

The Research of Some Key Technologies Based on Web Application

【作者】 阎洁

【导师】 熊前兴;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的飞速发展,WEB已经渗透到各行各业当中,从商业、银行、财政、娱乐、教育到政府机构,WEB应用对人们的日常生活、工作产生了深远的影响。WEB以其生动丰富的用户界面和易于维护的特点,在企业信息化建设中得到广泛的运用。同时,用户对WEB服务品质和响应速度的要求也越来越高,如何提高WEB应用的性能和提升用户体验,成为WEB应用领域的研究热点。WEB应用的性能直接受到其关键技术的影响,这些关键技术贯穿于客户端、网络、直到服务器的整条链中,任何一个环节的薄弱之处都会成为WEB应用的性能瓶颈。传统的解决方案往往着眼于局部问题的解决,以至于付出巨大努力但取得的实际成效甚微。实际上,改善WEB应用的性能是一个整体而系统的过程,只有从整条链(客户端、网络、服务器)的各个环节考虑问题才能从根本上解决问题。本论文从影响WEB性能的三个环节入手,首先研究了网络环节的VPN技术在企业组网中的运用。根据企业需求设计SSL VPN网络方案,解决企业分支互连问题,并采用基于证书的双向SSL身份验证机制确保系统的安全。其次,研究了服务器环节的WebLogic Server应用服务器。通过WebLogicServer管理控制台(WLS Administration Console)的系统监控,提炼出性能优化的若干策略,归纳出WEB应用从Tomcat迁移到WebLogic Server的方法。最后,在客户端开发技术环节研究了WEB缓存技术和AJAX技术。将AJAX技术运用到客户端开发中,并建立OSCache整合Ehcaehe的WEB缓存框架。本论文提出优化WEB应用的全局化思想,即:联合运用影响WEB性能各个环节的关键技术,整体提高WEB应用的性能。在长江航道信息二期工程的开发和运行实践中,该思想很大程度地改善了系统的性能,并给用户带来良好的体验,同时对其他WEB应用也具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Internet,web application has existed all walks of life,from business,banks,financial institutions,entertainment,education to government agencies.Web make profound influences on our daily lives.Because of the abundant user interface and favorable maintainability it provided,web application has become more and more popular in Enterprise Informatization.People increasingly expect on response time and service performance.Through key technologies,improving service performance and user experience become important research direction.Actually,the key technologies directly affect web applications,through the whole chain which from client,network to server.Each weak part of the entire chain will lead to the poor performance and the terrible user experience.Because of partially focusing on problem-solving,the traditional solutions make tremendous efforts with little success.In fact,it is a systematic and all-around study.Only pay more attention on various aspects of the entire chain(client→network→server)can we fundamentally resolve the problem.Start with three parts which affect web performance.Fistly,in the aspect of network,make a research on the application of vpn in enterprise networking.Design a network based on SSL vpn in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise, which helps interconnection of enterprise branches.The system supports two-way SSL authentication to ensure system security.Secondly,the research on WebLogic Server is made in regard of server.Through monitor from WebLogic Server Administration Console(WLS Administration Console),a number of principles can be followed for optimizing system.The implementation steps can be summed up in the process of movement from Tomcat to WebLogic Server.Finally,make a research on cache and AJAX in terms of development technology. AJAX will be used in client development to improve user experience and integration solution of cache is proposed,which integrate OSCache into Ehcache.The overall-optimization thinking about web application is presented.The joint use of key technologies finds a way to enhance server performance,which affects web performance.Apply this thinking to practice-the second phase project of the Yangtze River Waterway to obtain better service performance and better user experience.

【关键词】 VPNWEB应用服务器缓存框架AJAX技术
【Key words】 VPNWeb Application ServerCache FrameworkAJAX
  • 【分类号】TP393.092
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】135

