

【作者】 张毅

【导师】 张悟移;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 我国是煤炭生产和消费大国,煤炭是我国重要的基础能源,煤炭在能源中的地位比任何一个国家都重要。今年年初我国南方遭遇雨雪冰冻灾害,交通运输困难,电煤供应紧张,缺煤停机超过3700万千瓦,19个省区拉闸限电。煤炭,库存量最多也不到20天,甚至更少。相当多的火电企业特别是国有火电企业认为,一旦煤炭供应紧张就找政府,而政府总会调动一切社会资源来解决缺煤问题。这期间某些企业没有尽到企业的煤炭库存管理责任。到2002年我国已初显煤炭市场供应紧张时,许多火电企业还是不愿意增修煤仓增加煤炭库存,建立合理的煤炭安全库存管理体制。本文对火电企业进行实地考察,参考火电企业的相关数据以及相关文献,对电力煤炭库存相关信息采取定量决策、定性决策,通过对以上决策进行对比,得出能够切实有效的解决,当今火电企业煤炭库存安全管理的方案。本文建立了入库前期管理辅助体系,加紧寻找和稳定煤源加强煤炭采购管理、建立规格标准化的煤炭采购合同管理;建立严格的入库管理体系,煤炭入库数量监控管理、煤炭入库质量监控管理;建立严格的煤炭堆放体系,对煤炭种类进行分类、提出煤炭堆放方案;建立煤炭库存警戒体系,建立严格出库管理体系,煤炭出库数量监控管理、煤炭出库质量监控管理。从某种意义上讲,库存管理在物流管理中占据着核心的地位。从物流的发展史可以看出,物流的研究最初是从解决“牛鞭效应”开始的,即在多环节的流通过程中,由于每个环节对于需求的预测存在误差,因此随着流通环节增加,误差被放大,库存也就越来越偏离实际的最终需求,从而带来保管成本和市场风险的提高。解决这个问题的思路,从研究合理的安全库存开始。从发达国家的统计数据来看,现代物流的发展历史就是库存成本在总物流成本中所占比重逐步降低的历史。希望通过对火电企业煤炭库存管理的研究,来解决当今火电企业在煤炭从前期准备、入库、堆放到出库这一整套流程中有据可依,使火电企业煤炭库存管理更加合理,更能解决当今火电企业对煤炭管理的难题,使库存更加合理,降低企业的发电成本,使企业更具竞争力。

【Abstract】 China’s coal production and consumption of power, coal is China’s important bases of energy, coal in the energy than the status of any country are important. Early this year South China encountered freezing rain and snow disasters, transportation difficulties, electricity supply, Quemei stands more than 37 million kilowatts, 19 provinces, autonomous regions, Lazhaxiandian. Coal, not to stock up to 20 days, or even fewer. A considerable number of thermal power enterprises, especially state-owned thermal power enterprises that once the tight supply of coal on the Government to find, and the Government will mobilize all social resources to solve the problem Quemei. During this period some enterprises do not have to make the coal enterprises to inventory management responsibility. By 2002, China’s coal market has Chuxian tight supply, many thermal power enterprises coal bunker amended or unwilling to increase coal inventories, establish reasonable safety of coal inventory management system.In this thesis, thermal power enterprises site visits, reference thermal power enterprises relevant data and related documentation, inventory of coal for electricity-related information to decision-making quantitative and qualitative decision-making, decision-making through the above comparison, that the effective and efficient solutions, today’s coal thermal power enterprises Stock safety management programme.This thesis established a pre-storage management support system, step up efforts to find and stable source of coal to strengthen coal procurement management, the establishment of standardized specifications of the coal procurement contract management; establish a strict storage management system, the number of monitoring and management of coal storage and coal - Monitoring the quality of management; establish a strict system of coal piles, classify types of coal, coal dumps proposed programme, set up coal inventory alert system and establish a strict management system to the coal to the number of monitoring and management, coal to the quality control management.In a sense, inventory management in logistics management occupy a central position. From the history of the development of the logistics can be seen, the logistics of the study was first resolve the "bullwhip effect" began, that is, in many areas of the circulation process, because each session to demand the forecast error, so as to increase the circulation link , The error was magnified, it increasingly deviated from the actual inventory of final demand, thus bringing their cost and market risks increase. Ideas to solve this problem, from the safety of stocks on reasonable start. Statistics from developed countries, the development of modern logistics in the history of the total inventory costs of logistics costs gradually reduce the proportion of the history.Hope that through the thermal power enterprises of coal inventory management, to resolve the thermal power enterprises in the coal from the initial preparations, storage, piling up a bank to set this process in evidence-based, thermal power enterprises coal inventory management more rational, more To address today’s business-to-coal thermal power management problems, so that a more rational inventories, lower cost of power generation enterprises, the enterprises more competitive.

【关键词】 火电企业煤炭库存管理
【Key words】 Thermal power enterprisesCoalInventoryManagement
  • 【分类号】F426.21;F253.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】525

