

Design and Realization of an Improved Low-voltage Reactive Power Compensation Device

【作者】 鄢玉辉

【导师】 陈德军;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 电力是我国的主要二次能源,随着国民经济的发展,节电降耗,减少生产成本是企业追逐的目标。在电力系统中,由于大量非线性负荷的使用使得电网的功率因数下降,特别是一些大型冲击型负荷,会使电网的无功功率在一个很大的范围内变动,严重影响电网的供电质量,也使电网运行的经济效益受到较大的损失。因此,如何对配电网进行无功功率补偿,提高电网的功率因数,已成为电力电子技术、电力系统自动化研究领域所面临的一个重大课题,受到越来越多的关注。本文结合武汉网安科技公司的早期产品在广东、贵州、湖北等地的使用情况,分析了无功补偿的基本原理,对目前几种应用广泛的无功补偿装置的原理、优缺点及适用场合等进行了分析。在此基础上,以STC89C516RD为处理核心,围绕它设计了一种带有远程无线数据传输功能的改进型低压无功补偿装置。本文分析了系统方案的选择,介绍其相应的软、硬件设计和实现,包括数据采集、补偿控制、数据存储、通讯模块、人机交互等各子模块的设计和实现,并给出了详细的原理图和程序流程图以及部分程序,对通过GSM模块TC35进行远程配电监测、控制与通讯进行了比较详细的分析与研究。最后,对装置进行了系统调试和结果分析,结果显示装置运行良好。针对目前国内外同类设备没有远程配电监测功能、智能化程度不足的缺点,装置进行大量改进,具有抗干扰能力强、测控精度高、性价比高等优点,主要表现有:控制策略更加合理、选用复合开关进行投切、具有配电监测功能、具有远程无线通讯能力、多重保护功能等。装置已通过电磁兼容测试和国家质量技术监督局的技术验证,经过现场挂网实验,运行结果表明该装置软硬件设计合理、性能稳定可靠,达到了预期的设计要求。

【Abstract】 Electric Power is the main secondary energy source in china, with the development of Chinese national economy, how to save energy source, reduce wastage and production-cost, is the goal in enterprises. In electric power system, many applications of nonlinear loads reduced the power factor, especially some large fluctuant loads, leaded to huge fluctuation of reactive power, affected voltage quality severely. This also made large wastage of using efficiency and benefit in electric power system. Therefore, how to reduce reactive power and increase power factor in electric network is an important problem in electronic technology and electric automation area, thus, it is getting more and more attention.According to the effects of former products of Wuhan network security company which were used in Guangdong, Guizou, Hubei province, this paper analyzed the principles of reactive power compensation, the advantages and disadvantages, and the application field of different kinds of reactive power compensation devices which were widely used at the present time.Based on this, an improved low-voltage reactive power compensation device with wireless data transmission was designed with STC89C516RD which worked as MCU. This paper analyzed the choice of system scheme, introduced the design and realization of hardware and software, including data collecting part, compensation controlling part, communication part, human-machine interface and so on. It also gave detailed circuit diagram and flow chart, including some program. Using GSM module TC35 to monitor electric network in long-distance, to control and communicate, was analyzed and studied particularly. Finally, we completed the system debugging and results analysis, it showed that the device was operating well.Aimed at the disadvantages of the domestic and international similar devices as below: without wireless long-distance monitor function, not intelligent enough and so on, this device made huge improvements, it’s advantages as below: enhanced stability, high precision of measurement and control, better performance and lower price. It’s main performance as below: adopted more reasonable control-strategy, chose combination switch to put into capacitors, had electric network monitor function, long-distance wireless communication capability, multiple protection capabilities. This device had passed the electromagnetism compatibility test and the technical verification of the Chinese National Quality-technology Supervision Part. After experiment in the real electric network system, the results showed that the design of the hardware and software was reasonable, it’s performance was stable and reliable, thus it achieved the expected design requirements.

  • 【分类号】TM761
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】346

