

Study on Calculation Method of the Shear Resistance of Light-gauge Steel Composite Wall

【作者】 严小霞

【导师】 蔡江勇;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国土木工程的标准、规范主要适用于几十年来大量使用的结构体系,轻钢结构住宅体系的研究目前在我国尚处于初步阶段,近几年先发展起来的有C型冷弯薄壁型钢低层住宅结构体系和方钢管桁片梁柱组成的无比钢结构体系。Web钢结构体系已有大量的试验分析,其中又以有限元分析为主,而对此体系中各构件的抗力贡献即机理的分析很缺乏,在此受力机制上的计算方法的研究更是不足。Web钢结构体系要从低层发展到多层,抗侧性能成为主要因素,墙体抗侧分析和简化计算方法的研究必不可少。由于这种新型的轻钢结构体系具有标准化程度高、空间布置灵活、抗震性能好、可工业化生产、建设周期短、环保和节能等优点,经20年在北美等地的广泛应用,其技术已非常成功的应用于低层住宅。为了推广这种结构体系,本文借鉴木结构及型钢结构的简化计算方法,推导了无比钢组合墙体水平承载力和侧移的简化计算方法,该计算方法能够较准确可靠地计算无比钢结构组合墙体的抗侧承载力和侧移值,解决了无比钢结构体系在工程设计中,仅能依靠有限元软件分析,而没有依据构件受力机制的分析来设计的问题。本文在已有组合墙体抗剪承载力的试验(武汉理工大学无比钢墙体抗侧力试验)和参考试验(长安大学和西安建筑科技大学的冷弯薄壁型钢组合墙体抗侧力试验)的基础上,参照日本规范中木结构墙体的简化计算方法对数据进行处理和对比分析,并最终得出Web钢结构体系的抗侧力计算方法。研究成果如下:1、通过对试验研究成果的分析,确定了自攻螺钉与竹胶板连接抗剪强度。2、通过分析无比钢墙体抵抗水平剪力的传递机理、变形原理及各种破坏模式,分别用整体分析计算方法和剪力流计算方法推导了无比钢墙体抗剪承载力的简化计算公式。3、将推导出的简化公式的计算结果和试验结果进行对比分析,结果相吻合,验证了公式的可靠性。4、参照日本木结构房屋墙体的刚度计算方法,推导出无比钢组合墙体的刚度计算方法,并对组合墙体进行侧移简化计算,验证了公式的可靠性。5、通过算例,证实web墙体的抗侧计算方法在多层房屋中是可靠的。

【Abstract】 The present building code and standard in China applied massive use of structural system for decades of years, and the studying for Light-Gauge steel joist structure system was at the initial stage at present. The Cold-formed steel of C-section system and Integra Building Systems (web steel) which composed of different types of tubes and clips were the first developed low-rise residential structure system .The Web steel system had many analysis of tests based on finite element analysis. But it is lack of analysis about the resisting force contribution of each element and it was short of studying on calculation method of the shear resistance based on the mechanism. The capability of shear resistance of the composed wall became the most important fact while the Web steel system is developing from low-rise to tier residential structure. So analysis about shear resistance of the composed wall and simplified calculating method are absolutely necessarily.Web Light-Gauge steel joist structure system is a new type of steel structure, which has many advantages such as light weight, higher standardizing, assigning space flexible, good performance of the seismic resistant, industrialization producing, short Construction period, protecting environment and economizing energy sources etc. This kind of structure has been used mostly in low-rise residential building for 20 years in North America. To facilitate the promotion of this structure system, the text has found some reliable method to calculate its shear strength and lateral displacement after studying the calculating method of timberwork and Cold-formed steel systems. The method can correctly and reliably calculate its shear strength and lateral displacement. It has solved the problem that we can only depend on finite element analysis to make engineering design but not the loaded mechanism.Based on the test results of shear resistance of web steel composed wall (which was made in Wuhan University of Technology) and a referred test (The shear resistance of Cold-formed steel stud composed wall which was made in Chang’an University and Xi’an University of Architecture &Technology), The text has analysis the composed wall and calculate it’s shear strength and lateral displacement according to Japanese building standard in timberwork.1. The joint shear resistance of self tapping screw and Zhujiaoban was determined by analyzing the results of tests.2. The transfer mechanism, deformation principle and every destroy pattern for resist horizontal shear force of Cold-formed steel stud composed wall are analyzed in this paper. From above the paper deduces the simplified method of calculation for Web steel composed wall with two methods: the whole method and the simplified method.3. Comparing the results calculated by formula with the test results, a conclusion is made to validity the reliability of the method above. The formula result fits well with the test results.4. Borrowing the method of the stiffness calculation for timberwork composed wall, the text deduced the stiffness calculating method of the wall to calculate it’s deformation. It shows that the method is reliable.5. Taking a composed wall of a building as an example, the text calculate its shear resistance and demonstrate the validity of its reliability.

  • 【分类号】TU392.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】193

