

【作者】 罗赟莹

【导师】 张世涛; 李志伟;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 元谋普登研究区位于元谋凸起东缘,元谋大断裂西侧。区内开展过一定程度找矿工作,积累了资料,奠定了基础,但是以往工作手段单一,总体综合研究程度低。通过对前人资料及近年来开展工作的综合分析,认为该区仍有较大的找矿潜力,值得进一步深化该区域地质背景、成矿条件、成矿规律、找矿标志的研究,开展综合信息成矿预测,为实现找矿突破提供靶区。论文依托《云南省元谋县普登地区矿产勘查》项目,以综合信息成矿预测理论为指导,运用地理信息系统(GIS)高新技术,按统计的原理,对地、化、遥等综合信息进行处理,形成相应专题图层;利用GIS分析矿化与专题图层之间的关系,确定变量权系数,构建综合信息定量找矿模型,圈定不同级别的找矿靶区。具体步骤如下:①在MAPGIS平台上建立统一精度、统一地理坐标系下的8个综合信息图层;②利用GIS方法分析地层、岩浆岩以及断裂与矿化的关系,分别求出单位矿产当量以及断裂缓冲区;③分析水系沉积物、土壤以及岩石测量等工作成果,逐步缩小研究区域;④将遥感(RS)影像图解译为环型构造和线性构造,并从中提取矿化信息,用GIS作为辅助工具,从数据层次上实现RS和GIS的集成;⑤利用MAPGIS检索功能,属性库管理功能,裁减功能,点对区相交、线对区相交、区对区相交、区对区合并,缓冲区分析,属性分析,DTM分析,图象分析以及投影变换分析等功能,确定出研究区的控矿因素及找矿标志;⑥以二态变量取值为基础,运用信息量法确定变量权系数,计算出各个单元格的综合信息量I;⑦确定0.43为综合信息量临界点,精确圈出了三个A级靶区,两个B级靶区。开展以GIS技术为支撑的综合信息成矿预测,实现了多源地学信息的融合,增加了数据的重复利用性,大大提高了工作效率,为决策者提供了宏观规划信息;且成为地质找矿行业中充分利用已有数据、提取潜在信息以及提高矿产资源预测水平的重要途径。

【Abstract】 The research area named PuDeng at YuanMou locates in the east of Yuanmou uplift and the west of Yuanmou major fault. some prospecting was conducted in the research area, information was accumulated, foundation was laid, but the methods which were used in the past was so single that the overall level of comprehensive study was low. Through comprehensive analysis of fore data and the work carried out in recent years, there is still large potential of ore prospecting in this district. It is worth to study the regional geology background, the metallogenic condition , regularity and prospecting indicator deeperly, predicting of the synthetic metallogenic, it can offer the target regions for ore prospecting.The thesis relyed on the project of "exploration of mineral resources at Yuanmou in Yunnan Province", with the theory of synthetic metallogenic prediction as guidance, on principle of statistical,formed professional theme layer by using the Geological Information System technology to process geological,geochemical and remote sensing synthetic information,and then correspond a thematic layers, using GIS to analysis various metallogenic information to conform the multivariable weight coefficient and obtain the synthetic information quantitative prospecting model; and located different levels ore prospecting area.Concrete steps as follow:(1)8 synthetic information graphic layers were completed on the MAPGIS platform under the same precision and geographic coordinate;(2)Take the method of GIS to analyse the relationship of mineralization within stratigraphy、igneous rock and fracture, deduce that unit-mineral-resource and fracture buffer;Though the analysis of the achievement of the fluvial sediment, soil and the measurement of rock to reduce the research area gradually.(4)Remote Sensing images were interpreted circle and linear structure, and extracted mineralization information from these images; Using GIS as a complementary tool to integrate RS and GIS on the level of data;(5) By using MAPGIS spatial functions include of indexing,attribute management,clipping,point to polygon intersection,line to polygon intersection,polygon to polygon intersection,Buffer analyses,attribute analyses,DTM analyses,image analyses,Projection analyses to confirm the factors of controlling and prospecting indicators. Based on the value of binary variable,take the method of the information rule, and determine the Coefficient of variables weight, and then calculate the information stream of integrated prospecting on every Cells.(7)Conforming 0.43 as a critical point of integrated information, identify three A-level targets and two B-level targets accurately.Integrated information metallogenetic prognosis supported by GIS technology, Realizd the imply for multi-source information integration, increased reuse of data and significantly improved the efficiency for policy-makers , provide the macro the Macro information of planning. It becomes an important way to using available data, extracting of potential information and improving the standard of forecasting of mineral resources in the area of geological Prospecting.

  • 【分类号】P618.51
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】171

