

【作者】 李佳

【导师】 张兵;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 华坪县地处滇西北中山山原区,是云南省典型的少数民族聚居的山区农业县。以往人们在土地开发利用过程中,由于缺乏科学规划和有效管理,盲目利用现象严重,致使毁林开荒、陡坡垦殖、乱占滥用耕地等问题交替出现,阻碍了土地生产力的提高。随着人口的增长,土地资源日益紧缺,适时开展全县土地资源适宜性评价和土地利用分区研究意义重大。本文在对国内外土地资源研究现状和发展趋势、土地资源适宜性评价理论基础和研究进展进行全面评述的基础上,结合全县土地资源利用现状及特点分析,对土地资源构成的地质背景、地形地貌、土壤、气候、水文、植被及人类社会经济活动七大要素进行调查、研究,阐述各要素形成过程及其对土地资源特性、质量、分布特征、利用方式等产生的影响。然后以MapGIS信息系统为技术平台,采取适宜性类—适宜性等—适宜性级—适宜性单元四级分类体系,通过图形套叠生成评价单元;结合华坪县土地利用总体规划和专家意见,选取地形坡度、海拔高度、土壤质地、土层厚度、有机质含量、灌排条件、交通条件七个因子作为参评因子;采用0-1评分法确定评价指标权重,按照加权指数和法求得各评价单元的总分值,生成全县土地适宜性评价图,得到宜耕地、宜林地、宜牧地及其各自分等的数量与空间分布,尤其注重对未利用地的适宜性评价研究。在适宜性评价的基础上,进行土地利用分区研究,采取以模糊聚类法为主,辅以综合分析法选取有代表性的九个指标进行分区研究,得到全县三个明显的地域分区结果,同时对各分区现状及今后土地利用方向进行简要阐述。全文研究结果如下:(1)华坪县在土地资源构成要素的综合影响下,形成了以林地为主、耕地为辅的土地利用格局。(2)土地适宜性评价结果表明,全县宜耕地面积25 700.91hm~2,宜林(果)地面积158 328.69hm~2,宜牧地面积10 914.04hm~2,三者比例约为24:145:10,从总体上看,各类适宜面积比例结构和土地利用现状结构基本一致。全县宜耕荒地面积占未利用土地总面积的5.07%,宜林荒地占63.16%,宜牧荒地占21.60%,不宜农林牧荒地占10.17%,未利用地的主要适宜方向仍是林地。(3)全县分为中、南部干热河谷粮经区,东北部半山农林区和西北部山区林农区三个土地利用分区。各区土地资源利用特点和方向依所处地域不同而有所偏重。(4)针对全县土地资源利用中存在的问题,提出转变土地开发利用理念、加强基础设施建设、调整用地结构、实现土地整理四条对策措施。本文研究结果可为全县合理配置区域土地资源,开展土地利用规划、合理组织土地的开发利用整治与保护提供科学依据,并为其他地质地理条件类似地区的土地资源研究提供参考。

【Abstract】 Huaping County, located in the highland region of northwest Yunnan Province, is a typical agricultural county in the mountainous area where minority people inhabit. In the past, in people’s exploiting the land, land resource management lacks scientific planning and effective macro-control, which results in blind exploitation of land resources. For instance, problems such as deforestation for farmland reclamation, slope reclamation, and unlawful appropriation and misuse of farmland appear one after another. These problems seriously affect the advancement of land productivity. Since land resource is scarce, it is of great significance in carrying out land resource suitability evaluation and region research.Based on the present situation and development of land resource research in and abroad and the general account on basic theories and progresses of land resource suitability evaluation, this thesis conducts researches and analysis on the seven elements constituting land resource of the county: geological condition, landform, soil, weather, hydrological condition, vegetation, and social and economical human activities, and elaborates the formation of each element and their effects on the characteristics, quality, characteristic of distribution, and use methods. With the technical platform of MapGIS information system, this thesis adopts the classification system including four grades of suitability sort, suitability rank, suitability class, suitability unit, and produces evaluation unit through image superposition. It combines the general planning of land use in Huaping County with experts’ opinions, and chooses seven factors as the evaluation factors. They are gradient, altitude, soil texture, soil thickness, the organic matter, the irrigation situation, and the transportation condition. The 0-1 grading system is adopted to determine the weight value of the factors. Then the weighted averaged method is used to get the total score of each evaluated unit. Then the quantity and space distribution of the land that is suitable for farming, forest, and herd. This thesis emphasizes on the suitability evaluation research of the unused land. Then the unused land suitability evaluation map and land suitability evaluation map are obtained. In the end, the thesis adopts the fuzzy clustering method assisted by the synthetic analysis method to choose nine representative indexes for region research of land use, and obtains three distinct regions in the county. At the same time, the thesis briefly elaborates the present situation of each region and the guideline of future land resource uses.The results of my research are concluded below:(1)The unique land elements of Huaping County determines that the mountainous area is large while the basin area small, and the sloping farming area is large. The land resource is mainly used for forest and a considerable proportion is for farming.(2) The result of land suitability evaluation reveals that, the land area suitable for farming is 25,700.91 hectare, the area for forestry is 158,328.69 hectare, and the area for herding is 10,914.04 hectare. The proportion of the three is about 24:145:10. Generally speaking, the proportion of each area is in consistence with current structure of land use. In the county, the uncultivated land suitable for farming takes up 5.07% of the total area of the unused land, the unused land suitable for forestry 63.16%, the unused land suitable for herding 21.60%, and the wasteland 10.17%. This result indicates that the unused land is mainly suitable for developing forestry.(3) The county is divided into three land use regions: middle and southern river valley region, northeastern semi-mountainous region, and northwestern mountainous region. The characteristics and orientations of land use in each region vary since they are situated in different zones.(4) Four countermeasures are proposed against the existing problems in land use in the county. They are transforming the ideas of land use and development, strengthening the construction of infrastructure, adjusting the land use structure, and implementing land management.The outcome of the research in this thesis can provide scientific basis for reasonable deployment of land resource, conducting land use planning, and organizing regulation and protection of land use and development throughout the county. At the same time, this thesis provides reference for other land resource researches on geologically and geographically similar areas.

【关键词】 华坪县土地资源构成要素适宜性利用分区MapGIS
【Key words】 Huaping Countyland resourceelementssuitabilityregionMapGIS
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【下载频次】193

