

【作者】 黄睿婵

【导师】 赵光洲;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为了治理环境问题,提高资源综合利用效率,全世界掀起了开展循环经济的浪潮,与此同时,高昂的交易费用,生态工业园生产运作中固有局限性等限制性因素的存在,使得产业耦合作为一种新的产业组织方式的出现成为必然。对跨区域、跨行业的产业耦合循环经济理论进行研究,有助于将以往传统粗放式资源型行业发展模式过渡到可持续循环式资源型行业发展模式的研究,可以逐步实现行业发展与资源消耗的“脱钩”,其内部运作过程是通过跨企业、跨行业之间的产品配套与技术共享,模仿自然生态系统,建立工业系统内的生态链结构,通过高效的物资循环和能量的梯级利用,减少投入与成本,达到资源综合利用效率的最大化的目的。本文研究内容属多学科、跨领域的交叉综合研究,为使其具有多维性、整体性、前瞻性、科学性和可操作性,文中采用了理论研究与应用研究相结合、实地调研与专家咨询相结合等研究方法,从循环经济的理论入手,以生态学、环境科学、产业经济学,区域经济学、系统学、工业化学等理论为基础,在对循环经济理论充分研究、分析、总结和提升的基础上,对循环经济模式下的磷化工行业产业耦合理论进行了深入的研究。首先,本文将产业耦合的范围界定为基于循环经济的跨行业、跨区域的一种产业间协作与联合,循环经济的理念贯穿其整个过程之中。其次,结合磷化工行业的现状进行战略分析,在对发展产业耦合的优势、劣势进行分析的基础上,提出了磷化工行业产业耦合的优化模式,并构建评价指标体系对其进行总结评价,进而提出磷化工行业产业耦合的实现机制。最后,以云天化集团为例,对提出的产业耦合理论进行实例分析并得出经过耦合后的产业系统在总体效益上优于传统产业系统的结论。通过对跨行业、跨区域的产业耦合系统的评价分析,证明产业耦合系统在提高企业经济效益,减少资源的消耗以及保护当地环境等方面越来越显露出传统生产模式所不可比拟的优势,其具有更高的经济效率。企业成员间的合作和互动是自发的,成员有着较高的积极性以保证耦合系统的效率,使得耦合系统在获得经济利润的同时实现了资源环境最优化的目标。

【Abstract】 For solving the environment problem, increasing the synthesis efficiency of resources, the whole world brings along the circular economic. At the same time, because of the insufficient using of resources, the transaction expense of enterprise and the inherent limited factor of Ecology Industry Park and so on. The industry coupling appears inevitably as the new industrial organization way. Research on the theory of industry coupling circular economic which crosses region and industry is helpful to the research on the transformation from the traditional developmental pattern of extensive resources industry to the sustainable circular pattern. Industry development may gradually part from the resources consumption. Its inner operation process is that the industry coupling as a cooperation among different industries which share with technique, copy nature ecosystem system, establish the chain construction in the industry ecosystem could make full use of resources and energy and reduce the devotion. All will help with the most efficient use of resources.This article relates to synthetically research on different subjects and fields. In order to make it multi-dimensional, integral, predicative, scientific and operable, the article integrates many research methods such as theory and case research, on-the-spot investigation and the expert’s consultation and so on.This article starts with the theories of Circular Economy. It is guided by theories of sustainable development and system theories, and based on ecology, environmental science, the industry economics, the economics of the district, techno chemistry etc. On the base of sufficient research and analysis of the Circular Economy, we analyze the industry coupling of phosphorus chemical industry in great depth. As follows:First, we define the industry coupling as a cooperation among different industries which is not limited to space. Circular economy ideas pass through its entire process. Next, in the foundation of the strategic analysis, we discuss advantages and disadvantages of the phosphorus chemical industry and propose its industry coupling developmental pattern. Then the article constructs the target system to appraise the pattern, and then proposes the realization mechanism of the industry coupling. Finally, take the YunTianhua group as the example, to practice the industry coupling theory and to draw the conclusion that the industry coupling system is superior to the traditional system.According to the appraisal, we prove that industry coupling system can improve economical benefits of enterprise, reduce consumption of resources, protect local environment as well. It is superior to the traditional production pattern and has more economic efficiency. Cooperation and interaction among the enterprise members is spontaneous. They have more enthusiasm to ensure the coupling system efficiently. They gain the economical profits when they achieve superior goal of resources and environment.

  • 【分类号】F426.72;F205
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】491

