

【作者】 彭海波

【导师】 王晓东;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对于企业而言,由于企业的收购和兼并、雇员的更替和政策的改变,以及许多其他的原因:如,企业所拥有的系统用不同的语言建立,运行在不同的软件平台上,针对不同的硬件等。拥有大规模而且各不相同的系统是很普遍的现象,而拥有统一的系统却很少见。随着信息技术的快速发展,各企业间竞争的日趋白热化,很多因素促使人们对信息系统提出更高的要求,这既是企业内部发展的需要也是企业适应外部环境的需要。因此需要企业的信息系统更为灵活和开放,以便能够共享集成彼此的不同的信息。但由于这些信息系统的架构,数据源的结构不尽相同,使得这些系统间的数据交换和集成遇到了障碍。在这种背景下,企业异构数据的应用集成成为了当今企业信息化建设的热点和难点之一。为此,本文结合昆明钢铁集团信息化项目“昆钢钢产品力学性能检验系统”和先前已经上线的“昆钢QS系统”,研究了一些适合该企业的异构集成技术,并应用当中的一些技术实现了异构数据的共享、交换和集成,即以一种统一的数据模式描述各数据源中的数据,屏蔽它们的平台、数据结构等异构性,实现数据的无缝集成。在本文所述的异构系统中,围绕异构系统集成等目标,我们在对课题进行深入详细的系统调研、文献资料收集和整理后,本着最优原则,提出了一种基于XML技术和中间件思想、结合Web Service及Socket套接字监听的数据集成系统总体设计框架。其中,消息中间件采用XML,事务处理中间件采用Web Service和Socket套接字监听,WEB应用服务器中间件采用Jboss和IIS,数据访问中间件则采用JDBC和ADO.NET。采用这样的框架是因为中间件思想构建的系统具有伸缩性好、解决复杂问题能力强、开发周期短、开发风险低等优点。而近几年发展迅速的XML技术具有自定义性及其可扩展性等优势,便于表达各种类型的数据,自然适合作为异构数据的描述语言,解决数据的统一接口问题,从而实现异构数据之间的整合;系统的设计与实现充分考虑了企业的各种实际情况,除了满足基本的功能要求以外,在系统的构建上也是尽最大可能保证系统的通用性、灵活性、安全性及健壮性等。比如对于检验项目变更、新增产品等不确定因素,系统就有很好的通用性及可扩展性,出现这种情况时,系统不再需要硬编码,只需通过配置系统进行配置即可以运行;又如在网络异常情况时,系统提供了最小运行模式,从而可以保证生产的正常进行,使系统具有很好的健壮性。目前该系统正在试运行当中,它的研究与实现不仅可以在钢铁企业信息系统集成建设中提供借鉴,在其他制造行业当中也具有一定的现实意义和推广价值。

【Abstract】 For corporations, the corporate mergers and acquisitions, employee turnover and policy changes, as well as many other reasons: for example, enterprises have a system set up with different languages, the software running on different platforms, different hardware etc... The possession of large scale system which is different from each other is very common, and unified system is very rare. With the rapid development of information technology and competition among enterprises is becoming increasingly intense, many factors have contributed to people’s higher demand to information systems, and this is the needs of internal development of enterprises and also the adaptability to the external environment. Hence, to be able to share or integrate each other’s different information, more flexible and open information systems of enterprise is desired. However, the information system’s structure and the structure of data sources are different, so that these systems’ data exchange and integration encounter obstacles. And all of this make the integration of enterprise heterogeneous data into the current construction of the enterprise information hot and difficult one.To this end, this paper associate Kunming Iron and Steel Group information project" Kunming Iron and Steel Group ’s mechanical properties testing system for products " and " Kunming Iron and Steel Group QS system" previously had been on the line ,studying some heterogeneous technologies which is suitable for the enterprise, and realizing the sharing, exchange and integration of heterogeneous data with Some of these technology, that is, describes the data in different data sources in a unified data model, shielding the heterogeneity of platform, data structure etc., realizing seamless integration of data.In this paper, around the goal of integration of heterogeneous systems, after studying the subject in-depth, collecting and collating information literature, we put forward an integration system design framework which is based on XML technology with the middleware thinking and the combination of Web Service and Socket Monitoring in the optimal principle. In the system ,message middleware adopt XML、ADO.NET, transaction processing middleware adopt Web Service and Socket Monitoring, WEB application server middleware adopt JBOSS and IIS, data access middleware adopt JDBC. Choosing such a framework is because building a system that based on middleware thinking has many advantages, such as scalability, the great ability to resolve complex issues, short development cycle, low-risk and so on. And the rapid development of XML in recent years with the advantages likes self-definition, scalability, easy description to various types of data etc... And this makes it a suitable language to descript heterogeneous data, solve the data interface issue and realize the integration of heterogeneous data.System design and implementation fully taken into account the various actual situation in the enterprises, In addition to satisfying the basic functional requirements, the building of the system is guaranteed to the maximum extent possible versatility, flexibility, security and robustness, etc.. Uncertain factors such as the test items change or new products appear, systems have good versatility and scalability, in such cases, the system is no longer required hard-coded, but only through the configuration of the system configuration that can run; and If anomalies in the network, the system provides a minimum operating mode, which can guarantee the normal production and make the system good robustness. At present it is in trial operation, its research and realization can not only provide iron and steel enterprises in the construction of integrated information systems for reference, in other manufacturing industries which also has practical significance and value.

【关键词】 异构数据XML中间件JDBCSOCKET监听
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】101

