

The Research of Essence、Formation and Countermeasures of Pseudo-science

【作者】 罗晰

【导师】 夏劲;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代科学技术的迅猛发展,“伪科学”也大肆泛滥,给人民和社会造成了巨大的危害。反伪人士通过发表学术论文和召开研讨会等方式揭露作伪者的伎俩,让人们逐渐认清伪科学的真实面目。但是,学术界也有一些人士对此持不同意见,认为反伪科学制造了“科技三大冤案”,反伪科学扩大化不但打击了我国传统文化,而且阻碍了我国科技自主创新,压制了民间科学家的成果。因此,中国科学院研究员宋正海通过电子邮件给几百名学者发信《不要让“伪科学”一词成为灭亡传统文化的借口——恳请将“伪科学”一词剔除出科普法》,号召学者联合签名废除“伪科学”提法,并发布“征集废除‘伪科学’提法网络签名”的公告,征集到150名学者的签名支持,自此围绕是否应该反对“伪科学”问题的争论进一步的激化。是否反对“伪科学”的双方不仅在网上争论激烈,而且在凤凰卫视举办的“一虎一席谈”节目中唇枪舌剑,但是关于何谓“伪科学”,如何界定“伪科学”,它的划界标准又是什么,却没有一个统一的答案。为了澄清这场争论,使反“伪科学”斗争沿着正确、健康的道路发展,笔者认为理清“伪科学”概念,认清“伪科学”的危害及其泛滥的原因和寻求恰当的“伪科学”对策是至关重要的。本文首先界定了“伪科学”的概念,在分析逻辑实证主义标准、波普尔的证伪主义标准、拉卡托斯的研究纲领标准及萨伽德和邦格等西方科学哲学派别关于科学划界标准的基础上,将伪科学与科学、非科学、科学中的谬误及反科学加以区别,并归纳出伪科学的基本特征;紧密联系伪科学在我国泛滥和造成巨大危害的实际,全面、系统和深入地分析了其经济、政治和文化根源;在此基础上提出了一整套科学的、合理的、可操作的治理与防范“伪科学”的措施,并在科技管理、科技立法和规范民间反伪等方面提出了一些新的建议。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of science and technology, pseudo-science widely spreads, which cause great harm for people and society. Anti-pseudoscience fighters expose the fraudulent tricks by articles, which lets people gradually recognize the true face of pseudo-science and oppose pseudo-science. With the deepening of the anti-pseudo-science, some people think that the anti-pseudo-science have created a "three injustice of technology," which not only blow the expansion of China’s traditional culture, but also hinder scientific and technological innovation of our country, suppress result of civil scientists. Therefore, Song Zhenghai, a researcher of Chinese Academy of Sciences, wrote letters by e-mail to hundreds of scholars, "don’t let the pseudo-science as an excuse to destroy traditional culture, urge the words of pseudo-science out of popular law of science", and he called on the scholars to sign together by repealing the parlance of "pseudo-science", and issued "assemble network signature of the abolition of the pseudo-science parlance and collected the support of signatures of 150 scholars. Then the debate of whether to oppose to pseudo-science or not have been further sharpened. Whether to object to pseudo-science, the two sides not only fiercely controverse but also one Tiger one seat Talk programme organized by Phoenix Satellite TV have performed play killer. But what is pseudo-science, how to define pseudo-science, what is its standards of definition, there is no unanimous answer. In order to make pseudo-science more clear and more objective understanding, the paper elaborates and compares the main viewpoints of two sides of opposing pseudo-science and opposing anti-pseudo-science and attempts to clarify the concept of pseudo-science and resolves this controversy, which provides reference for the struggle of opposing pseudo-science along the road of correct and healthy development. Firstly, this paper defines the concept of pseudo-science, distinguishes fallacies of pseudo-science and science, non-science and science, and summarizes the basic characteristics of pseudo-science: subjective fake of manufacturer, making a false and deceiving the community and public, which are the basic standards of judging pseudo-science. On the basis of analyzing four standards of pseudo-science: Logical Positivism standards, Popper’s falsification standards, liatos’ research agenda standards and Sagade and Bong’ standards of integrate definition, this paper sums up the main features and manifestations of pseudo-science, then makes a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth analysis of the formation of pseudo-science and the spread of political, economic and cultural foundation. On the basis above, it puts forward a set of scientific, rational, workable measures of treating and preventing pseudo-science.

【关键词】 伪科学反伪科学科学科学精神
【Key words】 pseudoscienceanti-pseudosciencesciencescientific spirit
  • 【分类号】G301
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1299

