

【作者】 吴昱

【导师】 董毅明;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 政企分开后,中国邮政于2007年成立邮政集团公司。发展邮政电子商务是改革后的邮政企业应对市场竞争,抓住机遇,提高自身服务内涵的积极战略。目前支撑邮政开展电子商务的信息平台基础还较差,本文以云南邮政为例研究邮政电子商务平台的构建及应用,意义及目的在于理清电子商务信息平台的建设思路,加快邮政物流信息化步伐,参与电子商务的产业链建设,对邮政发展电子商务的战略实施起到积极作用。本研究和论文主要针对电子商务信息平台的整体规划、系统资源整合、后台功能支撑不完善等问题,给出一个支持多渠道接入,能统一业务受理,具有强大物流管理功能的信息平台的构建方案。本文第一章为选题的背景、研究的意义、范围、解决的问题;第二章分析邮政行业电子商务的应用现状;第三章指出邮政电子商务的战略意义和定位,以及云南邮政目前已有的基础;第四章以云南邮政为例研究电子商务信息平台的构建;第五章分析在邮政电子商务信息平台之上的应用建设;第六章进行总结和展望。

【Abstract】 After the separation of government from enterprises,the China Post in 2007 to establish the Post Group,postal electronic-commerce is positive strategy which reformed postal enterprises cope with competition in the market and improve their connotation of services.When Currently information platform foundation that support e-commerce is still quite poor,as an example of YUNNAN POST in this paper the purpose of researching construction and application of postal e-commerce platform clarify the building ideas of e-commerce information platform and accelerate the pace of post logistics Information and participate in the building of e-commerce industry chain and play a positive role in the strategy implementation of the postal development of e-commerce.Another aim of this paper is to provide the method which as a whole plan the postal e-commerce information platform and which integrate information system resources and which resolve the problem of background inadequate support functions and which build a support multi-channel access, unified business admissible,strong logistics function information platform.This article first chapter is background of selection,significance and scope of researching,how to resolve problem;second chapter analyze application actuality of postal industry e-commerce;chapterⅢpropose the strategic positioning and significance of postal e-commerce;ChapterⅣby YUNNAN post case research design of e-commerce information platform;chapter 5 explore application of e-commerce information platform;the final is summing up and prospects.

  • 【分类号】F616;F724.6
  • 【下载频次】298

