

【作者】 颜加斌

【导师】 杨德宏;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着GIS在各应用领域的不断深入,现有的GIS数据处理技术已不能满足数字空间信息时代与信息社会的需求,其中一个重要方面就是无法解决空间数据随比例尺变化而产生的信息量增减问题,而解决此问题的根本出路就在于实现地图综合的自动化。因此,地图综合不再仅仅是单一的解决地图生产自动化的一种手段,而且成为国家空间数据基础设施和数字地球的重要基础支撑技术。地貌自动综合是地图综合中比较传统的研究内容之一,同时也是具有较高综合性难度的问题,其中以等高线的综合研究最具有挑战性。线状要素综合作为制图综合领域中最重要的研究区域,经历了几十年的发展后,仍然是专家学者们研究的热点。这一方面是由线状要素在地图要素的图形表达上的重要性决定的;另一方面是由于制图综合和线状要素综合本身的理论和技术还不完善、不成熟。此外,作为描述空间信息的重要组成部分,线状要素的分析、处理在GIS占有重要地位。随着GIS应用领域的不断扩展和Internet技术的发展,现有的GIS数据处理机制已经不能满足信息社会的需要,其中一个重要的原因就是GIS无法解决矢量空间数据随比例尺变化而产生的信息量增减的问题,即无级比例尺GIS空间信息压缩与复现问题。因此,对线状要素综合特别是化简技术进行研究很有必要。本论文主要是在MapObjects平台上研究等高线的自动综合。本文在综述地图自动综合与MapObjects开发的基础上讨论了等高线综合的策略,并设计开发出MapObjects平台的等高线自动综合系统。本系统在MapObjects平台上,采用VisualStudion 2005开发工具,运用C#编程语言开发的应用程序,在MapObjects环境下调试使用。这种研究、开发方法,很好的解决了等高线综合实际过程中遇到的难题。最后开发出来的等高线综合交互式MapObjects系统,主要实现了以下几方面的功能:1.对等高线自动综合的基本算法进行了全面深入的研究,重点研究了道格拉斯——普克(Douglas-Peucker)法。2.研究偏角限制的策略对Douglas-Peucker算法进行完善,避免了等高线自动综合过程产生的图形失真。3.研究等高线地形特征点的确定以及地形特征线的寻找,以及在等高线树结构的基础上根据综合控制因子来追踪地形特征线。4.等高线图层的加入。加入用户需要综合的等高线图形。5.等高线数据的预处理。对原始等高线数据进行预处理,比如删除错误的高程、设置等高距离。因为各方面的原因,本文只实现了对等高距的设置。6.实现等高线的成组化简,并实现了一种基于Mapobjects平台实用的等高线数据稀释缩编的方法。

【Abstract】 With the application of GIS in the areas of the continuous deepening of, the existing GIS data-processing technology has been unable to meet the information age and the digital space needs of the information society,one important aspect is the spatial data can not be solved with the change in the scale of change in the amount of information issues,the solution of the problem lies in fundamental way to achieve comprehensive map of automation.Therefore, Map is no longer just a single integrated solution map as a means of production automation,and a national spatial data infrastructure and an important foundation for Digital Earth Technology Support.Topography map is automatically integrated comprehensive study of the more traditional one of,it is also integrated with high difficulty of the issue, with contours of the most comprehensive study challenging.Line generalization,one of the most important fields of the cartographic generalization,is still a central issue for experts and scholars after many years’ development.That has two reasons:one is the importance of line in map representation,the other is the imperfectability and immaturity of the theory of cartographic generalization and line generalization itself.In addition,as a main partition of spatial information representation,analysis and deal of line play an important role in GIS.With the expansion of GIS applying field and development of internet technique,now available data processing system of GIS couldn’t meet the requirements of the information society.One of the important reasons is that GIS couldn’t adjust the quantity of spatial information with deriving small scale from large scale automatically,which is also called spatial information compression and reappearance of scales GIS.Consequently,it’s essential to pay attentions to the research in line simplification more than in line generalization.This paper is in MapObjects platform on the contour automatically integrated.Based on the Comprehensive Review of automatic map and MapObjects development on the basis of discussion of the contours comprehensive strategy, and design and development platform to MapObjects contour automatically integrated system.The system uses a tool provided by the MapObjects,C# environment in the development of applications,C# environment in the development of applications.Such research、Development Methods,solve the good contour comprehensive practical problems encountered in the course of. Finally the contour lines developed integrated interactive system MapObjects, To achieve the following main aspects of the functions:1.The contour of the basic algorithm automatically integrated conducted a comprehensive in-depth study,focus on the Douglas - Puke (Douglas-Peucker)Act.2.Declination restrictions on the strategy of Douglas-Peucker algorithm perfect,to avoid the contours of the process automatically integrated graphics distortion.3.Contour topographical features on the set point and topographical feature of the search,and the contour lines on the basis of the structure of the tree under the Comprehensive control factor to track terrain characteristics.4.Layers of contour lines to join.Users need to join the integrated graphics contour.5.Contour data preprocessing.The original contour data preprocessing, for example,to delete the wrong elevation、Settings such as distance.Because of various reasons,In this paper,only to achieve the contour from the set.6.Implementation of the contours of the SR Group,and to achieve a platform based on MapObjeets contour data for the downsizing of the dilution method.

  • 【分类号】P208;P283.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】343

