

Study on Financial Support System of Agricultural Industrialization in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 姚增福

【导师】 安增龙;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在社会经济结构转型时期,黑龙江省农业产业化的实施对加快全省农村经济的发展,促进城乡一体化进程,提高农民收入以及全省社会主义新农村建设起到了积极的推动作用。但是,与全国相比,黑龙江省的农业产业化发展水平仍然比较滞缓,原因之一是黑龙江省农村金融体系与农业产业化的发展要求不相一致,农业产业融资困难,产业资金短缺,农业产业化金融资源配置效率出现弱化的现象问题突出。黑龙江省农村金融体系不完善是造成农业产业融资难的主要原因。农村政策性金融的功能单一,业务范围日益萎缩,经营亏损严重;中国农业银行的经营战略重心转移,对农业产业服务的功能逐渐减弱;农村信用社在对农业产业的支持过程中没有充分发挥合作金融的作用;邮政储蓄的“虹吸”效应造成农业产业资金大量流失。本文采用了规范分析与实证分析相结合、定性分析和定量分析分析相统一的研究方法,通过实证研究发现1985-2006年间黑龙江省农村金融发展水平处在初级阶段,农村金融资产增加缓慢,金融机构的乡镇企业贷款和农业贷款逐年下降,贷款结构不合理。通过对农村金融资产中各类农业金融资源对农民收入、农业总产值、乡镇企业总产值的贡献分析,得出结论以中央银行为领导,合作金融、政策性金融与商业金融为主体的农业产业化金融资源支持体系不能有效运转,各类金融之间缺乏“激励兼容”,没有发挥支农应有的作用。在定量分析基础上,文章构建出了农业产业化金融支持体系的四维模型,并且着重从政策调整、机制建设,政策性金融、商业性金融、合作性金融以及民间金融等功能定位、机构改革等方面,提出了增强黑龙江省农业产业化金融四维支持体系运行效率的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 In the period the transition of social economic structure, the implementation of agricultural industrialization in Heilongjiang province has exerted a positive impetus on speeding up the rural economic development of the whole province, besides, it advances the integration of city and countryside, and increasing the farmer’s incomes as well as promoting new socialist countryside construction of the whole province. However, comparing to the average level of the country, the development lever of agricultural industrialization in Heilongjiang province is still quite slow. One of reasons is that the rural financial system is not consistent in the demand of agricultural industrialization in Heilongjiang province. The agricultural industry financing is difficult and the shortage of funds is prominent and the efficiency of the financial resources allocation of characteristic agricultural industrialization has been weakened. The main reason causing the financing difficulty of agricultural industry is that the rural financial system of Heilongjiang province is imperfect .The function of the rural policy finance is unitary, and its business scope declining day by day, besides, its management is to the bad and its support ability to the agricultural industry has weakened. The core management strategy of the Agricultural Bank of China has shifted and its service function to the agricultural industry has weakened gradually. The rural credit cooperative does not fully play its cooperation financial function in the process of supporting the agricultural industrialization. The effect of“rainbow attract”of the postal savings to the agricultural industry has led the funds massively drains.By adopting combination method of criterion analysis and demonstration analysis, and the qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis, according to demonstration research in Heilongjiang province from 1993 to 2006, it discovers the rural financial level of development is still on the initial stage, rural financial property increases slowly, town and township enterprise loan and agricultural loan decreases year by year, structure of loan is irrational. According to the analysis of contribution of agricultural financial resources in rural financial property giving the total agricultural output value, town and township enterprise total output value, the farmer’s income, it concludes that financial support system of agricultural industrialization seeing the central bank as the leadership and cooperative finance, policy finance, commercial finance as main body cannot effectively run, each kind of finance lacks“excitation compatible”and plays the role of supporting agriculture. On the basis of the quantitative analysis, the article structures the four-dimensional mode of financial support system of agricultural industrialization and puts forward countermeasures and proposes strengthening efficiency of the four-dimensional mode from policy adjusting, mechanism building, functional position and organizational reform.

  • 【分类号】F327;F832.7
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1043

