

The Analysis of Substantiation about Zine Futures’ Price Discovery Function and the Research of Futures’ Function

【作者】 丁建国

【导师】 邹平;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从介绍期货的定义和历史出发,阐述了期货的基本功能,详细的介绍了锌的特性、分布及其该期货产品的历史和现状,同时着重以上海期货交易所2007年3月26日至2008年4月30日锌期货价格为例,研究了我国锌期货自开展以来价格领先滞后关系。我国期货市场自90年代初开办以来,经历了不平常的发展道路,发生了多起违规事件,使人们对期货市场产生了偏见,对期货市场的功能和作用产生了怀疑和动摇,这严重制约了我国期货市场的发展。经过近几年的规范整顿,我国期货市场的市场环境、内部结构、市场规模均发生了很大的变化,但对期货市场的运行效率、功能、作用发挥情况缺乏深入的了解和全面的把握。因此加强对我国期货市场的理论研究十分必要,而价格发现功能作为整个期货市场存在和发展的基础,同时也是期货市场套期保值功能发挥作用的前提,对于期货市场具有特别重要的意义。因此本文选择了上海期货交易所锌作为代表,对其价格发现功能进行全面深入的研究,从而对上海期货交易所的运行效率做出客观公正的评价,并解决以下两个问题:1、上海期货交易所的运行是否有效,锌期货价格是否具有价格发现功能?2、期货价格与现货价格之间是否存在引导关系?如果存在,是期货价格引导现货价格,或现货价格引导期货价格,还是两者相互引导?本文利用单位根检验、协整检验,Granger因果检验,GS模型以及误差修正模型等方法对上海期货交易所的锌的价格发现功能进行了实证研究,得出了以下几个结论。1、锌期货价格序列和现货价格序列均是非平稳的,但它们的一阶差分是平稳的。2、锌期货价格与现货价格之间存在协整关系,且期货价格是现货价格的无偏估计量。3、锌期货与现货价格存在引导关系,实证表明:锌期货价格对现货价格有引导作用。综合以上结论可知:上海期货交易所的锌期货价格与现货价格之间存在长期均衡关系,期货价格与现货价格之间存在较为紧密的联系,期货市场与现货市场是有机地联系在一起的,上海期货交易所的锌期货价格发现功能良好。同时,以对上海期货交易所的锌期货价格发现功能为出发点,结合期货的其他功能,根据湖南ZY公司的实际经营情况,就该公司如何充分利用期货市场的积极作用展开相关研究,总结出锌期货在该公司生产经营运用中应加强的实际方法、理论、经验教训及建议。本研究创新之处在于:首先深入细致地研究了锌期货价格的影响因素;同时对期货、现货之间的价格引导与发现的相互关系进行了实证研究;并且在此基础上,结合锌期货的其它主要功能运用到具体的企业经营活动中。

【Abstract】 This paper has introduced the characteristics and distribution of zine future in detail through the history and current situation.Simultaneously the paper has carried on relatively deep research in the zine price discovery the function and relation in the commodity exchange house of Shanghai base on the substantiation form 26/3/2007 to 30/4/2008.The two main functions of forward market separately are the price discovery function and hedge function.The price is found and hedges the foundation of the function and guarantee of full play in function,From the point of view of this one,the price finds the real value that the function gives play to well or not andinfluences the forward market directly, It is the important part of the function of themarket of the futures.At present,the function is in evading price risk that theforward market of our country hedges,which is playing a more and more important role.The price of futures finds that it is about understanding of the price of future,the price find that makes future be defined to exist,Just as sureness of the spot price,so the futures are known as trade future.Meanwhile,the futures find prices,planning to produce and consume and offering the facility for the relevant trader that consumes manufacturer,which promoted circulation of commodities.About the understanding,people have not many objections at present.The futures are trade future in essence,because it speculates on relatively other markets of the function remarkably again.The price finds the function very obvious.In expounding the fact price find content,have scholar think futures it finds to be the discoveries of upward price trend by price,It is not merely that the level of the price discovery,the price finds that it is a dynamic course.So,the ones that adhered rigidly to at the concrete price too much have realistic meaning.Futures the characteristic who price find,think forward market often brisk in the market than stock,futures market price fluctuate,Because among concrete trades transaction person lie in concrete price competence very much the latter,To consider the quality information of future of the price is as not more abundantly as the futures.The forward market of our country has experienced the developing way not usual since running at the beginning of the 1990s,A lot of incidents in violation of rules and regulations have taken place,make people produce prejudice to the forward market,And function produce suspect and waver function in forward market,this restrain of our country the developments of forward markets from seriously.Restructuring through the standard in recent years,the market environment,inside structure,market scale of the forward market of our country changed greatly,But gives play to the situation and lacks deep understanding and overall assurance to the operational efficiency,function,function of the forwardmarket.As our country joins WTO,the forward market of our country faces the good development opportunity,It its strengthens to be at of our country forward markets very essential theoretical research and price find function at whole forward market have and foundation that develops,It is the prerequisite that the function that the forward market hedges too at the same time,Have very important significance to the forward market.So copies of selected works select commodity exchange house of Shanghai zine at representative,carry on overall deep researches to its discovery function,Thus make objective and just appraisal to the operational efficiency of the commodity exchange house of Shanghai.After probing into reason,it is easy to give play to zine find the countermeasure and suggestions the of function by price for this text to propose.Simultaneously,according to the state of affairs Hunan’s ZY corporation,the study carrys out the proactive effect to take advantage of futures market and how to apply zinc futures in operation.The study brings forth new ideas that the influence factor in zinc futures’ price is discussed,and the relation of guide and exhumation between the futures and the merchandise on hand.Base on it,how to apply the fuction of zinc futures to the practice operation in enterprise is expounded.

【关键词】 价格发现期货市场锌期货套期保值套利
【Key words】 price discoveryfuture marketzinc futurehedgearbitrage
  • 【分类号】F224;F724.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】470

