

【作者】 刘静源

【导师】 张旭;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 冶金物理化学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究了一种从鼓风炉高砷含铟烟尘中分离砷及提取铟、锌的对环境友好的新工艺。通过对云锡铅鼓风炉烟尘浸出过程中锌、铟、砷等主要元素的分布走向进行分析,重点开展了循环浸出富集铟、锌、砷的工艺实验研究,提出了“中酸循环浸出-保温过滤-冷却过滤分离砷-改变酸度过滤分离锌-萃取提铟”工艺,回收其中的锌、砷、铟。通过系统的实验研究,开发出了适宜于处理云锡铅鼓风炉烟尘的工艺方法,得到了可以指导实际工业生产的数据和经验。本研究实验包括条件实验和循环浸出实验。由于硫酸锌和三氧化二砷在不同酸度和不同温度下的溶解度不同;因此,通过改变浸出液温度和调节其酸度的方法脱锌和砷。研究内容包括浸出酸度、温度、液固比、时间对各元素浸出率的影响。条件实验表明:浸出酸度在7mol/L,温度85℃,时间1.5小时,液固比为4:1时,各元素的浸出率达到最大。小型实验表明:浸出酸度控制在7mol/L,温度85℃,时间设定1.5小时,液固比为4:1,每轮浸出后浸出液冷却过滤得到74.90%的粗三氧化二砷晶体,七轮浸出后提高浸出液酸度至13mol/L后,过滤得到84.73%的粗制品七水硫酸锌;浸出液萃取提铟,萃取率达82.46%。试验所提出的流程,实现了溶液闭路循环,无废渣排放,成功分离了砷、铟、锌,为今后该物料的处理提供了一条新的思路。

【Abstract】 In this paper, a new process was studied to separate arsenic and extract Indium and zinc from lead blast furnace dust contaning Indium, zinc and arsenic.The distributiones of Zinc and Indium and Arsenic in the leaching process of the lead blast furnace dust from YunnanTin Co.were studied. A new process, which consist of middle acid circle leching, heat preservation filtering, arsenic oxide crystalizing were introduced. In the experiments, separating Zinc and Arsenic and extracting Indium according to the process were studied mainly. The suitable process and technological parameters were determined for the practical application.The experiments include two parts: condition experiments and circle leaching. Base on the solubility of ZnSO4 and As2O3 was different on the conditions of different acidity and temperature, separating Zinc and Arsenic were achieved by the way of changing the temperature and leaching acidity. Some influence factors: temperature, acidity, liquid/solid and leaching time, etc were studied.The results from the laboratory experiment showed that when the acidity was 7mol/l, the temperature was 85℃, the liquid/solid was 4:1 and the leaching time was 1.5h, a rough As2O3 amount to 74.90% was gained in the crystal step, a rough ZnSO4·7H2O amount to 84.73% was gained when the acidity get to 13mol/l after seventh leching rounds, and a 82.46% extraction rate of Indium was achieved.The process has the advantages of simplicity, low cost, high recovery rate for valuable metals, high production and a little pollution, etc. A new idea is provided to deal with containing arsenic materials.

【关键词】 鼓风炉烟尘综合回收
【Key words】 DustRecoveryIndiumZincArsenic
  • 【分类号】X757
  • 【下载频次】270

