

The Effect of ZnSO4·7H2O on Growth, Yield and Quality of Soybean

【作者】 马红敏

【导师】 翟瑞常; 郑殿峰;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 土壤学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 试验于2007年在黑龙江八一农垦大学大豆试验田进行。土壤类型为草甸黑钙土,采用盆栽试验,探讨6个剂量的ZnSO4.7H2O拌种(A1为0g/kg,A2为1g/kg,A3为2g/kg,A4为4g/kg,A5为8g/kg,A6为16g/kg),对大豆的形态建成、光合生理、氮代谢、根系吸收,抗逆生理以及对大豆产量和品质的影响。通过本研究,为合理进行大豆锌营养调控提供科学的依据。研究结果:不同剂量的硫酸锌能够不同程度地增加大豆的株高,茎粗,处理A3、A4效果较好;在硫酸锌的作用下,大豆的叶片、叶柄、茎和荚的干物质积累有所增加,处理A3、A4和A5对于增加大豆地上部干物质积累效果较好;根长、根体积、根干重在硫酸锌的作用下都不同程度地增加,处理A2、A4及A5作用较好;处理A4、A5大豆结瘤较多。在各个生育时期,各个处理对大豆光合生理影响不同,但大多数表现为促进,以中等剂量为效果较好。大豆叶面积、叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素(a+b)、类胡萝卜素含量及光合参数的值以A2~A5增加显著。剂量A3~A5拌种处理最有利于淀粉和可溶性糖前期的积累和后期的转运。大多数时期根系活力随剂量发生有规律变化,先随着剂量增加到一定程度后开始逐渐减小,A3~A5对提高大豆伤流量和根系活力的效果较好。硫酸锌可以增加大豆硝态氮含量,各个生育时期不同处理的影响不同,A3、A4及A5对于增加大豆硝态氮含量效果较好。在硫酸锌作用下,各处理的氨态氮和可溶性蛋白含量均提高了,A3和A4提高较多。硫酸锌可以在一定范围内增加大豆苗期至结荚期,超氧化物歧化酶,过氧化物酶及过氧化氢酶的活性,各酶的活性先随着硫酸锌剂量增加,当增加到一定程度以后开始随着剂量增加而减少;在鼓粒至成熟期,大多数处理的酶活性都低于对照。大多数处理的丙二醛、脯氨酸含量在硫酸锌作用下降低了,并且,随着生育时期的推进,丙二醛、脯氨酸含量增加缓慢。适量的硫酸锌可以显著提高大豆的产量性状、产量和品质。处理A3和A4的产量显著高于对照,大多数处理的蛋白质含量得到了显著提高,但脂肪含量增加不显著。总的来说,适量施锌对大豆地上部的生长,根系的吸收,光合作用的增强及氮代谢都有促进作用,还可以激活大豆保护性酶的活性,降低丙二醛和脯氨酸含量,增强清除体内氧自由基的能力,有效延缓植株衰老,所以,大豆的产量和品质都得到了显著提高。

【Abstract】 In 2007,the study was carried in Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University Soybean experiment station. The soil type is meadow.The mode of experiment is pots.Through investigating the effect of different dose of ZnSO4.7H2O (A1:0g/kg, A2:1g/kg, A3:2g/kg, A4:4g/kg, A5:8g/kg, A6:16g/kg) on morphology formation,photosynthetic physiology, absorb of root, mechanism of nitrogen assimilation, hardiness mechanism,yield and quality of soybean,we have probed into the scientific evidence for the Znic nutrition adjusting of soybean.The results as follows:The different dose of Znic mixed with seeds can improved plant height,the stem diameter,the effect of A3、A4 is best.Accumulation of dry matter of all trentment was improved,A3、A4 and A5 is better,The length of major root and the volume of all trentment were improved,A2、A4 and A5 is better. Nodule of all trentment was improved,A4、A5 is better.Znic mixed with seeds improved the area of soybean leaf, the content of Chlorophyll a, b, a+b、Carotenoids and photosynthetic parameters of soybean,effect of A2、A5 is most obvious. That of A1~A6 has no significant difference in R5,but averge number of A5 is beetter.Proper dose of Znic improved the content of starch and soluble sugar, provide plenty of nutrition for the seeds.Znic mixed with seeds improved the bleeding intensity of the soybean plant and root vigor in every growth stage,the effect of A3 and A5 is better. That of most treatments varied with dose in proper limit,while dose of Znic increased,the bleeding intensity and root vigor of soybean plant increased.Content of NO3-—N, NH4+—N and soluble protein was improved with Znic,NO3-—N of A3、A4 and A5 is higher,NH4+—N and soluble protein of A3 and A4 is higher.In proper limit,SOD, POD and CAT activity were improved with Znic in V4,R1 and R3.In R5 and R7, SOD, POD and CAT activity of most treatments were decreased.Content of MDA were decreased by Znic. Pro content of most treatments were decreased by Znic.Among these treatments, effect of the moderate dose of Znic is better.The proper dose of Znic improved the yield, the yield component and quality of soybean.Yield 0f A3 and A4 arrived 5% significance level with CK . Protein of most treatments arrived 5% significance level with CK , the oil didn’t arrived 5% significance level with CK.In general, proper dose of Znic can improve grond growth of soybean、absorb of soybean root、photosynthetic physiology、mechanism of nitrogen assimilation and protection ferment activity of soybean,decrease content of the MDA、Pro and O- in soybean, so the yield and quality of soybean.

【关键词】 大豆生长发育产量品质
【Key words】 ZnSO4·7H2OSoybeanGrowthYieldQuality
  • 【分类号】S565.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】220

