

【作者】 陈荣彦

【导师】 张世涛;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近20年来,随着昆明经济的快速发展和人口的迅速增加,排入地下的工农业和生活污水不断增加,大大改变了地下水的化学场。对昆明盆地地下水化学场的动态特征及影响因素进行分析研究,有助于深入了解地下水化学场的形成、分布及其时空变化规律,为地下水的开发利用和治理提供依据。本文利用环境监测总站的水质监测资料,分析了昆明盆地北部地下水化学场的动态特征,并分析了其影响因素。论文从基岩水和孔隙水两个方面进行讨论,分析了地下水化学场的时空变化规律,并分析了几组水化学循环的典型参数,分析了Fe、N、P、F等污染组分的变化。①基岩水化学场受外界影响较小,仅在个别地段,如水文地质单元Ⅲ的南部、水文地质单元Ⅰ的九门里一带和水文地质单元Ⅴ的十里铺一带,受人类活动影响较大。基岩水水动力作用较强,盆地边缘溶滤作用进行较充分。Fe、P、F、N等组分仅在个别点出现超标现象,以NO-N、NH4+污染形式最严重,并有逐年加重的趋势。②孔隙水化学场受外部人为活动影响较大,在南部湖滨平原区,人类活动的影响已重于自然因素的影响。因为昆明城区不断扩大,用地类型不断改变,孔隙水化学场在不同的地段表现出不同的变化趋势。草海北端污染不断加重,然后出现略微好转的趋势;南部湖滨平原区的污染不断加重,范围不断扩大,并有逐年恶化的趋势。孔隙水在盆地边缘地段水动力作用较强,在南部湖滨平原区,蒸发浓缩作用较强。Fe、P、F、N明显表现出受区内工农业和生活污染的影响,以NO3-N污染最严重。地下水化学场的变化主要受自然和人为因素的影响,自然因素主要受地下水补给、水岩作用等的影响。人为因素对化学场的影响,主要表现在两个方面:一方面,过量抽取地下水,改变了地下水的流场,利于污染物迁移扩散,使水质不断恶化;另一方面,工农业和生活大量排放污水、垃圾等废弃物,使污染物进入地下,改变地下水化学场。研究区污染有工业污染、农业污染和农田污灌污染、生活污染等,其中生活污染遍布全区,因污染类型、赋存条件等不同,基岩水和孔隙水的污染程度也有所不同。

【Abstract】 According to the development of the economy of Kunming and the population’s increase in the past 20 years,the polluted water enter underground from industry, agriculture and sanitary sewage has increased by a wide margin,which contributed to the great change of the underground water chemical environment of Kunming basin.Study the dynamic characteristics of chemical fields and its influencing factors in groundwater,can help to realize the forming、distributing of the chemical fields and its space-time variation rules in groundwater,also can offer scientific basis for reasonable exploitation and protection of groundwater resource.With environmental monitoring station’s data of water quality,the paper analyzed the dynamics characteristic of the chemical fields of groundwater in north of the kunming basin,and also analyzed its influencing factors.The paper analyzed the space-time variation rules of the groundwater chemistry field through to analyze the two ways of bedrock water and pore water,and analyzed several typical parameters of chemical circulatory in groundwater,also analyzed the variation of the pollutant of Fe,P,N,F.①The human activities’ influence on bedrock water is small except some areas,for example,Shilipu in the hydrogeological unitⅤ,Jiumenli in hydrogeological unitⅠand the south of hydrological unitⅢ.The bedrock dynamic function and dissolution play comparative full role,especially at the edge of basin.The pollutant of Fe,F,P and N are excess at a few point.The pollution of NO2-N,NH4+ are the main contaminative forms.②The human activities was a important role in the variation of the chemical field in Pore water,and in the south of lakeshore area the pore water pollution were more seriously than north of the research area.With the increase of the city area,the pore water has different trends because of the different contaminative types,the pollution high value’s areas linked up into a single stretch from 1983a to 1990a;the situation of pollution alleviated at the north of Caohai,but the situation of pollution aggravated at South of the lake-side plain.Pore water hydrodynamic function was dominant at the edge of basin,while the evaporating concentration function dominated in the south of lakeshore area.Domestic sewage played a larger role to pollution.Analyzing the distribution of Fe,P,F and N,we found industrial and agricultural sewage and domestic sewage contributed the pollution obviously.Among these components,N was the most serious pollution of these elements;the pollution form of N was NO3-N mainly.Groundwater hydrochemistry field’s change has two influential factors:nature functions and human activities.Nature function mainly included groundwater’s replenishment,water-rock interaction,evaporating concentration and so on.Human not only exploit groundwater excessive and make water quality deteriorating increasingly,but also discharge pollutants which can penetrated into groundwater and alternated the groundwater hydrochemistry field.There have industry pollution,agriculture pollution, sewage used for irrigation pollution and rural pollution in research area,and the rural pollution distributed on the hole area.Because of the different pollution types and different accumulation conditions between of the bedrock water and pore water,the degree of pollution changed.

  • 【分类号】X523
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】236

