

【作者】 王雷

【导师】 陈出云;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车,是具有双重价值的产品。它具有物质功能和精神功能的双重特征。随着人们消费层次的不断提高,他们对于产品本身的满意度从最初的好用与不好用的物质层面发展到了喜欢与不喜欢的精神层面。通过象征性设计来把握住人们内在的精神需求,使人与产品得到更好的融合,并最终实现消费者的满意度,这将是令人期待的。象征性设计作为一种设计方法首先在于它特殊的概念设计思维方式,强调现象和本质属性之间的联系,这个思考的过程必须超越个别而进入一般,提出合理的、合乎规律的汽车创造主张。在这个设计的过程中,通过物质载体外化的汽车,设计者所具备的设计科学思想,精神的本质力量得到充分的张显,从而使设计呈现出创新的光辉。因此,以象征性设计为切入点对汽车外观造型进行研究,不仅可以拓宽造型设计的研究范畴,而且还可以充实汽车外观造型设计的研究理论,有助于对汽车象征价值的挖掘,有利于对汽车外观造型的设计表达与设计创造,同时对研究其它工业产品的造型设计有一定的借鉴作用。论文借助产品语意学的知识和观点,着重对汽车外观的象征功能及其象征性语意内涵进行了深入研究,并由此对汽车外观象征性设计的构思与方法进行了深入的分析,目的就在于为人们提供一个对于产品精神内涵解读的策略和合理造型的指导原则。首先,论文从象征的概念辨析入手,通过对象征的产生、象征的基本特征、汽车外观象征的历史追溯,汽车外观的文化特征等多方面进行了讨论,由此建立了分析象征性设计内涵的基础。其次,论文着重讨论了汽车外观的象征性设计内容以及设计构思的方法,意在解读产品的精神内涵,并对汽车外观的造型设计提供合理的指导原则。最后,对汽车外观象征性设计程序、实际案例以及当前汽车外观造型的流行趋势进行了概括和总结,意在理论联系实际,完善造型设计过程,把握好整体设计战略,提高设计品质。

【Abstract】 The automobile is the dual value products. It has the dual characteristics include the material function and the energetic function. With the enhancement of hierarchy of consumption, people’s satisfaction with products have developed from initial material stratification plane to the energetic stratification plane.The symbolic design was taken as one design method because it lying in its special thinking mode of conceptual design. The symbolic design emphasize the relation between the phenomenon and the essential attribute. In this design process, the designer has materialized his scientific ideal and energetic strength.Therefore, the research taking the symbolic design as the breakthrough point to the automobile design, not only may expand the research category, but also may enrich the research theory of the automobile design. This article is good for studying other design of the manufactured products certainly.The article takes the symbolic function and the symbolic meaning connotation as a key point, and discusses the automobile design of outward appearance . The goal of this article is to provide the product energetic connotation explanation strategy and the reasonable guiding principle for the people.First, the article obtains from the symbolic concept discrimination, and carries on the discussion to the symbolic production, the symbolic essential feature, the symbol historical backward and the automobile outward appearance’s cultural characteristic to understand the global concept of the symbolic design. Second, the article intends to explain the energetic connotation of product and provides the reasonable guiding principle through discussing the content of the automobile design of outward appearance symbolic as well as the design idea emphatically. Finally, the article intends to apply theory to reality, grasps the overall design strategy, and improves the design quality through carrying on the analysis and the summary to the automobile project, the actual case as well as the current fashion trend of automobile.

  • 【分类号】U462
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】229

