

Research on Ecological Strategy of Architecture Design for Lake Scenic Area Buildings in Southern of the Yangtze River

【作者】 龙江

【导师】 李莉萍;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业在国民经济发展中的作用越来越重要,这将促进全球旅游业更大的发展。然而旅游景区大规模的开发建设,对景区资源的掠夺式利用将给旅游景区自然生态系统、人文景观系统带来极其严重的影响。本文的研究以江南湖泊景区建筑设计为对象,以生态系统理论和生态建筑系统观理论为依据,总结江南湖泊景区生态与景区建筑特色,并且力图通过创作实践来探讨对江南湖泊景区建筑生态设计有针对性的策略。全文内容共分六章。第一章:绪论,对论文选题的背景、写作目的和意义进行阐述;对主要名词:江南地区、湖泊、湖泊景区、景区建筑等进行解释;同时对论题范围进行明确的界定;还将说明毕业论文的框架和我的研究方法等。第二章是基本理论铺垫,首先阐述生态建筑及国内外研究状况;然后介绍生态建筑系统观理论;最后简要说明生态旅游与景区建筑设计。第三章是论文研究的重点章节,首先介绍江南湖泊景区的自然生态系统并对其特征进行分析;接着是分析探讨了景区建筑的特征;分析江南地区传统建筑的生态表现,包括生态意识、生态技术以及带给景区建筑生态设计的启示。第四章是论文研究的核心章节,通过分析景区建筑修建对湖泊景区的生态、经济、文化等各方面的影响;指明了把生态建筑系统观理论引入景区建筑设计的必要性和作用。提出建立景区建筑设计的生态策略框架;在基础理论的支持下,阐明江南湖泊景区建筑设计生态策略的理念和原则,并分析江南湖泊景区建筑设计的策略。第五章:结合笔者参与的千岛湖龙门谷景区的建筑规划设计,进行景区建筑实例的分析。第六章是结束语章节,是对本文研究的总结部分。

【Abstract】 Since the tourism is more and more important in the national economy developing, it will promote a global tourism. However, the scenic area natural ecosystem and the humanities landscape system will be serious influenced if people make the scenic area large-scale construction or plunder using the natural resources.On the view of scenic area construction, we should also launch the traveling scenic area construction under the ecology civilization instruction. This article takes the Southern of the Yangtze River lake scenic area architecture design as an object, takes the ecosystem theory and the view of eco-architecture system as the basis, summarizes the Southern of the Yangtze River lake scenic area ecology and the scenic area architecture characteristics, and tries hard to discuss to the Southern of the Yangtze River lake scenic area eco-architecture design. The thesis includes six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction. Define the topic background, the writing goal and the significance of the essay. Then exhaustive explain the meaning of the topic theme words such as the Southern area of the Yangtze River, Lake, lake scenic area, architecture in scenic area and so on. Meanwhile, ensure the study rang of this thesis. Then, ensure the methods of study and structure of thesis.The second chapter is the elementary theory upholstery. First, elaborate the eco-architecture and introduce the research condition of the domestic and foreign. Then explain the view of eco-architecture system. Finally, briefly analyze the eco-tourism and architecture design in scenic area.The third chapter: the most important part of this paper. First of all, introduce the natural ecosystem of lake scenic area in the Southern area of the Yangtze River and carry on the analysis to its characteristic; Then discuss the scenic area architecture characteristic and tradition residential buildings ecology performance in the Southern area of the Yangtze River, including the eco-conscious, the eco-tech and the benefits to ecological design in scenic area architecture.Fourth chapter is the paper research core chapter. At first, analyze the ecology, the economy and the culture influence of the lake scenic area brought by the buildings construction, Establishes the ecology strategy frame of the scenic area architecture design. Under the basic theory support, expound the Southern of the Yangtze River lake scenic area architecture design idea and the principle, and propose the Southern of the Yangtze River lake scenic area architecture design strategy.Fifth chapter: combine with the lake scenic area architecture designing which the author participate in; analyze the scenic area construction example.Sixth chapter: the conclusion chapter.

  • 【分类号】F592.7;F205
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】293

