

【作者】 秦来勇

【导师】 秦德先;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合国家“十五”科技攻关项目“大型锡矿山接替资源探查技术与示范”(2004BA615A-03)和校企科技项目“广西大厂铜坑锡矿细脉带矿体矿化富集规律及成果推广应用研究”,运用构造地质学、岩石学、矿床学、地球化学等理论方法,在系统收集、分析和总结前人科研数据与研究成果的基础上,重点对大厂锡多金属矿田西矿带长坡-铜坑(91~#、92~#和细脉带)、龙头山(100~#)等典型矿床的地质特征、成矿物质来源、成矿时代、成矿作用及矿床成因进行探讨,明确了本区找矿思路,并运用地质、物探、化探、遥感等多种勘查技术,提取找矿有用信息,在矿山生产矿区及更广范围的F1断裂上盘进行找矿预测。研究工作取得如下主要成果:1、区域性成矿研究表明大厂矿田西矿带成矿主要受地层、构造、岩浆岩等多重因素控制:最有利容矿层位是中泥盆统纳标组生物礁灰岩、上泥盆统榴江组硅质岩和五指山组的条带灰岩;主要控矿构造为北西向大厂断裂和大厂倒转背斜,在与北东向次级断裂交汇部位更有利于矿化富集;燕山期隐伏中酸性岩体的侵入亦是矿化富集的主要因素之一。2、西矿带各矿床产出空间主要受北西向大厂断裂和大厂背斜双重控制,主要包括两类产状的矿体即似层状和脉状;垂向分布上自上而下为张裂隙脉型—细脉带型—层间破碎带型—似层状;水平分布上以隐伏岩体为中心,具有环带分布特征;宏观上和微观特征表明脉状矿化均晚于层纹状矿化。3、铜坑矿区成矿物质来源于地层和岩浆,龙头山地区成矿物质来源以地层主。泥盆纪的热水沉积作用使成矿物质形成预富集,燕山期岩浆多期侵入作用带入了部分成矿物质,又使地层中的成矿物质活化,迁移、再富集,并在构造有利部位富集成矿。4、遥感资料显示西矿带深部存在与成矿有关的隐伏岩体:物探瞬变电磁法测量结果表明在F1断层的上盘铁板哨、瓦窑山等地区具有较好低阻异常显示,在铜坑东岩墙以东和下部也有较好异常;化探结果表明在F1断层上盘存在多处Sn、Zn异常。5、通过提取综合找矿信息,确定找矿标志,预测在铜坑矿区细脉带矿体周边、92号矿体东端深部以及F1断层上盘大树脚-黑水沟等存在多个找矿靶区,通过工程验证已成功探获包括V号盲矿体在内的多个矿体和新矿化类型,为企业带来巨大经济效益。

【Abstract】 The Master’s thesis is completed based on two projects. One is the cooperative project in enterprises and university of research on the mineralization enrichment regularity and application of tong ken tin veinlets in Dachang. The other is the national technology research project on exploration technology and model for next latent resources in large-scale tin-mine (project code: 2004BA615A-03). Through collecting systematically and analyzing scientific data and results made by other geological workers, the thesis focus on discussing the geological characteristics, mineralization material source, mineralization era and genesis of the typical ore deposits, such as Changpo-Tongken ore deposit (ore body: 91~#, 92~# and veinlets) and Longtuoshan ore deposit (ore body:100~#)in the west belt of the Dachang tin poly-metallic field, with the methods of structural geology, petrology and mineral deposit studying, geochemistry and so on. And the metallogenic model is established in the end. After summing up the prospecting mark and establishing the prospecting direction, we extract prospecting information to prospect in the mining area and up side of F1 fault, which from the results of the geology, geochemistry, geophysics and remote sensing.Though above research, we have made the main following achievement:1. The research of the regional mineralization shows: the mineralization in the west belt of Dachang tin-polymetallic ore field is controlled by multiple factors, such as stratum, tectonic and magmatic rock .The most favorable ore bed location is reef limestone in Mid-Devonian period stratum, silicon rock in later Devonian period stratum and the banded limestone in later Devonian period stratum. The main structure controlling mineralization is the northwest-oriented Dachang F1 fault and the Dachang reverse anticline. The high quality ore bed easy to locate in intersection of the northwest-oriented structure and its sub- northeast-oriented structure. And the Yanshan period concealed magma activity also one of the main mineralization controlling factors.2. The location of main ore deposits in the west belt is dual controlled by Dachang fault and Dachang reverse anticline. There are two types of ore bodies, one is layer-formed ore body, and another is vein-formed ore body. From the top to bottom, the vertical distribution shows as following: issue-vein type, vein type layer-fracture type and to profiling-layer type. The concealed magmatic rock is center of mineralization element distribution horizontally. Research indicates that the vein-mineralization formed later than profiling layered-mineralization.3. The mineral substance of ore deposits in Changpo-Tongken mining area not only from stratum, but also from magma. But in the Longtoushan mining area, the mineral substance of its ore deposits is mainly from stratum. In Devonian period, mineral substance has initial enriched through the hot water with mineral substance sedimentation activity. The multi-phase activity of the magma invasive in Yanshan period bring some mineral substance from the magma rock to stratum, also cause the mineral substance activate, relocate and re-enrich in stratum.4. Applying remote sensing and geophysics prospecting, it is reduced that a concealed magma rock is located in a deeper area. Geophysics prospecting result indicates: there are several geophysical anomalies in east of Tong-ken mining area; some geophysical and geochemical anomalies lie in northeast of F1 fault.5. Extracting prospecting information, combined with mineralization marks, metallogenic prognosis is put on in two favorable areas. It is found many orebodies of economic value including No. 5 tin orebody , and some new types of mineralization through some verification projects, which will creates huge economic benefits to the enterprises.

  • 【分类号】P618.2
  • 【下载频次】317

