

【作者】 岳维好

【导师】 施昆;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展以及人民生活水平的提高,旅游已经成为一种消费时尚。与日益火爆的旅游市场相比,旅游服务业的发展水平明显滞后,依靠传统的管理与服务模式已经远远不能满足旅游业发展的客观需要,旅游业供与需的矛盾日益突出。利用飞速发展的IT技术与地理信息技术,建立旅游目的地地理信息系统,提高旅游业管理水平与服务质量,扩大信息传播范围,增加旅游目的地知名度,吸引客源,为游客提供便捷的服务,变得势在必行。云南省昆明滇池名胜风景区有六十多个旅游景点,其中不乏像四大名楼之一大观楼、聂耳墓、中国第一座水电站石龙坝电站及西山龙门等知名旅游景点,从而吸引各地游客争相而来。丰富的旅游资源,庞大的旅游市场,需要利用现代技术进行管理。一方面,数量如此众多的旅游资源需要数字化和信息化的管理方式,提高管理效率:另一方面,需要一个完善的旅游服务平台,为到此地的广大游客提供方便快捷的旅游服务,提高服务质量。然而,相关部门对这些旅游资源特别是对具有数据量大、空间分布较广、分布复杂等特征的景点信息的管理还停留于以往的手工管理模式下,即使使用计算机,也仅仅是作为存储设备,不能提供空间查询和分析功能,效率极为低下,已经严重的阻碍了它的进一步发展。本文正是在这种情况下,对GIS的一些基本理论进行研究和阐述的基础上如探讨了地理信息系统的一些基本功能诸如空间数据和属性数据的输入、编辑、处理和存储、查询、检索、统计、信息的发布、打印输出及报表和空间分析(缓冲区分析、网络分析——最优路径选择、景点选择决策分析及统计分析)等并研究是如何应用于实践中,结合地理信息系统设计和开发的基本知识,选用了Delphi程序开发语言,采用波兰TatukGIS公司的用于地理信息系统开发的第三方控件包TatukGIS Developer Kernel,选用SQL Server2000数据库,设计、开发并建成了基于GIS的滇池风景名胜区景点管理信息系统。系统的建成,有利于滇池名胜风景管理区的相关管理部门宣传景点信息、提高景点知名度及提高工作效率,也有利于游客了解滇池风景名胜区并为是否到此游玩及选择游玩线路等旅游行为提供决策。

【Abstract】 With the development of social economy and people’ s living standard, for many people, tourism has turned to be an important part of their lives. Compared with the increasingly tourism market, tourism service is obviously lagged behind. If the traditional management mode do not be changed, it will hinder the tourism market from developing further. Therefore, we must face the conflict between supply and requirement in the right way. And GIS (Geographic Information system) is a perfect way to solve the problem. We should establish Geographic Information system of tourism destination by using increasingly developing Information Technology and Geographic Information System technology. This will improve management standard and service quality of tourism, and enlarge information communication’ s scope and highten tourism destination’ s fame. It is also helpful for attracting tourists and upgrading tourism service level.Dianchi lake scenic spot in Kunming city has more than sixty sight spots, some of them are well-known, such as Daguan Tower of four most famous tower in China, Nieer Grave, Shilong Dam hydrodynamic power station, first hydrodynamic power station in China and Xishan Longmen. These sight spots attract many tourists all over China or even the world. The abundant tourism resources and huge tourism market need modern technology to meet the management demand.On the one hand, the new mode will improve work efficiency. On the other hand, it is in favor of enhancing tourism service level. However, the corresponding management departments still deal with the vast spatial information of many sight spots in the traditional way which not only need many staffs, but the work efficiency is relatively lower. The lower work efficiency hinders tourism further development. So far, they do not realize that computer is a powerful tool for managing spatial information. Consequently , based on the basic GIS functions such as spatial data and attribute data’ s input、edit、disposal、storage、query、information release, printout、report forms、spatial analysis(buffer analysis and network analysis-the best route choice), I take Delphi as the program developed language, TatukGIS Developer Kernel of Poland TatukGIS as the second GIS development toolkit and SQL Server2000 as the database to design and develop sight spot’ s management system of Dianchi lake scenic spot. The system will manage scenic spot’ s information efficiently and be helpful for enhancing scenic spot’ s fame and improving work efficiency for corresponding management departments of Dianchi lake scenic spot. At the same time, the system is a practicable tool for choosing tourism route and helping tourists to make travel decisions.

【关键词】 GIS滇池景区TatukGIS景点信息
【Key words】 GISDianchi lake scenic spotTatukGISsight spot’ s information
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】428

