eight prospecting target areas are lined out. There are two target areas of class 1,two target areas of class 2 and four target areas of class 3.And 876,312 ton ore is found in target areas of I1 and I2 after the engineering testing.

  • 【分类号】P618.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】367

