

Study on the Botanicals Wastewater in A/O System

【作者】 孙伟

【导师】 宁平; 鄢亚玲;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 云南素有“植物王国”、“药物宝库”之美喻,据药用植物普查,约有5000余种,储量可观。全省利用药用植物提取、制造药品的企业有63家,年产值30多亿元,不仅为全省经济,也为全省医疗卫生事业做出了巨大贡献。同时,这些企业在生产过程中,每年向环境排放上千万吨有机废水。据调查,只有近30%的企业对所产废水进行了治理,行业总的废水处理率不到40%,而治理普遍采用的是普通好氧生化技术(活性污泥法或接触氧化法)。植物药业有机废水特点是污染物浓度高,一般COD>1000 mg/L,成分复杂,主要含有多种天然类有机物,如糖类、甙类、蒽醌、木质素、生物碱、鞣质、蛋白质、色素等,甚至有些还会有毒性较大的化学物质,在废水处理技术领域内,被视为难处理废水。本课题研究的技术是把存在于自然界中的微生物,采用特殊的方法进行筛选、驯化、强化,根据废水特征,将多种不同的微生物配合,构成互相依赖的特殊菌群,形成分解链(生物链)种植于污水处理设施中,通过联合、协同作用,生生不息地进行分解,达到高效处理的目的。本方法形成的菌胶团紧密度高,稳定性好,沉降性能佳(污泥指数SVI<80mL/g),有机负荷高(≥3kgCOD/m3.d),污染物去除率高,能同时脱磷、除氮,菌种适应能力强,对一些限制性的有毒有害物质(如重金属、Cl-、SO42-等)有较好的耐受能力,以此菌种加上适当的运行方式形成治理工艺系统,耐负荷冲击能力强,工艺运行启动快,运行稳定,维护管理方便。本试验在经过筛选、分离获得的优势菌基础上,成功完成菌种的驯化、增殖等系列微生物培养工作,设计制作了60L的厌氧反应器和200L规模好氧试验装置,经过6个月的试验研究,厌氧单元COD去除率可达75%以上,好氧单元容积负荷在2.3 kgCOD/m3.d,MLSS 1200mg/L条件下,污染物去除率COD≥90%、BOD5≥95%、氨氮≥70%、总磷≥95%好的技术指标。污泥增长量Q<0.1 kg/kgBOD5,一段好氧单元处理进水水质COD≤2500 mg/L,出水水质COD≤95 mg/L,稳定达到GB8978-1996一级排放标准要求。本技术污染物去除率高,脱磷脱氮效果好,容积负荷高,污泥产量少,耐冲击负荷强,较现行的生物处理技术有明显的优势。

【Abstract】 Yunnan is generally famed Kingdom of plants, treasuring the trove of medicines. According to medicinal plants census, the categories of medicinal plants are more than five hundred and with the abundant reserves. There are 63 enterprises in Yunnan which produce medicines using medicinal plants; the Annual output value is more than 3 billion. This makes a great contribution to economy and to Yunnan’s medical and health industries. Meanwhile, hundreds and thousands of organic wastewater discharged every year in the production process. According to the survey, only 30% of enterprises treated wastewater and the wastewater treatment ratio is less than 40%. They generally use normal aerobic oxidation technology, activated sludge treatment or contacting oxidation treatment. The botanicals organic wastewater is with high concentration of COD, generally more than 1000 mg/L, complicated composition of a variety of natural organic compounds, such as sugar, anthraquinones, lignin, alkaloids, tannin, protein, pigment, etc, even containing some toxicity chemical material. This kind of wastewater is regard as hard to treat wastewater.This paper researched the special technologies of selecting, domesticating, strengthening microorganisms naturally existing. According to the properties of wastewater, assort multi-kinds of microorganisms constitute special bacterium groups, dependent on each other, shaping a decomposing chain (food chain) in the sewage treatment facilities and decompose organisms all the time through combination and collaboration in order to achieve high efficiency. The bacterium micelle, shaped by this method with good stability and sedimentation performance, high organic loads and removal rate of pollutants, can remove phosphor and nitrogen at the same time. Meanwhile, the bacterium with good adaptability can survive in the water with some limited toxic and harmful stuff (heavy metal,Cl-, SO42- and etc.). The treatment technical system with the above bacterium and proper operation methods has strong tolerant capacity for the shock loads, quick startup, stable operation and convenient maintenance and management.This 6 month experiment completes a series of cultivation of microorganisms in domesticating, proliferation and etc., on the basis of dominant bacterium acquired through selecting, separating and designing 60 liter anaerobic reactor and 200 liter aerobic experimental tanks. The removal rate of anaerobic unit of COD can reach more than 75% and the removal rate of pollutants is following: COD≥90%, BOD5≥95%, NH4-N≥70%, TP≥95%, if aerobic unit of volume loads is 2.3kgCOD/m3.d, MLSS 1200mg/L. It would satisfy the first standard of GB8978-96. This technique has more obvious superiority than present biological treatment technique for it has high removal rate of pollutants, better efficiency of removing phosphor and nitrogen, high volume loads, little production of sludge and strong tolerance of shock loads.

【关键词】 植物药业废水优势菌厌氧好氧
【Key words】 botanicals wastewaterdominant bacteriumanaerobicaerobic
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】644

